Friday, November 12, 2010

First Lady Michelle Obama Dons Hijab

Since the First Lady of the free world is now wearing a hijab so as not to offend Muslims, I'm wondering if she's willing to go even further. Some Muslims will be offended unless Mrs. Obama wears a full burka, so she should probably order one if she doesn't already have one. She'd better make sure she lowers her gaze in the presence of men, and she'd better not object to sex with Barack, since he's now free to beat her if she gets out of line. Of course, she should now be fine with Barack marrying three other women (or three prepubescent girls), since Islam allows this. Someone should probably inform her that she is now officially half as intelligent as a man.


Anonymous said...


From the phote Michelle looks like she is one unhappy camper> An as far as the sex and the three other wives are not thinking about Bill Clinton.

Zack_Tiang said...

Not forgetting, due to her now halved intelligence, she will need a second lady to enforce what she has to say during her speeches, etc.

GreekAsianPanda said...

Is this a permanent change in her wardrobe or is it just for some trip to the Middle East?

Negeen Mayel said...

Looks like Mrs.Obama needs some help with her hijab skills.

Christie said...

For heavens sakes if she wanted to wear a scarf how about wearing one that less flamboyant than leopard print and put on neatly! Wear a scarf if you feel you must but a simple black silk scarf loosely wrapped would have attracted much less attention.

Jabari said...

Hey Negeen!!!!!! I'm glad you've posted a comment. When are you going to put your testimony back up on answeringmuslims??????? I haven't seen it in forever.

Tizita said...

OK, this picture cracks me UP!

This so doesn't look like Mrs. Obama thing. O, Boy! I wonder whats next.....And i agree w/ Negeen, she does need help w/ hijab skills....u can tell she's a new bee to this (or is she)?

AB said...

David wood , on a funnier note get ready for a new debate question from the Muslims.

Q) Jesus Christ Discriminated Women because he dint marry any woman. But Prophet Muhammad married Women and had Sex even with his slaves ... so tell me, inst Jesus being discriminate towards Women and Slave girls in general ?


minoria said...

I hope she says something about the rights of Muslims to leave Islam and not be persecuted,just like in the US anbody can become a Muslim and not be persecuted.But she won't.

On a different note a woman who reads,who calls herself Simplement-moi(simply me), wrote a Muslim had told her Jesus approved of POLYGAMY because of the Parable of the Bridegroom(Jesus) and the 10 virgins.They were all going to marry him.But it is not so because in MATT 19:9 Jesus says he who divorces his wife for no good reason and marries another COMMITS ADULTERY.

Do you see the point,he is still married in God's eyes(though not legally)and if he marries ANOTHER WOMAN he gets a SECOND WIFE(but if he does it he commits ADULTERY).If Jesus were for polygamy then a second wife would NOT be adultery.

Apollos26 said...

Please David, please tell me that this is just a bad photoshop joke. I CAN'T believe what I see right now:(

Hussein Hajji Wario said...

Interesting picture of Mrs. Obama. You are giving the impression she is the only First Lady to don a hijab. Both Hilary Clinton and Laura Bush wore it. You can find their pictures at the bottom of this webpage

Peter said...

@Hussein & Rita:

thats typical, always try to downplay everything.
One has to look at the entire picture, for example: Obama mocked the bible, Obama has muslim roots, Obama parises Islam all the time, while disrepecting christianity and NOW his wife wears the hijab!

On the other hand when the other 1st Ladies (ur recommanded pictures) did wear the hijab it was because they visiting islamic countries and did that to not cost any problems and to give respect, I wish muslim living in the west would the same consideration to the religious feeling of Christians and jews, but they dont and its never going to happen.

@Hussein & Rita:

I strongly reject ur attempt to trivialize the fact that Mrs. Obama wears the vail after we know what we know about Obama and his point of views as far as religion goes and let me say this; I consider you a deceiver who tries to blind ppl just so they would not see the obvious.

Thank you for once again showing were a muslims heart really lies, it is certainly NOT even near to the truth!

hugh watt said...

Yeah, but the difference between Clinton, Bush and Obama is Michelle makes it look good:>

David Wood said...

