Acts17 obviously was arrested illegally however it's scary to think how with all the evidence against the city of Dearborn (video evidence at least)that the city still feels they have a case. My guess is that the judges are not going to support the U.S. Constitution no matter what so we need to continue to lift up in prayer our brothers and sister in Christ that are fighting this terrible injustice.
Even when they tell the truth they lie, even when they do the right thing they do it so wrong.
Yahya snow published a video not so long ago in which he stole my video taken of David and Sam at ISNA. He used it to accuse Nabeel of lying in his brillant "O Really Mayor O Reily" video.
As you all know in Nabeels video he says that Acts 17 appologetics went to ISNA without any problems.
Yahys Snow then takes the video I shot of US being escorted out of ISNA by security guards to accuse Nabeel of lying.
He has snice taken that video down and replaced it with a new one. In this new video he seems to appologies for his false accusations. Faining ignorance as to the context of the video, implying that he was un aware that we were invited in by someone who was not authorised to invite us in.
Only one small problem. Yahya Snow subscribed to my youtube page. In a second video that appears right under the play list of the video he stole. I state in the Introduction section the following.
"From: MartyrMaker07 | July 04, 2010 | 128 views
Loading... This is a brief video of us inside the ISNA conference. The Burka Babe in the white hijab invited Sam and David inside to debate a "SHEIK". Since nobody had a bible, I downloaded a bible app to my phone, and was setting that up when it got crazy. The "Shiek" said that Paul was a liar, the Disciples where liars and Al Qauterbee was a LIAR. Thats when I started recording. We were surronded Sam was pushed up against the wall. The Sheik even grabbed Sam and said "Your not leaving.... I got this... I got him" Fun times"
Also in the video itself which only lasts 41 seconds, I clearly identified the the woman who invited us in with a "Buble Tag" as "Burka Babe who invited us in"
I have more to say on this but you can watch Yahya Snows attempt to do the right thing here.
I am struck by the delay between arresting Negeen and arresting the other three. Why the delay? Moreover, why the deception from the police? I remember that when the policeman arrested Negeen, he said, "I'm also going to speak with this gentleman over here"--presumably, Nabeel or David. So why didn't he do it immediately?
I can't help wondering: Did they know that there would be more of a crowd gathered around David and Nabeel shortly thereafter, asking somewhat aggressive questions, and that this would be the excuse for their arrest? I realize that this would mean that the whole thing was choreographed, but again, I can't get over these two facts:
1) The delay between the arrests, with the police reassuring David and Nabeel that all was well when they must have known that Negeen had already been arrested,
2) The request from one of the young men, "Preach to me."
I'm afraid that this does rather have the look of a deliberate set-up of some sort.
By the way, is the officer who arrested Negeen visible in the later footage of the other arrests? Is he the one telling the guys that they're "fine"? I catch only a glimpse and am not sure.
Firstly, I love the work you, David and your team does and that you guys stand up for the truth. My wife and me also have a heart for Muslims and share the gospel with them. We now live in Germany and there are many Muslims (mainly from Turkey) here. I have been following your case closely since I first saw it few weeks ago. I am a bit ashamed that some of the fellow Christians and Christian churches and organizations at Dearborn have not supported you guys but rather released statement against your "tactics" - how quick they were to judge you without knowing the facts! I hope at least now some of them will apologize to you.
In light of such irrefutable evidence you got, I got a couple of questions that are not answered:
1. Have you sued the police department and the chief of police in Dearborn of illegal arresting you, providing false statements, harassing you, denying your constitutional rights? Also the city mayor with defamation and libel? If not, why not?
2. Have you asked the city mayor (and the police chief) to publicly apologize and retract their statement against you? You got such a bad press both in Dearborn and elsewhere. It is not about getting back at anyone but people should know the truth and the people responsible for it should face the consequences (otherwise it would only embolden them to continue to do the same). Furthermore, you deserve to be vindicated in the media.
3. Have you reached out to the fellow Christians (churches and organizations) with the new evidence? Have you also asked them to retract their statement and perhaps apologize? Has anyone does that so far?
I just watched your link, and at first it appears as though Yahya did the honorouble thing by removing the footage from his site and apologizing.
But then he spends the second half of the video bragging about how honorouble he is for doing it and claiming that David/Nabeel would never have done the same.
He lost all of his credibility with me right there...if you do something honorable you don't need to brag about it and show how much better you are than others for doing simply do it.
