Regardless of what you think of her stripper photos, this young Muslimah gets major cool points for speaking her mind on such a sensitive issue (and for getting things right!). As far as the United States Constitution is concerned, Muslims have every right to build a mosque at Ground Zero. But when we consider that (1) the 9-11 attacks were carried out by Muslims fighting for Islamic supremacy, (2) many family members of 9-11 victims oppose a mosque at Ground Zero, and (3) most Americans oppose a mosque at Ground Zero, common sense should tell Muslims that this isn't a good idea.
Huffington Post--Rima Fakih, the first Muslim Miss USA, has come out against the location of the so-called "Ground Zero mosque."
Fakih, whose faith caused a bit of an uproar when she was first crowned, told Inside Edition on Monday that while she concurs with President Obama on the need for the protection of religious freedom, she also feels that the placement of the Park51 center is a little too close for comfort.
"I totally agree with President Obama with the statement on Constitutional rights of freedom of religion," Fakih tells the show. "I also agree that it shouldn't be so close to the World Trade Center. We should be more concerned with the tragedy than religion."
David, I'm saddened you didn't know this girl also calls herself a Christian. She celebrates Christian events. Doesn't really make her a Muslim.
WomanForTruth101: My Hindu neighbors have a Christmas tree and hand out gifts on Christmas, but they do not worship Jesus. It's natural for non-Christian religious groups to pick up on some of the holiday traditions that are prevalent in American culture. Rima is fasting for Ramadan so she seems to be on board with the Five Pillars. Are you adding more pillars: #6 No Miss USA pageants; #7 Must wear burka?
I think she's Shia also.
Charis, she said her family isn't very religious either. I know in Turkey they put up Christmas tress but they don't call them that. I think it's New Years Tree or something. Nonetheless, Muslims aren't suppose to pick up other traditions. Hindu's commonly celebrate other events, even Eid.
I don't wear burka by the way.
Muslims aren't supposed to pick up other traditions? How about fasting during Ramadan (practice of the pagans of Arabia prior to Islam), taking the pilgrimage to Mecca (practice of the pagans of Arabia prior to Islam), circling the Ka'aba (practice of the pagans of Arabia prior to Islam), kissing the black stone (practice of the pagans of Arabia prior to Islam)? It seems like Islam thrives on picking up other traditions.
David have you read "Muhammed, based on the earliest sources" from Martin Lings? He shows the history of pre-Islam and when Islam arose. Many of what you wrote is well talked about in his book.
I've read about half of Lings's book. He presents what the Islamic sources say on these issues. Tell me what that has to do with the following facts:
(1) The pagans of Arabia fasted during Ramadan, took the pilgrimage to Mecca, circled the Ka'aba, and kissed the black stone;
(2) All of these practices, which were part of paganism, are now part of Islam;
(3) We have no evidence whatsoever that these practices go back to Abraham or any other authentic prophet.
The Bible condemns showing reverence towards sacred stones. Please don't speak against Abraham by accusing him of such idolatry. Showing reverence towards stones was part of pagan culture, which is why the Bible condemns it. But Islam condones it. This is just another reason that Islam cannot be the true religion.
BTW, what did you mean when you said, "I think she's Shia also"? Do you believe that Shia Muslims aren't real Muslims, or that they're less moral than Sunni Muslims?
I am beginning to think that Mosques are not a guarenteed right under the consitution.
Read the following
"Islam cannot be defined as a religion in the western sense of the word, neither can it be as a faith only.
Islam is a whole encompassing system.
It is first and foremost a Social-political & social religious system,Social-economic,Social-education Legislative Judiciary
And military system,clothed and garbed in religious language, with regulations that govern every aspect of the lives of its’ adherents and their relationship among themselves and with those who are non Muslims."
[from The Mosque Exposed p21]
Now if this is the case the constitution guarentee the right to assemble together to overthrow the constitution of the United States and repalce it with Sharaih law? Only a thought
Hello WomanforTruth:
Welcome back,I am always surprised there are Muslims who read non-Muslim websites critical of Islam.But it is good for knwoing the other viewpoint.
Personally,I think the mosque will be built but with 66% of Americans against it,it has become a Public Relations setback for the Muslim community.