Hugh Watt said: "Yeah, but the difference between Clinton, Bush and Obama is Michelle makes it look good:>"

Are you serious? This is the worst picture I've ever seen of her. She looks like she's doing a Popeye impersonation.

hugh watt said...


I was trying to come up with something on that facial expression but I just couldn't find anything. But yeah, that Popeye thing...Yeah, that's it.

You have to think Men In Black #1, to get what I said:>

otto said...

Hussein and Rita said:

"You are giving the impression she is the only First Lady to don a hijab"

Where do you people get this stuff from? How is David "giving the IMPRESSION she is the ONLY First Lady" to wear a hijab? There is no such indication from his blog post, and he gives no such impression. Get off of cloud 9 and come back to earth please.

Peter said...


about what Hussein and Rita said,

... they simply claim that David makes a big deal out of Obamas wife wearing a head scarf in order to show us some pix where we can see other wifes of political leaders & VIP's to make it seam its nothing special, JUST to deceive us from seeing the obvious.

The obvious here is that Obama takes a clear PRO Islam stand, Obama is clearly against Christianity, He actually mocked the Bible several times and NOW we see his wife actually showing Obamas point of view out in the open by wearing a Hijab, at the same time Obama did not feel like doing the national prayer ...

The conclusion for me is, someone who mocks christianity & the bible, uplifts islam & muslims, even changes history in order to do so, has a wife which shows now up with a islamic type of vail, ERGO is also a muslim, you know, if it sounds like a duck, looks like a duck it usualy IS a duck and Hussein and Rita are trying to hide that fact by making it seam harmless, like "come on David it aint a bi deal" well to me it IS a big deal.

So, thank you David for being a "stickler" about it, we all should be at alert, especialy in light what else happened just recently, ppl got fired for speaking their mind, ppl got sued for searching for a christian roommate, christians get killed more and more, than the explosive from somalia etc ....

... and that all within a couple of weeks, BUT HEY thats nothing, thats just creating false panic, that reminds me of the chief of Atlantis from the Monthy Phython movie "Eric the Viking" when the chief is about to drown he still says "no need to panic" and a second later he is dead, maybe sombody remembers that scene too and maybe one can see that our situation is not too much different ...

God bless


sepuloh_satu said...

Hi BackinTime77,

Did you check the context where Michelle dons the Hijab? She was in Indonesia, a Muslim majority country. So, she was doing the right thing in respecting the country's culture.

Please do not let your prejudices cloud your mind and start your ramblings which are not related to the context of things.

protein sheikh said...

I second the comment from Nageen.
If you are going to wear the hijab keep it stylish.
On the other hand who can blame a person who wants to don a hijab?
You can save of hairdresser bills for a start which I guess is helpful in this economic climate. lol..

Anonymous said...

I think that Ms. Obama, as a representative of the United States, should visit these countries as who she is, not as someone she is not.
She is not a Muslim. It seems odd that high ranking or highly public US officials and dignitaries should don the garb of the dominant religion of a country, a country that likely has many citizens of other faiths. Ms. Obama should discard the hijab and make a statement in support of the American concepts of plurality and freedom of religion rather than give an official nod to that country's dominant religious group.

Yusuf Alamo said...

In The Name of Allaah,
The Most Gracious,
The Most Merciful.

Peace be unto you.

With respect, would these same comments be made about me donning a judo gi whenever I step into a dojo?

Or a cowhide jacket and eagle feathers if I stepped onto a reservation during a harvest festival?

What about President Obama?

Was there any of these same comments made about him when he wore a yarmulke (Insha'alaa, I hope that I spelled it right) at the wailing wall in Jerusalem?

otto said...


Thank you. But I still don’t understand how anyone can even begin to make the insinuation that David is, as H&R said, giving the “impression” that Michelle is the “only” First Lady to wear a hijab. How can anyone think that from this post? Why, because David didn’t include a disclaimer informing everyone that Laura and Hilary put on a hijab? Or because he didn’t include pictures of them? That would be crazy and completely off topic since none of those ladies are first lady at this time.