Nabeel, you and your master Wood claim that christianity is more peaceful than islam. Isn't it a matter of how you interpret scripture? If you perceive the old testament as christ's words then as a christian you can surely make use of the old testament (as has been done countless of times through history) for legitimizing violence without as you would claim not be a true christian. Indeed, Origen writes from the 3rd century: "[Christ's words] are not only those which he spoke when he became a man and tabernacled in the flesh; for before that time, Christ, the Word of God, was in Moses and the prophets. ...[their words] were filled with the Spirit of Christ."
Do you agree with Origen?
Are these the words of your peaceful Christ?: Exo. 15: The Lord is a man of war. Exo. 17: "I will utterly put out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven." Deu. 3:6: And we utterly destroyed them, as we did unto Sihon king of Heshbon, utterly destroying the men, women, and children, of every city.
Lydia - I think the police officer that tells David that "you're fine" is the one that arrested Negeen earlier. And the timing is really does seem like some kind of setup.
John 8:24, In an earlier video, I believe when David Wood and his lawyer were interviewed on Fox News, the lawyer said that he would not only be defending Acts 17 against the charges, but would also be bringing a civil action against Dearborn for violation of the rights of Acts 17.
" first it appears as though Yahya did the honorouble thing by removing the footage from his site and apologizing."
Theodoris, you caught the "Even when they do the right thing they do it so wrong" part.
I will comment further on this to demonstrate the "Even when they tell the truth they Lie" actually I should change it to "Even when he tells the truth he lies. Even when he does the right thing he does it so wrong."
Thumbs up for your rewording of your statement :). While there are, perhaps, symptomatic commonalities in many Muslim's approach to dawa and approach to logic, not every Muslim is Yahya Snow.
How much do you know about Origen's actual exegesis of the Old Testament? Are you aware that he often understood the text as having a non-historical, allegorical and spiritual meaning? I'm not saying that I look at Origen as some kind of great authority on OT interpretation (and I doubt that David and Nabeel do) but asking whether they agree with Origen may not lead quite where you think it does.
"If you perceive the old testament as christ's words then as a christian you can surely make use of the old testament (as has been done countless of times through history) for legitimizing violence without as you would claim not be a true christian."
No. The texts that you referred to are very much unlike the Quran in that they have a particular historical context that is evident in the book itself and one can't legitimately appeal to them in a totally different historical context as legitimizing some contemporary acts of violence, especially when this would go against the directions given by Jesus and the apostles.
Thanks, Representative McMillin, I'm glad I'm not just turning into a conspiracy theorist. :-)
Does anyone have any response from MI Attorney General Cox on whether he is going to investigate this? Violations of MI constitutional rights, possible corruption in the Dearborn department, and false arrest.
Yes, Lydia - I talked with Cox's office friday. The situation is definately on their radar and they'll be watching how the current litigation unfolds. I'm pretty confident that whether its via the Thomas More Law Center (defendants' attorneys) and/or A/G Cox's office, the city of Dearborn and the officers making false arrests will be held accountable. It'll help if we all try making more and more people aware of this, including the media.
Even when he tells the truth he lies, even when he does the right thing he does it so wrong Part 2.
In Yahya Snow's video he paraphrases my comment on his previous smear video and says "This is sam and david being thrown out of ISNA after we were invited in.... This is all he says"
Well unfortunitly for him that was not all I said. I sent both a youtube email as well as coppied the 7 points in the email into the comment section. Here is what I wrote.
First thanks for ripping off my video, That's real integrity. Second thanks for being deceptive like all Muslims are.
Sorry to confuse you with the FACTS. But here they are.
1. ISNA is a expensive event. Ticket prices over $100 dollars. We did not purchase tickets.
2. We were happy to be outside of the Rosemont Theater on Saturday and Sunday. This video was shot on Sunday night.
3. We were INVITED, yes INVITED into ISNA by a BURKA BABE (you can see her in the first video) to speak to a sheik, on Sunday night.
4. The Sheik started screaming "Paul is a liar, Al Quartab is a Liar, the DISCIPLES were liars" It was after this point that we decided to leave, the Shiek actually grabbed Sam and said "Your not going anywhere... I got you I got you" He also started telling that to others that had gathered around. "I got him I got this..." etc... It was after this point that I started filming with my phone.
6. Security came up and asked to see our passes. We didnt have any as I stated above and we explained that we were invited in by the Burka Babe.
7. We were informed by security that since we didn't have any passes we had to leave, and that the Burka Babe did not have the authority to invite anyone into the conference with out a pass. So that was it, no arrest, no trouble we were invited in by someone who did not have the authority to invite us in.