In AVRAIDIRE.EU on the comment section lately several Muslims have commented(in French).I do not know HOW they came across the blog,really it is smaller than this one.
I think they read it because if you don't know English and only French then it is well-nigh impossible to find in FRENCH the info you find in answering-islam,answeringmuslims.I have SEARCHED for it to link to in avraidire.eu....nothing.
It seems they want to hear the other viewpoint in spite of being critical.And to my surprise in the avraidire.eu section having to do with Facebook "X people like avraidire"(now 952)a certain number(to my surprise)have ARAB names.
WomanForTruth101 said:
"David, I'm saddened you didn't know this girl also calls herself a Christian. She celebrates Christian events. Doesn't really make her a Muslim."
Then said..
"We here at this blog give you news from all of the holy spirit guided christian activity from around the continent and the christian dominant places. As most know christian propoganda and symbolism is everywhere. We all have grown up around it, we all have been brainwashed with christian mythology in school, and many phrases, values that we know have roots entirley to christian scriptures. And do you know why? Because christians believe their faith is suprior to all (it's called christianofascism)."
Seems the one who's swallowed "propoganda" is you.
"These chirstians (mostly missionaries) have ZERO problems with hurting other faiths especially Islam. They really wont care about putting beliefs down because they are being holy spirit guided as the bible clearly says (and by holy spirit we mean the christian one, not the islamic one as muslims believe as the angel Gabriel). And its ironic how the Christian holy spirit is quite similar to what Satan desires."
Do you not find it ironic Muhammad had "revelations" that happened to give him just what he wanted? Do you not see something wrong with forcing people by the sword to accept "the true religion?"
"We are quite sad that a Spirit can cause so many psychological problems, that it causes christians to behave so strangley."
But you see nothing strange about Muhammad's psychotic behavior?
"Whether it be creeping christian laws moving back into our daily lives, or the hourly criminal/sexual acts, we'll do our best to report it."
We carry articles and responses to christian psychotic idiocy as well."
You mean Sharia? Go back 2 posts, read about the criminal/sexual acts by Muslims. Do you carry articles responding to Muslim psychotic idiocy as well?
"Our goal is to show christians how it feels to be stepped on, insulted and spat at."
We know how it feels, enough already!
"We dont hate christians, as that is unislamic. We'd NEVER sink to their level but we do have hatred for the work some christians do. All the insulting, hatred and bashing is what they call "love". And we know christians love all this. They really think they're making God proud and happy and use the bible to defend their sick minded actions."
S.98:6, feel the love. What's S.9 about? Does this really seem like the true faith to you?
"We believe ignorance is the world's biggest drug. And shamefully, christians take SEVERAL doses of them quite often."
We really need to talk.
"Today exits 2 types of Islam. The true one, based on islamic scriptures and the other being a Christian Islam (anything negative about Islam which is entirley based on their drunk ideology). They won't ever write anything pro-islam. They want people to not know the truth about our faith."
Ask a Q about Islam, let's see if that's so.
"Countless groups, video's, and account members on facebook, youtube, and other sites have "scholorly" info. Kinda wierd because a majority of the world's christians do not follow their faith but seem experts on islam? They'll call us liars and deniars when we refute their lies and myths (the bible allows them to "spread false motives for christ: philippians 1:18) by using the Quran and hadith, they'll call us liars and deniars even though we read the Quran everyday, we fast during Ramadan, we pray 5 times a day and visit mosques quite often, they STILL think they know more than us about islam, and what credibility do they have? They don't watch islamic shows, they dont listen to islamic lectures (just the ones by Bin Laden. They use it for their evangalist agenda), and they dont listen to MUSLIMS."
Pick a topic, let's discuss.
"False hadiths, twisted quran verses and translations, uneducated responses without knowing the history and places events took place, and a whole heart full of lies is what these christians revolve around (again it's christianofascism)."
Which are the true Hadiths?
"We've noticed christians THEMSELVES on their OWN scriptures screw around to suit their needs. Though this contradicts the bible's teachings."
I notice Muslims do this when I ask to show from the Quran where it says the Bible's been corrupted, can you?
