Thursday, August 19, 2010

An Outsider's Observation and Perspective

While I am not living in USA, I have to say that the anti-Christian, liberal, and extreme pro-Islamic movement astonishes me. I guess this is what we Christians refer to as the spirit of anti-Christ.

What do we mean by that! Well in what sense do liberalism, atheism (frequently) and Islam cohere together? Where is the logic? Personally as I see it: these, despite their diversity all originate from the same root!

Here is a comment I found on a forum related to the possibility that Obama is a Muslim in disguise. More and more Americans seem to take this view onboard.

What really concerns me when I read such information is not merely Obama religious view, but the collective force, the trend in USA of liberalists, atheists, media, the political system along with Islam that manages to suppress Christianity to such an extent that the next step practically speaking can only result in serious future injustice against the Christian community.

We can only imagine the effect when such individuals are placed in every significant post of the American society, whether religious affairs, foreign ministry and national security. Such individuals will simply sell or hand over your nation and rights to foreign forces and cultures, typically due to political correctness or due to decades of mind-twisting liberal and postmodernist philosophies.

Anyway here is the comment!

(I would like to know if all these points are based upon reality and whether the situation really is what the comment portrays.

PS: There are some offensive points in the comment, I have not removed these for the sake of not corrupting a text borrowed elsewhere.)

You decide for yourself America:

A Christian University is asked to
cover all Crosses in order to have the Pres to speak there, so that it wouldn't
offend "the muslims."

Christians are asked to pray in the street and not
on the lawn of the white house, just a couple of weeks ago;

White House
holds "ram-a-@#$% dinner", a muslim holiday, this last week at the white house;

NASA is asked to not explore space, but to "reach out to the muslim
nations, and let them know how much they've contributed to "space innovation";

Our pres has repeatedly said we are "not a Christian Nation."

he Christian or Muslim?


Silvy Mendonsa said...

The politicians of the western countries go over and beyond to please people from other faiths. I was in the United States for a year and it was shocking to see how they suppress Christian festivals like Christmas and Easter. The White House celebrates the Hindu festivals of Diwali and are hosting dinner events for Muslims for Ramadan.. this is clearly double standards.

Freedom of religion is allowing all religions to worship and practice their religious beliefs, NOT suppressing one religion to please the other.

matt said...

All this article did was convince me that one in five Americans -- the same amount that believe Obama is Muslim -- have no understanding of the concept of reason or logic.

Christie said...

The convergence of Islam, secular humanism, and socialism's attack on Christianity in America is alarming. It is to be expected because we are told to expect persecutions and difficulties. Our fathers and grandfathers were lucky to live in a land blessed by freedom, but now even that freedom is being twisted and turned against us. What is even more scary is that so many Christians themselves have been duped into believing silly things like saying Merry Christmas is impolite so that when they attack us in full force we are totally divided and defenseless. Many Christians do not even know there is a spiritual battle for the nation going on. Now is the time we must stand for our freedoms as Americans and not waver or our children and grandchildren will pay the price for our silence.

Anonymous said...

As a Canadian who loves the United States I am grieveed my the moral slide. It seems to have excellerated to super sonic speed with the election of Iman Hussien Obama.

But what America need more than a political turn to the right (and I for one want to see that happen) is a mighty revival sent by God.

Tizita said...

U guys should also check out the muslims woman who is sueing Disney for not letting her wear the hijab to work.

She decides to sue Disney after working there for two yrs with out wearing a head scarf! Here is the full story w/ the video....

GreekAsianPanda said...

I highly doubt Obama is a Muslim; I'm fairly certain he's a Christian.

Having the crucifix and the name of Jesus covered at the university was just because he wanted a religiously neutral backdrop. I don't really know about the second one, but he did have a Ramadan dinner at the White House. He also wants NASA to reach out to the Muslim world (I can't imagine why he would ask NASA to do this). I do think he has said that the United States is not a Christian nation, a statement I agree with.

I don't think these things make him a Muslim, it just makes him a president who wants to treat all faiths equally, and he probably thinks that Muslims have been treated unequally. That's just my opinion.