Those are the facts, So sorry to disappoint you. But hey your a Muslim so i'm sure you wont let facts get in the way of your agenda.
One more thing I was given a Quran, I did not want to set it down on the ground as this would offend Muslims so I asked one of the Muslims to hold it for me. After we were leaving I went up to the Muslim who was holding the Quran I was given and asked for it back. He said "No This is My Quran"
So he stole my Quran. So much for Muslims being honest.
I am not related to ACts 17 Apologetics in anyway shape or form.
So you can see that Yahya Snow is CLEARLY LYING when he says "This is all he said"
Lupus el Lobo saide: «If you perceive the old testament as christ's words then as a christian you can surely make use of the old testament (as has been done countless of times through history) for legitimizing violence without as you would claim not be a true christian»...
I say: no we cannot: its not the prvious thate is used to interpret the latter; rather the latter that must be used to interpret the previous; this is simple biblical undertanding... so: its not us thate are hypocrites; its you thate is simply ignorante and offensive... simply as thate...
We all agree withe Origins, butt we do not have the same undertanding off ispiration as you muslims habe...
for you inspiration is like someone dictating words after words withe the one recieving those words behaving like an automate; a marionette or puppet controled by a manipulative manipulator;
for the Bible God inspires the authors using their own human capacities to communicate His words butt without imposing them in a mechanical way: only in Jesus there was, after a pedagogical aprouch off God withe progressive transparence thrue the OT hagiographers, a total transparency between God's words and the words of God presented to humananity and being so its Jesus' life thate must be used as the key to understant all the Biblical texts...
you have to take a deap breath and realize thate everything you muslims are taught aboute Christianity is shear lies since from its start islam had to fabricate psychological defenses in order to subsiste due to the fact muhammad's claims could not face the most simple profe off truth...
islam cannot subsist without lying: about itself, and about the others... as muhammad was, muslims are pathological lyiers eben when they do not realize that since whate they beliebe is a castle build withe lyies...
I recieved a youtube email from Yahya Snow. The contents are below.
I noted you were accusing me of lying on the AM blog.
This is unjust. The only material I saw was the out of the door video and your description of the said video. After I made my video accusing Nabeel of lying I was sent a PM by kufrtokufr in which he told me of what you said...thus I acted accordingly amd took down my video
So I ask you to rectify the situation as I did.
Yahya Snow God bless
Here is my response
First I don't believe you. Second you have been accusing David Wood and Nabeel of lying this whole time about Dearborn. Now that the video of what really happened has been released and you can clearly see that David, Nabeel, Paul and Nageen were arrested with out cause. They were deliberately targeted. Now all of a sudden you are silent on the subject.
Sir you subscribed to my Youtube page. I only have 9 videos none of them over a minute most some under 30 seconds. I find it hard to believe that you did not see the second 41 second video were I clearly stated what happened.
So you didn't see this video and read the Description below?
"MartyrMaker07 | July 04, 2010 This is a brief video of us inside the ISNA conference. The Burka Babe in the white hijab invited Sam and David inside to debate a "SHEIK". Since nobody had a bible, I downloaded a bible app to my phone, and was setting that up when it got crazy. The "Shiek" said that Paul was a liar, the Disciples where liars and Al Qauterbee was a LIAR. Thats when I started recording. We were surronded Sam was pushed up against the wall. The Sheik even grabbed Sam and said "Your not leaving.... I got this... I got him" Fun times"
I tell you what I will ignore the fact that you used my video with out my permission. I will ignore all the unbelievable garbage you have put out. And I will leave it up to those on teh AM blog to decide if I have misrepresented you in any way.
So I leave it up to you guys, should I change my statement that Yahya Snow is clearly lying or am I mistaken?
It surely looks like you were set up. The police wanted you to stay there a little longer so the "crowd" had a chance to show up and be "hostile" to you. Perhaps security is less visible because they were busy rounding the "mob" up. They had no trouble getting some young men to "help" out last year.
It does appear to be the same cop at Negeen's arrest and in the "You're fine." video. I'm sure some stills would prove one way or the other. So he says. "You're fine", all the while knowing that he has already arrested Negeen and is about to arrest you---just as soon as that angry crowd shows up! I am so glad you are doing this! You are suffering for the Gospel (and for our Constitutional rights.) Thank you. Thank you.
If you were dealing with someone else, I'd say give him the benefit of the doubt. But Yahya Snow has shown such a consistent display of deception that I don't see how we can trust anything he says.