"Christians CANNOT tell the difference between what is culture, what is religion, and basically people's actions."
A 51yr old man marries a 6yr old girl who was still playing with her dolls; cultural, religious or basically his actions?
"We Muslims, the true followers of a Godly faith should remember, christians CANNOT preach about islam (and thats preach with a "b"). Why should they? They weren't brought up muslims (dont start with us about those so called "former muslims"-just an unsuccessful tactic by christians). They rely on anti-islam sites to show they're "scholors" on Islam. And most importantly they'll try to prove their points by showing what the Taliban do, what some muslim countries do, or what one person in Pakistan did. All they do is pick and choose. You be the judge. Should they be worthy of following? This is how immature and irrational they are."
I'm not going to breach to you, but Islam is not from another world, it can be understood from its writings.
"These are tactics christians use, and thank God their highly unsuccessful."
"We Muslims, the true followers of a Godly faith should remember, christians CANNOT preach about islam (and thats preach with a "b"). Why should they? They weren't brought up muslims (dont start with us about those so called "former muslims"-just an unsuccessful tactic by christians). They rely on anti-islam sites to show they're "scholors" on Islam. And most importantly they'll try to prove their points by showing what the Taliban do, what some muslim countries do, or what one person in Pakistan did. All they do is pick and choose. You be the judge. Should they be worthy of following? This is how immature and irrational they are."
I'm not going to breach to you, but Islam is not from another world, it can be understood from its writings.
"These are tactics christians use, and thank God their highly unsuccessful."
"Do you really believe any God would allow its worhsippers to behave like this?"
I could go to town on this one.
"Despit the fact EVERY muslim scholor, male and female have condemned all extremist activities, because they contradict our faith, these christians will choose to ignore them (remember the drunk ideology). You know why? Because we KNOW christians love it when a bomb goes off, we KNOW christians love it when someone speaks against islam. This runs their evangalism and ministries. Any shortage, if not a complete end to extremist or bigot activity, will be a MAJOR blow to christians."
This is a main header in itself. What do you make of OBL?
"We know why christians do what they do. Their attacks on us is usually all the time for evangalist purposes. We all know Islam is the fastest growing faith (thanks to former priests, nuns and christian scholars). They want everyone to think islam from a christian perspective so they can win people to christianity. They want to decrease our dawah (islamic missionary) activity."
You have some stats' to prove Islam's growth?
"We thank God they aren't as successful as they think."
Oh really! ;}
David Wood,
Why are you bothered if Abraham is accused of Paganism? after all one part of your Bible is credited to Idol worshiper : Solomon. Others are accused of mass murder and incest... So you are not in a good position to speak about respect for Prophets.
" We have no evidence whatsoever that these practices go back to Abraham or any other authentic prophet."
The Quran is our evidence. If you dismiss revelation and rely solely on naturalistic history, then you have to be consistent and reject big part of the bible, since many events are considered myths by historians, such as the flood of Noah, and the risen saints in the NT.
Anyway, Miss USA seems not to oppose only the "Mosque", she is clearly opposing Muslim and Christian value by posing half naked. And since when Miss USA's opinion matters?
Dear David,
I find it interesting that on one hand your stance is freedom of speech but then on the other you oppose freedom of religion. You make these blanket accusations that the rights of Christians are being trampled and liberals are paving the way for Muslims to take over and be treated more softly by the law. But, then you appear to be guilty of the exact same thing. The issue you fail to rasie is, not about Muslims trumping the rights of Christians or Christianityvs. Islam but secularism vs. religion. We are losing our rights to be religious in this country. You may be a victim of having your rights trampled, but dont be naive and think your the only one. We are all struggling out here. There is a difference between apologetics and demagoguery. Honestly, I think you may be slipping hte line into demagoguery. I think your an intelligent man and I hope you continue to challenge Muslims and make them think and use their mind because you have actually strengthened many peoples faith that I know of personally. I applaud you for that and hope you continue to use respect when addressing people.
In regards to fasting:
2:183 O ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that ye may (learn) self-restraint.