Christie said...

He says he is a I am not sure what he means by that-- perhaps it is just a title that he goes with. Plenty of people say they are Christians when they really mean "I am generally of a western humanistic worldview"--the light of the gospel really does not resonate with them. I have talked with people who would say they are Christians, but really do not have any faith in Jesus, nor any belief in their need of a savior. So what our president means when he says he is a Christian I don't know.

But I can understand the confusion some people have because we see him being over the top helpful to Islamic causes and unhelpful even antagonistic to Christian causes. We saw him nearly fall over to bow to a Saudi King. We saw him tour the Islamic world and apologize for our policies at every turn. We saw him be totally disrespectful to the Israeli president. What we have not seen is him go to church, or walk with a bible under his arm to go and read it. Now neither of those two things makes a person a Christian, but it does present an image of a person who is at least not warm to common Christian practices.

CJ Ferrara said...

I have a question... I've read two postings on this blog refering to the feeling that Christians are being persecuted. This feeling appeared to be based on two things: 1) Christians being asked not to protest, pass out periphinalia, etc, at public events; and 2) the INCLUSION of other religions such as Islam.

My question is this... Were you planning to preach the word of Jesus Christ to those who wished to learn at these events, or were you planning to use Christianity to oppose Islam?

Secondly, in response to your posted comment...
"A Christian University is asked to
cover all Crosses in order to have the Pres to speak there, so that it wouldn't offend "the muslims."
This event would have been all inclusive, to favor one religion over the others would have been offensive, and as president, Obama can not do that any more than he could have a moon and star present at an event attended by Christians.

"Christians are asked to pray in the street and not on the lawn of the white house, just a couple of weeks ago;" Um... yeah... you're not supposed to be on the White House lawn.

"White House holds "ram-a-@#$% dinner", a muslim holiday, this last week at the white house;" That's Ramadan, and he also hosted a Passover Seder and, oh yeah, celebrated Christmas with a gigantic White House Christmas Tree.

"NASA is asked to not explore space, but to "reach out to the muslim nations, and let them know how much they've contributed to "space innovation";" After Bush's alienation of the Middle East, and opposition to all things in their culture, Obama's first mission was to reconcile with the countries in the Middle East who are NOT our enemies, and have them join with us against our actual enemies, the terrorists.

"Our pres has repeatedly said we are "not a Christian Nation."" We're not. We have a separation of Church and state. The first amendment states that we will not establish a national religion. And Jews, Muslims, Hindi, and Buddhists live here, too, along with Athiests and Scientologists.

"Is he Christian or Muslim?" Christian. Thus all the hoopla over the preaching of his PASTOR during the Campaign. His Father is Muslim, because he lives in Kenya. But his father abandoned him and his mother when he was young, so I doubt he's leaning towards his father's way of life.

David Wood said...

CJ said: "I've read two postings on this blog refering to the feeling that Christians are being persecuted. This feeling appeared to be based on two things: 1) Christians being asked not to protest, pass out periphinalia, etc, at public events; and 2) the INCLUSION of other religions such as Islam. My question is this... Were you planning to preach the word of Jesus Christ to those who wished to learn at these events, or were you planning to use Christianity to oppose Islam?"

If you're referring to what happened in Dearborn, you've made the understatement of the year. We were physically assaulted last year for asking a question at a booth. This year we were thrown in jail while having a peaceful dialogue. The Mayor lied about us. Police lied about us. Muslims lied about us. Even Christians who were trying to please Muslims lied about us. Then the local media bends over backwards to make us look like the bad guys. Christians who attempt to hand something out are immediately surrounded by police officers. Muslims who attempt to hand something out get a free pass.

So how does this turn into a simple objection about "Christians being asked not to protest, pass out periphinalia." Suppose I were to throw you in jail for asking that question. Wouldn't you think there was something wrong with my response?

JesusTheOnlyWay said...

Case closed, the White House claims Obama is a Christian and he prays daily.(???)

minoria said...