Yahya Snow has a history of engaging in taqiyya. In fact, this can be seen in another recent episode.
Plagiarizing from Bassam Zawadi in an effort to refute Jochen Katz and appear scholarly in the process, Yahya argued that the word "may" that appears in Surah 48:2 comes from the Arabic word 'assa and can actually mean probability or even certainty.
Having already read Jochen's article, and having talked to Jochen as well, I pointed out to Yahya that he made a huge mistake (and not just on the following issue). As Jochen pointed out to Bassam in the article that Yahya was supposed to be responding to, the word 'assa does not even appear in the Arabic text of Surah 48:2. This shows that Yahya: 1) didn't know what he was talking about when making his confident pronouncements about the underlying Arabic of S. 48:2; 2) was blindly following Bassam (although he didn't acknowledge Bassam as the source of this argument); and 3) didn't even bother to read the whole article by Jochen that he was pretending to be responding to.
After pointing this out to Yahya, he promptly changed his article and continues to play dumb about it when people ask him. The problem is many people saw his article before he changed it, and, moreover, because I am aware of Yahya's penchant for deception, lying and fact-twisting, which is also seen in his posts about the Deerborn debacle, I saved his original article to my hard drive.
I thought of putting up a blog post on this, but I finally realized that I have wasted far to much time entertaining the idea that Yahya is even worth responding to. With that said, if anyone has any interest in the original article written by Yahya in order to see the evidence with their own eyes, e-mail me and I will send it to you.
Strange that the mayor says things that can be so easily refuted by your videos. How right you have been about the need to bring along video cameras to prevent others through either incompetence, lying or a combination of the two, from injuring, imprisoning, and slandering Acts 17.
I find the mayor's lies interesting because they are obviously being "fed" to him by someone who was present--I assume, one of the policemen. You can tell that from the way that they are related to the truth. For example: The police did mention the weather to the Acts 17 guys. That is true. But then the mayor goes off into never-never land with the claim that the police asked them to _break up the conversation_ after telling them about the storm, which is completely false. It looks like they may have been standing near a tent entrance; that appears to be true. But then the mayor says something totally false, which is that they were deliberately blocking the entrance, when in fact David asked the policeman if they should move and was told that they were fine.
You see? Someone who was there must be giving the mayor his lines.
It's also possible that the mayor is inventing things himself. He said in an interview that he watched the video footage. He could have seen police walk up to us outside a tent, and hatched a plan.
BTW, I looked closely, and it doesn't look like the officer that said "you're fine" to David is the same officer that arrested Negeen and later Nabeel.
Yes Lydia - I think it wouldn't hurt for MI A/G Cox's office to get thoughtful letters indicating concern/outrage over what happened in Dearborn and ask that justice be brought upon the Dearborn authorities for their abuse and attack on 1st Amendment.
The whole incident at the Festival reminds me of the portion of Pilgrim's Progress, when Christian and Faithful were arrested for "creating a hubbub" at Vanity Fair...they weren't even preaching...just not acting "worldly". John Bunyan was in jail when he wrote Pilgrim's Progress - jailed, because he refused to obey the law at the time against preaching without a license - he could have left jail at anytime, but is quoted as saying, "If you release me today, I will preach tomorrow" in jail he remained - where he wrote Pilgrim's Progress - a most incredible gift to Christians for centuries.
David, I would be most honored if anything posted at my blog were reposted here. Please do note that I didn't write it. It can be the "anonymous satire published at..." etc. :-)
Thanks, Representative McMillin, then I think I'll do that!
Lydia said: "By the way, is the officer who arrested Negeen visible in the later footage of the other arrests? Is he the one telling the guys that they're "fine"? I catch only a glimpse and am not sure."
Both of the officers who are present in the video saying they are "fine" have watches on their left wrists. If you pause the video of Negeen's arrest exactly at the 4:36 mark, you can see that that officer does not have a watch on his left arm.
Okay, I can safely conclude that the judge did deny your request for a bill of particulars. Otherwise, you would have mentioned the charges online by now. Am I right?????
Acts17 obviously was arrested illegally however it's scary to think how with all the evidence against the city of Dearborn (video evidence at least)that the city still feels they have a case. My guess is that the judges are not going to support the U.S. Constitution no matter what so we need to continue to lift up in prayer our brothers and sister in Christ that are fighting this terrible injustice.
Even when they tell the truth they lie, even when they do the right thing they do it so wrong.
Yahya snow published a video not so long ago in which he stole my video taken of David and Sam at ISNA. He used it to accuse Nabeel of lying in his brillant "O Really Mayor O Reily" video.