It doesnt matter if you have records of previous faith based communities fasting or not. We believe that God has presecribed it upon previous peoples and we follow that. It is called faith. Just because yours is different does not give you the right to undermine ours. What about matthew 6:16 (NIV). We know that fasting was prescribed before us and God commanded us to pray during Ramadan. You can come up with your pagan roots thing, but dont think Christianity does not have any commonolaites with pagan cultures. Much love.. mike
Hello Womanfortruth and 1moreMuslim:
You 2 seem to be MODERATE like us,that is,a moderate is simply a "believer in human rights".One can be for capitalism or against it,for globalization or against it,for soldiers in Iraq or against it,etc.But I would not kill or punish the one who is of a different opinion.
Muslims often call Paul the real founder of Christianity and a "LIAR,DECEIVER,OPPORTUNIST".He KNEW PETER and JOHN and JAMES PERSONALLY.Muslims say he made it up...or he knew them and perverted their ideas.Because accepting him as honest means....the first disciples considered Jesus to be God and that Jesus himself said it,etc.
I really do NOT think you would be for legally punishing MUSLIMS who call PAUL a "liar,deceiver,opportunist".
Usually Muslims say it is OK to FINE,JAIL,even EXECUTE those who insult Mohammed(call him a liar,deceiver,opportunist for X reasons).Even in the WEST,they are for legal sanctions like a fine or jail(they say it is OK because it is a HATE CRIME,HATE SPEECH,Islamophobia)
My point is insulting Paul is not a crime,it does not fall under hate speech,so the same for Mohammed.Are you with me on this,do you agree that if Muslims can say those things about Paul then non-Muslims can do the same regarding Mohammed?There has to be RECIPROCITY.
Mike said: "I find it interesting that on one hand your stance is freedom of speech but then on the other you oppose freedom of religion."
I looked for some justification of this absurd statement in what followed, but I couldn't find any. Could you please explain how I am against "Freedom of Religion"?
Mike said: "It doesnt matter if you have records of previous faith based communities fasting or not. We believe that God has presecribed it upon previous peoples and we follow that. It is called faith."
Hmmm. Let me see if I've got this right. Suppose Christians want to make Christmas trees and Easter eggs a part of Christianity. (Right now, they're not; they're just part of various Western traditions.) If you're right, when I'm challenged all I'd have to do is say, "Well, I take it by faith that Abraham had a Christmas tree and that he celebrated Easter with Easter eggs."
Voila! Suddenly these traditions are authentic? Now let's be honest. Isn't that what Muhammad did? Didn't he just keep the pagan practices, and adopt them into Islam by saying, "Well, the prophets did this too"?
1MoreMuslim said: "Why are you bothered if Abraham is accused of Paganism? after all one part of your Bible is credited to Idol worshiper : Solomon."
You missed the point. According to the Bible, everyone but Jesus sinned. So it's no surprise to us when we learn that Solomon sinned. The Bible honestly reports the shortcomings of prophets.
But there's a massive difference between saying, (1) "Solomon committed idolatry, so we can speak truthfully and say he committed idolatry," and (2) "We don't have any evidence that Abraham kissed the Black Stone, or that he ever went near Mecca, but we're going to say he did, in order to justify Muhammad kissing the Black Stone."
Here you're not accurately reporting the facts about a prophet. You're attributing a sin to a prophet who didn't do what you're slanderously accusing him of doing.
Is there no shame in Islam?
1moremuslim wrote:
Why are you bothered if Abraham is accused of Paganism? after all one part of your Bible is credited to Idol worshiper : Solomon. Others are accused of mass murder and incest... So you are not in a good position to speak about respect for Prophets.
Hogan replies:
If Abraham ever engaged in paganism is not the issue here. You are way of the issue here! The matter is: did Abraham’s worship of the one true God include paganism? Was Abraham’s monotheistic practice pagan, because the point here is that Islamic practice is pagan!
1moremuslim wrote:
" We have no evidence whatsoever that these practices go back to Abraham or any other authentic prophet."
Hogan replies:
Then I assume, that you agree that kissing the black stone is a later pagan practice! Then why did Muhammad and Uthman kiss it? Why do present day Muslims venerate and kiss it?
1moremuslim wrote:
The Quran is our evidence.