Tizita sure is right,what a ridiculous employee,who is complaining against Disney.It should be made clear by law,a company has the right to establish a dress code and no religion can change it.Final decision.

In the meantime my experience with NON-MUSLIMS about Islam is...enlightening.


I was talking with a Jamaican lady who has a Muslim female friend.I told her ( and I tried to be as accurate as possible):"Most Muslim teachers,and maybe your friend knows about it,or maybe not,many ordinary Muslims don't know,believe that Mohammed married his last wife when she was 6.Her name was Aisha and he had sex with her when she was 9,in reality 8 years,10 months."
She was disgusted.She said she would ask her about it.Then I told her the Koran says men who go to paradise get women."
She said:"Yes,I know,70."I said,"No,it doesn't say 70,only women,so it is at least 2."
Then I told her about 9:111:"It says in the Koran that he who kills and is killed for Allah goes to heaven." The she mentioned the harem.I told her the Koran allows for slave women who are not wives,and to have sex with them,even if you are married.
I made it clear the women of the harem were NON-MUSLIM and SLAVES.

I made it clear that the harem existed based on the Koran,it was sanctioned by it.I also said many young men who explode themselves are virgin and they are TRUE MUSLIM believers,they really believe they will get women.They really believe the Koran is the word of God,for them the women are real.

Tizita said...

Let me brake the clay for all of u who are not sure if Obama is a Christian or not


Why? if one claims to love Christ and yet advocates the killing of millions of children is not a Christian! If one claims to be a Christians and advocates homosexuality isn't a follower of Christ!

If one claims to be a Christian and claims that Christians and Muslims worship one God isn't a Christian! If one claims to be a follower of Christ Jesus and insults the Bible and Jesus isn't a Christian!

Why is that so hard to understand? I don't get it! Jesus said u will know a tree by it's fruit.......and the fruit of Obama is islam, period.

Don't complicate the situation. He isn't a follower of Jesus AT ALL! back up everything you read, see, speak, touch, & hear with the Bible, if it doesn't match then throw it into the fire!

I can't wait till November so we can get him out of the office!!!!!

minoria said...

I know a woman who is from Venezuela,but her parents are Arab,and Catholic.Yet they taught her nothing,nothing about Islam.Very recently I talked to her about Islam.She has a Koran,but she never read it.I tsaid to her:
"The Koran says that a husband can beat his wife,it is in their book,for them it is the word of God."She was shocked,she had never heard of it,something we here in this blog learned a million years ago."The press does not say it,but it is known among Muslims,it is not new."
Then I told that the KORAN,what Muslims consider the word of God,says in 9:111 and about the houris.She was shocked again,it seems she didn't know.

Hogan Elijah Hagbard said...

It's a fact that a true Christian lives like a Christian, thinks like a Christian and behaves like a Christian, and a Christian follows Jesus Christ:

'This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not a child of God; nor is anyone who does not love his brother' (1 John 3: 10)

Hence a Christian is bound to follow the same standard.

Similarly, someone ashamed of Jesus whether in the White house or in university where he removes or covers all crosses is obviously not a Christian:

'Anyone who acknwoledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before men, I will also disown him before my Father in heaven' (Matthew 10: 32-33)

Seems to me that we need to get back to Christian. Based on what I have seen and heard, Obama may or may not be a Muslim (yet so far I have every reason to believe he is), but he is certainly not a Christian (a supporter of abortion...that says a lot).

Royal Son said...

Is Obama a Christian? This video settles the issue for me:

Christie said...

Hogan and Tizita it pains me, and makes me nervous, but I think you are likely correct. I stop short of saying 100% certain because I am not God and I cannot see into our president's heart. If we look at the fruit he bears it is not particularly hopeful.

Silvy Mendonsa said...

Okay I just opened and on the home page there are categories World, environment, Business, World Sport and MUSLIM in 2010. I mean where is the secular media now ?

Has the United states become an Islamic State now .. I keep saying this in my posts on the internet. The American flag has stars and it wont be long until we have to make room for a moon as well.