As you all know in Nabeels video he says that Acts 17 appologetics went to ISNA without any problems.
Yahys Snow then takes the video I shot of US being escorted out of ISNA by security guards to accuse Nabeel of lying.
He has snice taken that video down and replaced it with a new one. In this new video he seems to appologies for his false accusations. Faining ignorance as to the context of the video, implying that he was un aware that we were invited in by someone who was not authorised to invite us in.
Only one small problem. Yahya Snow subscribed to my youtube page. In a second video that appears right under the play list of the video he stole. I state in the Introduction section the following.
"From: MartyrMaker07 | July 04, 2010 | 128 views
This is a brief video of us inside the ISNA conference. The Burka Babe in the white hijab invited Sam and David inside to debate a "SHEIK". Since nobody had a bible, I downloaded a bible app to my phone, and was setting that up when it got crazy. The "Shiek" said that Paul was a liar, the Disciples where liars and Al Qauterbee was a LIAR. Thats when I started recording. We were surronded Sam was pushed up against the wall. The Sheik even grabbed Sam and said "Your not leaving.... I got this... I got him" Fun times"
Also in the video itself which only lasts 41 seconds, I clearly identified the the woman who invited us in with a "Buble Tag" as "Burka Babe who invited us in"
I have more to say on this but you can watch Yahya Snows attempt to do the right thing here.
I am struck by the delay between arresting Negeen and arresting the other three. Why the delay? Moreover, why the deception from the police? I remember that when the policeman arrested Negeen, he said, "I'm also going to speak with this gentleman over here"--presumably, Nabeel or David. So why didn't he do it immediately?
I can't help wondering: Did they know that there would be more of a crowd gathered around David and Nabeel shortly thereafter, asking somewhat aggressive questions, and that this would be the excuse for their arrest? I realize that this would mean that the whole thing was choreographed, but again, I can't get over these two facts:
1) The delay between the arrests, with the police reassuring David and Nabeel that all was well when they must have known that Negeen had already been arrested,
2) The request from one of the young men, "Preach to me."
I'm afraid that this does rather have the look of a deliberate set-up of some sort.
By the way, is the officer who arrested Negeen visible in the later footage of the other arrests? Is he the one telling the guys that they're "fine"? I catch only a glimpse and am not sure.
Hey Nabeel,
Firstly, I love the work you, David and your team does and that you guys stand up for the truth. My wife and me also have a heart for Muslims and share the gospel with them. We now live in Germany and there are many Muslims (mainly from Turkey) here. I have been following your case closely since I first saw it few weeks ago. I am a bit ashamed that some of the fellow Christians and Christian churches and organizations at Dearborn have not supported you guys but rather released statement against your "tactics" - how quick they were to judge you without knowing the facts! I hope at least now some of them will apologize to you.
In light of such irrefutable evidence you got, I got a couple of questions that are not answered:
1. Have you sued the police department and the chief of police in Dearborn of illegal arresting you, providing false statements, harassing you, denying your constitutional rights? Also the city mayor with defamation and libel? If not, why not?
2. Have you asked the city mayor (and the police chief) to publicly apologize and retract their statement against you? You got such a bad press both in Dearborn and elsewhere. It is not about getting back at anyone but people should know the truth and the people responsible for it should face the consequences (otherwise it would only embolden them to continue to do the same). Furthermore, you deserve to be vindicated in the media.
3. Have you reached out to the fellow Christians (churches and organizations) with the new evidence? Have you also asked them to retract their statement and perhaps apologize? Has anyone does that so far?
Blessings to you brothers & sister in Christ!
Hey Fat Man,
I just watched your link, and at first it appears as though Yahya did the honorouble thing by removing the footage from his site and apologizing.
But then he spends the second half of the video bragging about how honorouble he is for doing it and claiming that David/Nabeel would never have done the same.
He lost all of his credibility with me right there...if you do something honorable you don't need to brag about it and show how much better you are than others for doing simply do it.
Nabeel, you and your master Wood claim that christianity is more peaceful than islam. Isn't it a matter of how you interpret scripture?
If you perceive the old testament as christ's words then as a christian you can surely make use of the old testament (as has been done countless of times through history) for legitimizing violence without as you would claim not be a true christian.
Indeed, Origen writes from the 3rd century:
"[Christ's words] are not only those which he spoke when he became a man and tabernacled in the flesh; for before that time, Christ, the Word of God, was in Moses and the prophets. ...[their words] were filled with the Spirit of Christ."