Hogan replies:
The Qur’an is not an evidence! The Qur’an presents a collection of a number of sources, that were fabricated into a bulk of sayings by someone, of which the original was not even preserved, a document, which contradicts, history, science and logic. For example the Qur’an urges you to believe the Injeel of Muhammad’s time, are you gona be a good Muslim and obey this simply command? No, you will not, because then you will contradict the doctrine of your own book, which then confirms that the author of your book is either confused or knew nothing of the previous Revelations!
One thing is certain, the Qur’an states nowhere that the Injeel was corrupted!
1moremuslim wrote:
If you dismiss revelation and rely solely on naturalistic history, then you have to be consistent and reject big part of the bible, since many events are considered myths by historians, such as the flood of Noah, and the risen saints in the NT.
Hogan replies:
We do not dismiss the Qur’an because of the naturalistic history, in fact it’s the other way round: Muslims turn to these critical methods to dismiss the Bible.
We dismiss the Qur’an since it contradicts the previous revelation, the teachings of the Lord Jesus and because we realise the obvious corruption of the Qur’an.
Muslims in front off tons off evidence thate shows how was Arabia before to the advent of islam have two ways of acting: 1) ignoring those evidences and keep their heads in the sand off lies in which they live; 2) refuge their minds in the qur'an and deny those evidences... by the way: 1) and 2) are totally identical...
Rima Fakih is an extremely cute girl. I pray that Ground Zero mosque isn't built where the Twin Towers once stood and if it is built, that it'll be built somewhere else.
my absurd comment is based on this.
First Amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Your dilemma-
1. you are against a mosque at ground zero ( the establishment of a religious institution, when there are other religious institutions in the area as well)
2. you are crying about being arrested in Dearborn because of freedom of speech infringments.
You want the government to violate first ammendment rights of muslims but not the rights that the same amendment gives to people of other faiths.
You are either for civil liberties for all people, or your a hypocrite and only care about what benefits you.
I find it surpirsing that you are so full of yourself when you debate people. Your response being a case in point by calling my claim "absurd." god gave you reason and I pray that you use it. In Islam we know that arrogance is one of the worst diseases of he heart. I strongly suggest you reflect on eradicating that filthy attribute from your heart before trying to eradicate Islam off the face of the earth.
Here is an ayaah from your favortie surah..
9:32 They seek to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths; and Allah refuseth to do otherwise than perfect His light, although those who deny the truth may detest.
TRy all you might, no one believes your lies and self derived histroy except for the Christian Taliban members that praise every lie you spout.. You will never be victorious..
Wow. Just wow.
Mike said: "You want the government to violate first ammendment rights of muslims but not the rights that the same amendment gives to people of other faiths. You are either for civil liberties for all people, or your a hypocrite and only care about what benefits you."
So according to Mike, I'm calling for the government to violate the rights of Muslims.
But when did I say the government should do this? Haven't I rather said that Muslims in fact have a Constitutional right to build a mosque there?
Let's look at what I wrote (the article Mike is commenting on):
"As far as the United States Constitution is concerned, Muslims have every right to build a mosque at Ground Zero. But when we consider that (1) the 9-11 attacks were carried out by Muslims fighting for Islamic supremacy, (2) many family members of 9-11 victims oppose a mosque at Ground Zero, and (3) most Americans oppose a mosque at Ground Zero, common sense should tell Muslims that this isn't a good idea."
So how can Mike read "As far as the United States Constitution is concerned, Muslims have every right to build a mosque at Ground Zero," and somehow conclude I'm saying, "The U.S. government should violate the rights of Muslims!"
Haven't I simply said that Muslims should recognize that this is a bad idea? How is this a call for the suppression of rights???
And how can Mike compare me suggesting that Muslims should rethink their plan with police throwing us in jail on false charges in order to please Muslims???
And Mike complains that I called his comment "absurd"!!! He even calls me a hypocrite!