Just as you said, they are simply being deceitful and misleading by making these accusations since no such notion arises out of Davids post, one has to imagine it. And I don’t think David is being a stickler about nething, or I just don’t understand what you meant by that.

And yes THANK YOU Mr. David Wood for risking your life and everything always.

And to close with this from Peter:

Obama takes a clear PRO Islam stand, Obama is clearly against Christianity, He actually mocked the Bible several times and NOW we see his wife actually showing Obamas point of view out in the open by wearing a Hijab, at the same time Obama did not feel like doing the national prayer ...

And I completely agree with everything you said about Obama.

But not really the hijab thing. I think this post was intended more as an informative snippet on the treatment of wives in Islam, aimed towards Obama and his supporters.

If that was showing obamas point of view in the open then what do you make of Michelle making a Muslim man like Tifatul shake her hand?

I think the First Lady would have worn a hijab inthose oppressive lands whether Obama was president or not, regardless of who the first lady was, simply because of Americas politically correct appeasement. Shoot I think Obama would have worn a hijab if they asked him just to make people happy.

Peter said...


I agree with David a 100%, when said he is a stickler, I meant it in a positive way, somethimes it is good to be a stickler. We let too much slight for too long and I will always support anything which exposes Islam for what it is.

It s like a puzzle, one needs all the little bits and pieces to see the whole picture and michelle's hijab might be only a small thing to many, but putting it in context with all the other evidence, it shows the direction where the west is hitting at.

I have no idea about the hand shake thing, I dont know what that is all about ...

... however I do have a problem with ppl who bent down to pick up the soap for the muslims trusting them to do NOT the obvious, especially when those ppl are represent the west, because in a muslim mind that is a victory and victory makes muslim more violent, history has proofen that.

Peter said...

@ sepuloh_satu:

the context usually is important and the context in this case makes it even worse, here is the context:

Indonesia is suppose to be a moderate muslim country, usually no need to do all that, but that obviously changed and the fact that the 1st Lady who represents all women in the USA submitts to the islamic law is a sign to muslims that they won another victory and that makes them more brave and by now we know what muslim do when they feel brave ...

you say: "Please do not let your prejudices cloud your mind and start your ramblings which are not related to the context of things."

thats a big claim on your end! prejudice? really? I am not prejudice, I observe and come to conclusions, in fact you are prejudice by making such bold statements, shame on you.

BTW how are my posting is not related to the context? You gotta be kidding me, seriously? you think anyone would fall for that cheap tacktick, well good luck....

I reject your attempt to discredit me and my attempts, I have a right to express my points of views and you dont have to agree, but it takes a lot of nerve to question my moral values, how dare you, but on the other hand, what can i expect from you, you just toeing the party line and if it makes you happy, fine. The truth is, if I get heat because I speak the truth I am already blessed, so God bless you for attacking my persona.

Peter said...

@Yusuf Alamo:

you say:"With respect, would these same comments be made about me donning a judo gi whenever I step into a dojo?"

as long as judo fighters dont want to apply sharia law in the west while other more extreme judo fighters blow themselfs up and kill innocent ppl in the process, no, but as soo as that would happen, yes the same comments would be posted!!!

"Or a cowhide jacket and eagle feathers if I stepped onto a reservation during a harvest festival?"

same thing goes also for a native harvest festival, but for some reason those ppl dont blow nobody up, nor do they hide ppl who blow stuff up, nor do the persecute christians, not do they try to take over the entire world ... much more should I list?

"What about President Obama?

Was there any of these same comments made about him when he wore a yarmulke (Insha'alaa, I hope that I spelled it right) at the wailing wall in Jerusalem?"

Again, nothing wrong with the jews, they also dont blow ppl up, nor do they try to apply sharia law in the west, instead israel is part of the west, a becon of light in a dark place.

BTW. Obama is anti israel, he suggested to split jerusalem, which is, mind my word play, an obamanation 1st class.

Anonymous said...

so I have to say WOW...?, michelle obama wears a veil when she visites the biggest mosque in middle east asia mesjid istiqlal indonesia so she wants to appreciate muslim, as like muslims appreciate you in your country LOL :D

veera04 said...

very nice article.Thank you.

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