Do you agree with Origen?
Are these the words of your peaceful Christ?:
Exo. 15: The Lord is a man of war.
Exo. 17: "I will utterly put out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven."
Deu. 3:6: And we utterly destroyed them, as we did unto Sihon king of Heshbon, utterly destroying the men, women, and children, of every city.
You hypocrites!
Lydia - I think the police officer that tells David that "you're fine" is the one that arrested Negeen earlier. And the timing is really does seem like some kind of setup.
John 8:24,
In an earlier video, I believe when David Wood and his lawyer were interviewed on Fox News, the lawyer said that he would not only be defending Acts 17 against the charges, but would also be bringing a civil action against Dearborn for violation of the rights of Acts 17.
Theodoris said...
" first it appears as though Yahya did the honorouble thing by removing the footage from his site and apologizing."
Theodoris, you caught the "Even when they do the right thing they do it so wrong" part.
I will comment further on this to demonstrate the "Even when they tell the truth they Lie" actually I should change it to "Even when he tells the truth he lies. Even when he does the right thing he does it so wrong."
The Fat Man,
Thumbs up for your rewording of your statement :). While there are, perhaps, symptomatic commonalities in many Muslim's approach to dawa and approach to logic, not every Muslim is Yahya Snow.
Lupus el Lobo,
How much do you know about Origen's actual exegesis of the Old Testament? Are you aware that he often understood the text as having a non-historical, allegorical and spiritual meaning? I'm not saying that I look at Origen as some kind of great authority on OT interpretation (and I doubt that David and Nabeel do) but asking whether they agree with Origen may not lead quite where you think it does.
"If you perceive the old testament as christ's words then as a christian you can surely make use of the old testament (as has been done countless of times through history) for legitimizing violence without as you would claim not be a true christian."
No. The texts that you referred to are very much unlike the Quran in that they have a particular historical context that is evident in the book itself and one can't legitimately appeal to them in a totally different historical context as legitimizing some contemporary acts of violence, especially when this would go against the directions given by Jesus and the apostles.
Thanks, Representative McMillin, I'm glad I'm not just turning into a conspiracy theorist. :-)
Does anyone have any response from MI Attorney General Cox on whether he is going to investigate this? Violations of MI constitutional rights, possible corruption in the Dearborn department, and false arrest.
Yes, Lydia - I talked with Cox's office friday. The situation is definately on their radar and they'll be watching how the current litigation unfolds. I'm pretty confident that whether its via the Thomas More Law Center (defendants' attorneys) and/or A/G Cox's office, the city of Dearborn and the officers making false arrests will be held accountable. It'll help if we all try making more and more people aware of this, including the media.
Keep the faith! Dearborn cannot declare itself outside the constitution. This is a nation of laws.
Even when he tells the truth he lies, even when he does the right thing he does it so wrong Part 2.
In Yahya Snow's video he paraphrases my comment on his previous smear video and says "This is sam and david being thrown out of ISNA after we were invited in.... This is all he says"
Well unfortunitly for him that was not all I said. I sent both a youtube email as well as coppied the 7 points in the email into the comment section. Here is what I wrote.
First thanks for ripping off my video, That's real integrity. Second thanks for being deceptive like all Muslims are.
Sorry to confuse you with the FACTS. But here they are.
1. ISNA is a expensive event. Ticket prices over $100 dollars. We did not purchase tickets.
2. We were happy to be outside of the Rosemont Theater on Saturday and Sunday. This video was shot on Sunday night.
3. We were INVITED, yes INVITED into ISNA by a BURKA BABE (you can see her in the first video) to speak to a sheik, on Sunday night.
4. The Sheik started screaming "Paul is a liar, Al Quartab is a Liar, the DISCIPLES were liars" It was after this point that we decided to leave, the Shiek actually grabbed Sam and said "Your not going anywhere... I got you I got you" He also started telling that to others that had gathered around. "I got him I got this..." etc... It was after this point that I started filming with my phone.
6. Security came up and asked to see our passes. We didnt have any as I stated above and we explained that we were invited in by the Burka Babe.
7. We were informed by security that since we didn't have any passes we had to leave, and that the Burka Babe did not have the authority to invite anyone into the conference with out a pass. So that was it, no arrest, no trouble we were invited in by someone who did not have the authority to invite us in.
Those are the facts, So sorry to disappoint you. But hey your a Muslim so i'm sure you wont let facts get in the way of your agenda.