First of all, I am a "born-again" Bible-believing Christian. Secondly, a Muslim who strips is about as Muslim as a Christian who strips (unless they have repented of course). Aren't Muslim women who do that sort of thing a disgrace to Islam and therefore supposed to be stoned? But I am not here to argue Sharia law. I just want to point out 3 things that if true (which there is much evidence that they are TRUE) make all religions* false including Islam. 1)The Empty Tomb 2)The Prophecies Fullfilled and 3) The Apostles Martyrdom. ( For more elaboration check out: http://www.onewayofjesus.com/is-jesus-the-son-of-god.html )
I believe that after you investigate all the world's religions, you will find that Christianity is the most rational, logical, scientific, and historical. None of the other religions really offer a solution to man's problem of sin. Christianity is the only religion* with an all-sufficient savior. All the other religions have their prophets and gurus, but Christianity is the only one with a savior. While all the other religions' founders were mere men, Christianity is the only one whose founder was God Himself in human flesh. All the world's religions' founders were sinful men who died in their sins. You can still visit many of their graves today. But the only one who was perfect and without sin, Jesus Christ, His grave is empty! That's because after He bore the sins of all mankind past, present, and future on the cross; He died, was buried, and rose again on the third day (fullfilling prophecy) proving in fact that He was who He claimed to be: the Christ, the Messiah, the Son of God! He defeated death and is alive today! He is the only one has any authority to offer you forgiveness of sins and assurance of eternal life! Now I ask you, in whom will you place your trust? In mere mortal man? Some god carved out of wood, metal, or stone? Or in the God-man: the Lord Jesus Christ: Creator, Redeemer, and Savior of the world!? (*Christianity is not a religion, but rather a relationship with God. It has been said that religion is man's attempt to reach up to God, but relationship is God reaching down to man.)
Hello David:
We are with you.Really,it is terrible that there are people who don't see the distinctions,especially in the press.Personally I think some are being payed by the Muslims.Look at the case of KAREN ARMSTRONG,ex-nun and ex-Chrisitian,who always praises Mohammed and the Koran.Yet she refuses to debate serious scholars who oppose her views,it is obvious she doesn't believe what she says.When she dies(or sooner)the truth will come out about how much she was paid.
I am NOT a Buddhist but I have great admiration for Siddarta Gautama.If somebody were to have opposite views I would easily debate,since I really believe he was ok.
Someone might have a good idea here and there, but that does not change the fact that we are separated from God by our sin. And someone like Buddha (who was an agnostic and therefore at war with God) is just a man. I don't understand why people keep comparing these mere men (who were sinful) to Jesus (who was sinless) like they are even in the same boat. Jesus was God. He created Buddha, Gandi, Mohammed, me, you, and everyone and everything else. Don't confuse the creation with the Creator who is Christ the Lord. That said, the Bible says that man is not good, but that he is inherently wicked. There is no one good but God. There is nothing that we can do to please God, He says that all our good deeds are like filthy rags (basically used menstrual pads). One who would equate sinful men (who BTW are at enmity with God because they have rejected His one and only son) with the Lord Jesus Christ do not understand the gospel or good news.
What is the gospel or good News?
In a nutshell, JOHN 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." In four words - Jesus in my place or Jesus sacrificed for me ! Why is this good news? Well to be able to fully appreciate why the sacrifice of God's Son is such good news, first you need to know the bad news. The bad news is that we are all sinners (Romans 3:10 and 3:23) separated from God. The Bible says "The soul who sins is the one who will die" (Ezekiel 18:20) and that "the wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23). And because God is so pure and holy and just, not one sin can enter into the realm of heaven and defile it. Most of us sin several times a day. Ever told a lie? Ever used God's name as cussword? Ever had lustful thoughts? That's just 3 of the 10 Commandments and that makes you guilty before God. The Bible says in Revelation 21:8 that all murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice witchcraft, idolaters, and all liars will live their part in the lake of fire that burns forever! But if you will repent (turn from your sins) and trust in Jesus, God will forgive you and grant you everlasting life and you will spend eternity with Him in heaven. You see Jesus took the punishment for your sins upon himself, so that you could be reconciled to God. That is why the Gospel is such good news! (check out http://www.onewayofjesus.com/a-summary-of-the-bible.html ) God Bless!
OK, Mike........
Now i know that u r a muslim, i hadn't known that before i started to read some of ur posts.
But i seem to recognize something in every person who choses islam. And that is: The person becomes filled with hate, anger, frustration, antagonizing, hopeless, evil, ignorant, sad, etc.
