LOVE Hazakim. Lecrae, Tedashii, Trip Lee, Flame, Json...I could go on and on. I really think Christian hip hop is going to have a HUGE effect on the future of believers in the next 20-30 years. Praise God for these men who proclaim the truth with no shame.
The patriarchs and prophets and Anna of the NT were so sure when they'd been in the Presence or seen the divine, yet after Muhammad had been in the cave, he didn't know if he'd met with an angel or a devil.
Hmm, in what way should we compare the videos? Musically, obviously Hazakim has far more talent than the 'dirty kuffar' guy.
But what I mean is, all Christians agree with the truths illustrated in Hezakim's video, but how many Muslims would watch 'Dirty Kuffar' with approval? Isn't music wrong in mainstream Islam anyway?
Jons, Admit the truth you really did like the Hazakim video! It's A.O.K to admit it......cuz ur little insulting sarcasm won't work on u s buddy.
I used to hate rap but w/ more Christians rapping sound doctrine in their music i feel so good listening to them. Tnx David.....can't wait to see you on the Marathon (that is Jesus or mohammed).
In The Name of Allaah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful.
Peace be unto you.
In your last post, you asked:
"But what I mean is, all Christians agree with the truths illustrated in Hezakim's video, but how many Muslims would watch 'Dirty Kuffar' with approval? Isn't music wrong in mainstream Islam anyway?"
Astaghfir'Allaah, music is prohibited in Islaam.
Praise be to Allaah, vain or idle talk (like musical lyrics for instance) as well as string, bell, horn, and certain kinds of drum instruments are prohibited in Islaam.
Subhana'Allaah, I can understand why a non-muslim would get confused about this rule after watching a so-called 'muslim' rap video.
How did you like the first video about the Lord appearing to Abraham? Good stuff, wouldn't you say? It is amazing how the experiences of the patriarchs, such as Abraham, anticipate Christian beliefs, such as they do when they show that God can appear in time and space, even in the form of a man if He chooses, and that this is not contrary to either His power or greatness.
In The Name of Allaah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful.
Peace be upon you.
@Anthony Rogers:
Subhana'Allaah, I'm sorry. Praise be to Allaah, now I know to which video you are referring to. I didn't know that you were specifically referring to the rap video. Allaah willing, please excuse my confusion.
People must remember that at least 80% of the Muslim faith comes from old and new testament scripture. Muhammad wanted to make his "new faith" popular so he blended lots of pagan practices to make it "catch on".. Such as the ancient moon rock worship in Mecca. None of it was original or inspired, only copied.
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LOVE Hazakim. Lecrae, Tedashii, Trip Lee, Flame, Json...I could go on and on. I really think Christian hip hop is going to have a HUGE effect on the future of believers in the next 20-30 years. Praise God for these men who proclaim the truth with no shame.
Wow. That was amazing.
The patriarchs and prophets and Anna of the NT were so sure when they'd been in the Presence or seen the divine, yet after Muhammad had been in the cave, he didn't know if he'd met with an angel or a devil.
Man that is soooooo fake......did you collaborate with Nabeel to make that video? Pretty funny; wow what an imagination!
you definitely have a wild imagination
Hmm, in what way should we compare the videos? Musically, obviously Hazakim has far more talent than the 'dirty kuffar' guy.
But what I mean is, all Christians agree with the truths illustrated in Hezakim's video, but how many Muslims would watch 'Dirty Kuffar' with approval? Isn't music wrong in mainstream Islam anyway?
Jons, Admit the truth you really did like the Hazakim video! It's A.O.K to admit it......cuz ur little insulting sarcasm won't work on u s buddy.
I used to hate rap but w/ more Christians rapping sound doctrine in their music i feel so good listening to them. Tnx David.....can't wait to see you on the Marathon (that is Jesus or mohammed).
In The Name of Allaah,
The Most Gracious,
The Most Merciful.
Peace be unto you.
In your last post, you asked:
"But what I mean is, all Christians agree with the truths illustrated in Hezakim's video, but how many Muslims would watch 'Dirty Kuffar' with approval? Isn't music wrong in mainstream Islam anyway?"
Astaghfir'Allaah, music is prohibited in Islaam.
Praise be to Allaah, vain or idle talk (like musical lyrics for instance) as well as string, bell, horn, and certain kinds of drum instruments are prohibited in Islaam.
Subhana'Allaah, I can understand why a non-muslim would get confused about this rule after watching a so-called 'muslim' rap video.
May Allaah guide us to the right path. Ameen.
Hi Yusuf,
How did you like the first video about the Lord appearing to Abraham? Good stuff, wouldn't you say? It is amazing how the experiences of the patriarchs, such as Abraham, anticipate Christian beliefs, such as they do when they show that God can appear in time and space, even in the form of a man if He chooses, and that this is not contrary to either His power or greatness.
Thanks. I hadn't even heard of Hazakim before and I'm very glad I found out about them. :)
In The Name of Allaah,
The Most Gracious,
The Most Merciful.
Peace be unto you.
@Anthony Rogers:
Subhana'Allaah, no, I haven't seen the video to which you are referring to. Allaah willing, I will check it out. Thank you for the recommendation.
In The Name of Allaah,
The Most Gracious,
The Most Merciful.
Peace be upon you.
@Anthony Rogers:
Subhana'Allaah, I'm sorry. Praise be to Allaah, now I know to which video you are referring to. I didn't know that you were specifically referring to the rap video. Allaah willing, please excuse my confusion.
People must remember that at least 80% of the Muslim faith comes from old and new testament scripture. Muhammad wanted to make his "new faith" popular so he blended lots of pagan practices to make it "catch on".. Such as the ancient moon rock worship in Mecca. None of it was original or inspired, only copied.
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