One more thing I was given a Quran, I did not want to set it down on the ground as this would offend Muslims so I asked one of the Muslims to hold it for me. After we were leaving I went up to the Muslim who was holding the Quran I was given and asked for it back. He said "No This is My Quran"
So he stole my Quran. So much for Muslims being honest.
I am not related to ACts 17 Apologetics in anyway shape or form.
So you can see that Yahya Snow is CLEARLY LYING when he says "This is all he said"
More to come.
Lupus el Lobo saide: «If you perceive the old testament as christ's words then as a christian you can surely make use of the old testament (as has been done countless of times through history) for legitimizing violence without as you would claim not be a true christian»...
I say: no we cannot: its not the prvious thate is used to interpret the latter; rather the latter that must be used to interpret the previous; this is simple biblical undertanding... so: its not us thate are hypocrites; its you thate is simply ignorante and offensive... simply as thate...
We all agree withe Origins, butt we do not have the same undertanding off ispiration as you muslims habe...
for you inspiration is like someone dictating words after words withe the one recieving those words behaving like an automate; a marionette or puppet controled by a manipulative manipulator;
for the Bible God inspires the authors using their own human capacities to communicate His words butt without imposing them in a mechanical way: only in Jesus there was, after a pedagogical aprouch off God withe progressive transparence thrue the OT hagiographers, a total transparency between God's words and the words of God presented to humananity and being so its Jesus' life thate must be used as the key to understant all the Biblical texts...
you have to take a deap breath and realize thate everything you muslims are taught aboute Christianity is shear lies since from its start islam had to fabricate psychological defenses in order to subsiste due to the fact muhammad's claims could not face the most simple profe off truth...
islam cannot subsist without lying: about itself, and about the others... as muhammad was, muslims are pathological lyiers eben when they do not realize that since whate they beliebe is a castle build withe lyies...
I wonder if intelligent letters to Atty. General Cox, especially from Michiganders, would be a good idea.
I recieved a youtube email from Yahya Snow. The contents are below.
I noted you were accusing me of lying on the AM blog.
This is unjust. The only material I saw was the out of the door video and your description of the said video. After I made my video accusing Nabeel of lying I was sent a PM by kufrtokufr in which he told me of what you said...thus I acted accordingly amd took down my video
So I ask you to rectify the situation as I did.
Yahya Snow
God bless
Here is my response
First I don't believe you. Second you have been accusing David Wood and Nabeel of lying this whole time about Dearborn. Now that the video of what really happened has been released and you can clearly see that David, Nabeel, Paul and Nageen were arrested with out cause. They were deliberately targeted. Now all of a sudden you are silent on the subject.
Sir you subscribed to my Youtube page. I only have 9 videos none of them over a minute most some under 30 seconds. I find it hard to believe that you did not see the second 41 second video were I clearly stated what happened.
So you didn't see this video and read the Description below?
"MartyrMaker07 | July 04, 2010
This is a brief video of us inside the ISNA conference. The Burka Babe in the white hijab invited Sam and David inside to debate a "SHEIK". Since nobody had a bible, I downloaded a bible app to my phone, and was setting that up when it got crazy. The "Shiek" said that Paul was a liar, the Disciples where liars and Al Qauterbee was a LIAR. Thats when I started recording. We were surronded Sam was pushed up against the wall. The Sheik even grabbed Sam and said "Your not leaving.... I got this... I got him" Fun times"
I tell you what I will ignore the fact that you used my video with out my permission. I will ignore all the unbelievable garbage you have put out. And I will leave it up to those on teh AM blog to decide if I have misrepresented you in any way.
So I leave it up to you guys, should I change my statement that Yahya Snow is clearly lying or am I mistaken?
Praying for you.
It surely looks like you were set up. The police wanted you to stay there a little longer so the "crowd" had a chance to show up and be "hostile" to you. Perhaps security is less visible because they were busy rounding the "mob" up. They had no trouble getting some young men to "help" out last year.
It does appear to be the same cop at Negeen's arrest and in the "You're fine." video. I'm sure some stills would prove one way or the other. So he says. "You're fine", all the while knowing that he has already arrested Negeen and is about to arrest you---just as soon as that angry crowd shows up!
I am so glad you are doing this! You are suffering for the Gospel (and for our Constitutional rights.) Thank you. Thank you.
If you were dealing with someone else, I'd say give him the benefit of the doubt. But Yahya Snow has shown such a consistent display of deception that I don't see how we can trust anything he says.
Yahya Snow has a history of engaging in taqiyya. In fact, this can be seen in another recent episode.