And im starting to see some of those things in you. Like: Ignorance, hate, frustration, hopelessness. If u go back and read the comment u wrote to David Wood u will see exactly what im talking abt.
Only Jesus can take care of all that.....If u would only give it to Him.
Check this article by a muslim.
He at least claim to be a believing muslim.
Hello Lowell:
Yes,you are absolutely right that no one can compare with Jesus,that is to say God.All have sinned or are capable of it.That is a point that intrigued me for a long time regarding the FALLEN ANGELS.
They KNEW FIRST-HAND all the advantages of heaven yet chose to go against God?Who in their right mind would do that?
I think it is due to FREE WILL.We all know LIQUOR and SMOKING and TOO MUCH MEAT is BAD for our health,it can ultimately destroy us.Yet some drink or smoke or eat bad and KNOW BETTER but will not change.So the case of the fallen angels,they knew better but they rebelled anyway.
By the way there is a GREAT 3-PART VIDEO on youtube(with commentaries on the ideas expressed in a British program).It is about takiya and it shows how lacking in knowldege Western journalists are regarding many things in the Koran:
"TAKIYA WATCH:Do we misunderstand Islam?"(The ROTTEN thing about Western shows is they do not give both sides ENOUGH TIME to talk and the (in general)clueless journalist does not know what the KORAN SAYS.For example,if the KORAN says a man can "BEAT/STRIKE"his wife what is there to INTERPRET?It is CLEAR,there is no need to say it means he will PAT HER ON THE HEAD or KISS HER,etc.It is silly to say:"There are DIFFERENT interpretations",what there are are different EXCUSES by Muslims to CHANGE the CLEAR MEANING of the ARABIC).
In the show they also have a BLACK POP STAR and CHRISTIAN MINISTER who by their comments do NOT know much about the Koran,to us here they look very,very SAD,because if YOU are going to talk about a theme,you have to REALLY have STUDIED it,and that takes WORK,which many,many do not have:
Hello Paul:
Interesting article by the Muslim against the mosque.I don't know if he is a REAL MODERATE,I would have to ask him the same question I asked womanfortruth and 1moremuslim.If he answers YES then he is a moderate,a true believer in freedom of speech.
Hello Tizita:
It could very well be Mike is a Muslim,some of his ideas are very strange for a NON-MUSLIM.You all should try this,it never ceases to amaze me:
You should start telling you NON-MUSLIM friends about the er...controversial parts in the Koran.You will be shocked by how little they know(the media is so useless in informing the public).For us all the following are OLD FACTS,we assume others know,but no.
I was talking today with a Jewish lady who is a friend.I greeted her for the upcoming JEWISH NEW YEAR(Rosh Hashanah,on Sep 8).Then I began a bit about Israel(she knows I support it).
To make it short I told her(I assumed SHE already knew it all)that the KORAN says:
1.He who gets killed for Allah goes to heaven.
2.In sura 5:64 it says Allah has put iniquity and hatred in the Jews till the DAY of RESURRECTION.
3.That the men who go to heaven get beautiful women for sex.
I also told her that that is why the Muslims are not afraid to die,they are true believers,who will go to heaven and get women.To my utter surprise,she knew nothing of it,she was shocked.
I also told her that it seems very probable that Mohammed had sex with a 9 year old girl,his last wife Aisha.
And that he said that he who leaves Islam must be killed.She did NOT know that either.Tizita,try it on your non-Muslim friends to see if they know or not,they probably don't,since the MEDIA is very useless then others have to do it.
I just wanted to invite everyone to check out my page: "Is Islam a Religion of Peace?" http://www.onewayofjesus.com/is-islam-a-religion-of-peace.html
I would love to get your thoughts! Also, should I delete Ergun Caner's testimony from my webpage seeing as how he has not been totally honest? I know that he has apologized, but I think that it has diminished his credibility somewhat. I would appreciate your opinion. You can leave your comments on the website: http://www.onewayofjesus.com/
To: WomanForTruth, So what if she is Shia? I am not Shia but if you want no fights in Islam then I think we should all call ourselves Muslim, wow, your a nice Muslim.
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