Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Pakistani Actress Veena Malik Mops the Floor with Ranting Mullah

Pakistani actress Veena Malik appeared on an Indian reality TV program, and she's been condemned by Muslims ever since. Yet when she finally gets to confront one of her accusers, she utterly humiliates him.

This should be enough to make Muslims doubt Muhammad's claim that women are, by nature, stupid.

Sahih al-Bukhari 2658--The Prophet said: "Isn’t the witness of a woman equal to half of that of a man?" The women said: "Yes." He said: "This is because of the deficiency of her mind."


Damon Whitsell said...

Sounds to me like she should leave Pakistan quickly, before she becomes another honor killing in the name of Allah, Muhammad, Islam and Pakistan.

Fernando said...

Beautiful and intelligent... go liberated muslim women: show how denigrated is islam and leave itt behind...

Radical Moderate said...

David you need to get her on ABN :)

She asks the question "What did I do wrong?"

They she answers the question herself. "I showed everyone love?"

Radical Moderate said...

Ok she lost me at Pamella Anderson doing social work in Pakistan.

Radical Moderate said...

Damon I agree she needs to get out of Pakistan.

Anyone know what this chick did?

Negeen Mayel said...

That was amazing.

GreekAsianPanda said...


"What are the politicians doing? Bribery, robbery, theft, and killing in the name of Islam. There are many things to talk about. Why Veena Malik? Because Veena Malik is a woman? Because Veena Malik is a soft target for you? What has Veena Malik done? Did Veena Malik lip-lock? Did Veena Malik wear shorter clothes than what Pakistani actresses wore in India in the past? Why Veena Malik, Mufti Sahab? There are many other things for you to deal with. There are Islamic clerics who rape the children they teach in their mosques, and so much more. Pakistan is infamous for many reasons other than Veena Malik."

Man, she squashed him like a bug.

Theodoris said...

I'm not sure what to make of this video. I give her a lot of credit for standing up against this guy, but the fact remains that she is still a Muslim, and if she accepts Islam and it's teachings she should be accepting this type of criticism. After all, these are the types of things that Muhammad taught.

Traeh said...

Love had the enemy on the ropes.

santana_10877 said...

she was very frustrated. I pray she sees that the root of the problem is Islam.

Tizita said...

leave islam grl, leave! u better join the Christians of Pakistan. b/c ur a muslim the man was justified for the way he treated u....b/c in islam ur trash.

Islam doesnt deserve u. Come to Christ, cuz in Christ u r EVERYTHING!

Radical Moderate said...

I loved it when she called him to task on gossip. He didn't even see the show LOL.

Radical Moderate said...

The Shiek also said words to the effect that her son, father and brothers would be ashamed to look at her.

Why would they be ashamed to look at her. She is a very beautiful woman. OHHHH thats why, they would be ashamed of the thoughts they would be thinking of their own mother, brother, or daughter. DISGUSTING

cmclvr said...

She is honest and intelligent. But, her courage is bordering on foolishness as she appears to be banking on her knowledge and righteousness that has no place in cult Islam. The devout followers of Mohammeden Islam are brain dead morons and will never hesitate to murder a woman who is not boxed and shows courage to talk about her innocence. She will be construed as gone astray. According to Ayatolla Khomeini there is no fun or entertainment in Islam. Islam is a serious business of killing to enforce its purity or forcing unbelievers to convert. She will be killed soon if she continues to stay in Pakistan. Even India is not safe for her as it has many sleeper cells doing bidding for stealth Jihad. She should leave the country and seek asylum elsewhere.

donna60 said...

Veena is stunningly beautiful; and she certainly responded with emotions, but I an not sure emotions are going to help her cause. At least not in this case.

Didn't she ask for her day in court? That could get her in big, big trouble.

goethechosemercy said...

God bless this brave and beautiful woman!

Letitia (The Damsel) said...

WOW, she shot through that cleric like an arrow through a tub of lard! I pray for her safety from this moment on, as the followers of the religion of peace will surely want her head on a platter. I pray that God rescues her to life in Christ Jesus.

Jason said...

I thought that people got passionate about their views on shows like The O'Reilly Factor and Hannity&Colmes. They have nothing when it comes to these two squaring off!

I can tell toward the end that this affected her very much because of the tears that were dripping from her eyes.

Unknown said...

wow what a brave girl she is.

I found an official website of this actress Veena Malik

and here is her PR Team contact if you wish to write anything to them, it will be v much helpful