Plagiarizing from Bassam Zawadi in an effort to refute Jochen Katz and appear scholarly in the process, Yahya argued that the word "may" that appears in Surah 48:2 comes from the Arabic word 'assa and can actually mean probability or even certainty.
Having already read Jochen's article, and having talked to Jochen as well, I pointed out to Yahya that he made a huge mistake (and not just on the following issue). As Jochen pointed out to Bassam in the article that Yahya was supposed to be responding to, the word 'assa does not even appear in the Arabic text of Surah 48:2. This shows that Yahya: 1) didn't know what he was talking about when making his confident pronouncements about the underlying Arabic of S. 48:2; 2) was blindly following Bassam (although he didn't acknowledge Bassam as the source of this argument); and 3) didn't even bother to read the whole article by Jochen that he was pretending to be responding to.
After pointing this out to Yahya, he promptly changed his article and continues to play dumb about it when people ask him. The problem is many people saw his article before he changed it, and, moreover, because I am aware of Yahya's penchant for deception, lying and fact-twisting, which is also seen in his posts about the Deerborn debacle, I saved his original article to my hard drive.
I thought of putting up a blog post on this, but I finally realized that I have wasted far to much time entertaining the idea that Yahya is even worth responding to. With that said, if anyone has any interest in the original article written by Yahya in order to see the evidence with their own eyes, e-mail me and I will send it to you.
After viewing some of Yahya Snow's videos about you guys, I wouldn't trust him.
Strange that the mayor says things that can be so easily refuted by your videos. How right you have been about the need to bring along video cameras to prevent others through either incompetence, lying or a combination of the two, from injuring, imprisoning, and slandering Acts 17.
I find the mayor's lies interesting because they are obviously being "fed" to him by someone who was present--I assume, one of the policemen. You can tell that from the way that they are related to the truth. For example: The police did mention the weather to the Acts 17 guys. That is true. But then the mayor goes off into never-never land with the claim that the police asked them to _break up the conversation_ after telling them about the storm, which is completely false. It looks like they may have been standing near a tent entrance; that appears to be true. But then the mayor says something totally false, which is that they were deliberately blocking the entrance, when in fact David asked the policeman if they should move and was told that they were fine.
You see? Someone who was there must be giving the mayor his lines.
It's also possible that the mayor is inventing things himself. He said in an interview that he watched the video footage. He could have seen police walk up to us outside a tent, and hatched a plan.
I'd still like to know if it legal for him to have viewed your footage?
David and Nabeel,
What about the bill of particulars that you mentioned? Did the judge deny your attorney's request to have one sent to you?
BTW, I looked closely, and it doesn't look like the officer that said "you're fine" to David is the same officer that arrested Negeen and later Nabeel.
Ha! I just read Lydia's awesome satire.
Lydia, would you mind if we repost it here?
I just read it. That was great.
Yes Lydia - I think it wouldn't hurt for MI A/G Cox's office to get thoughtful letters indicating concern/outrage over what happened in Dearborn and ask that justice be brought upon the Dearborn authorities for their abuse and attack on 1st Amendment.
The whole incident at the Festival reminds me of the portion of Pilgrim's Progress, when Christian and Faithful were arrested for "creating a hubbub" at Vanity Fair...they weren't even preaching...just not acting "worldly".
John Bunyan was in jail when he wrote Pilgrim's Progress - jailed, because he refused to obey the law at the time against preaching without a license - he could have left jail at anytime, but is quoted as saying, "If you release me today, I will preach tomorrow" in jail he remained - where he wrote Pilgrim's Progress - a most incredible gift to Christians for centuries.
David, I would be most honored if anything posted at my blog were reposted here. Please do note that I didn't write it. It can be the "anonymous satire published at..." etc. :-)
Thanks, Representative McMillin, then I think I'll do that!
Lydia said: "By the way, is the officer who arrested Negeen visible in the later footage of the other arrests? Is he the one telling the guys that they're "fine"? I catch only a glimpse and am not sure."
Both of the officers who are present in the video saying they are "fine" have watches on their left wrists. If you pause the video of Negeen's arrest exactly at the 4:36 mark, you can see that that officer does not have a watch on his left arm.
Okay, I can safely conclude that the judge did deny your request for a bill of particulars. Otherwise, you would have mentioned the charges online by now. Am I right?????
@Letita: It is the same officer.
I dunno, Negeen -- looks like a different officer who says "you're fine".
I dunno, Negeen -- looks like a different officer who says "you're fine".
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