Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Newt Gingrich "Goes to Bat" for Acts 17

Somehow, we missed posting this:

DEARBORN, Mich., Aug. 4 (UPI) -- Former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich has accused police in Dearborn, Mich., of enforcing Islamic law when they arrested four Christian missionaries.

In a newsletter e-mailed July 28, Gingrich said the four, members of a small group called Acts 17 Apologetics, were acting in a legal manner on a public street outside a Muslim festival, The Detroit News reported Wednesday.

"This is a clear case of freedom of speech and the exercise of religious freedom being sacrificed in deference to Shariah's intolerance against the preaching of religions other than Islam," he said. Shariah is the legal code of Islam.

Whole article here.


JesusTheOnlyWay said...

This was good to hear but I was disappointed that like some other sources he was mistaken that the arrest's took place outside the festival (Sun) handing out copies of the gospel of John. Newt stated "Gingrich said the missionaries were handing copies of Christian literature, which is "of course, forbidden by sharia's rules on proselytizing." Had that have been true it would have been just as bad as what did occur in that they were arrested inside on the false charges that they were arrested for which the video evidence proves otherwise.

Rafik Responde ao Isla said...

"Newt Gingrich" Is the MAN....

Why cant we find men like him to our president?

Christie said...

At least he seems to understand the times in which we live! For heavens sakes we need a few more of him in this world!

Jabari said...

At least someone is on our side. :)

Anonymous said...

Newt for president

by the way guys the tony costa bassan zawadi debate is up

minoria said...

We are lucky we live in a NON-MUSLIM world where it is against the law to persecute/kill you if you speak negatively of Mohammed.The fact such a situation exists in Muslim contries shows a real inferiority and insecurity complex.In this case it is based on REALITY,the Koran can easily be disproved,SAM SHAMOUN,for example,showed in his debate that GALEN(Greek doctor who lived more than 300 years BEFORE Mohammed)had said the same thing regarding the EMBRYOLOGY of humans as the Koran says.Great point given.

No miracle there.But such is the insecurity of Muslims they would hurt those who point it out in Egypt,Algeria,Sudan,Somalia,Pakistan,Malaysia,Iran,Afghanistan,etc.

The Muslim leaders in the West do NOT do anything to change the evil situation in the Muslim countries,in their writings you hardly see condemnation.Instead they always complain of "Islamophobia".As though that could compare to the evil Muslims do to NON-MUSLIMS in Muslims countries.It does not,there is a great evil,sin of omission,commited by them.They live in the 21th century but their mentality is 7th century.It is the equivalent of RACISM,very obvious how evil their actions are.

Anonymous said...


terriergal said...

Newt has some good points, but some of his policies (I have been told) skew moderate. A tad too 'green' and such. I do think that it is good that he stepped in here and he definitely does not seem to be a leader who wants to apologize for Islam like most of them do.

terriergal said...

If you guys want to listen to a speech by Newt, go here

whole thing here (in pieces, but in order)

It is pretty refreshing and made me chuckle. I do hope he means it. The trouble will be getting everyone else to follow along with these ideas. I fear the country is too far gone down the liberal/moderate road.

Confident Christianity said...

Newt posted about you guys back on July 28th in a newsletter article entitled, "No Mosque at Ground Zero" on his website. Scroll down a ways to "Last month, police in Dearborn..."

Of course, the story is the messed up version; not the true version.