Our critics are getting desperate. Just a few days ago, it seemed quite reasonable to some to believe that police arrested us for harassing and screaming at Muslims, for blocking a tent entrance, for refusing to obey a police order to disperse. But video footage is powerful, and for a few days there was a deafening silence from those who love to condemn us. But our critics regrouped quickly, and rapidly spread the rumor that our illegal activities occurred between Negeen's arrest and Nabeel's final dialogue. There was, after all, a gap of several minutes. Surely this was long enough for Nabeel to incite a riot? Unfortunately for our critics, we were recording then as well, and we have the footage. Here is Nabeel's dialogue with a Muslim named Hakeem:
We bear no ill will towards Hakeem. We understand that he was upset, and that it can be difficult to remain calm while discussing issues of eternal significance with someone who openly proclaims a view contrary to Islam. The point of the video is to refute our critics.
Sadly, we know that more accusations will come. "Ah, but just before all of this, Nabeel was screaming at people and David was causing a scene!" We're happy to keep posting more and more footage, until the deceptive lips of the mayor, the police department, and others are utterly silenced.
It always leaves me dumbfounded that Muslims like to use the "Race" card, Islam is an ideology not a race LOL
Ryan S, yeah, and to use it against Nabeel isn't the smartest thing to do.
This is how/why Muslims are able to justify a religion of peace. 3 things about Islam that you may or may not have known.
Throwing the word "racist" around is disrespectful of those people and their families that dealt with and deal with real racism. It is especially disrespectful of those who had died due to hateful, racist acts. Every time I hear someone use this term inappropriately it grieves me.
Hakeem, talked and acted like a "muslim gangster". The shaved head. The jewelry (looked like a sword). Trying to intimidate Nabeel with his... in your face attitude and foul language.
It didn't work. He would not engage Nabeel. Nor could he or would he defend his Muslim beliefs.
What Nabeel demonstrated for the world to see was the fruit of the Spirit; love, self control, peace.
The life of Christ in Him.
Powerful. Praise the Lord Jesus!
Just an aside. The "gangster" attitude that Hakeem demonstrated is going to be attractive to some inner city kids. I think we will see alot more of it in the future.
Who said islam is not peaceful religion? Here we have a good example Mr. Hakeem. Hey by the way don’t be hakeemophobic!
You guys are being nice, but let's face it: Hakeem resented your posting the video last year because it made the security "look bad," but they looked bad because of what they did. He wanted you to give in to that and cover it up rather than showing it to the world.
I will say it: Hakeem is clearly a threatening gang member whose idea of people's "disrespecting" him is their doing anything he doesn't want them to do or doesn't like. He ended his "dialogue" with you (in fact, his attempt to start a fight by being insulting) with a clear threat: "For today, we're okay. Tomorrow, good luck." His response to his witnessing Negeen's arrest was the response of a bully. Like a bully, he blamed the person who was being terrified for "making them look like terrorists" because Negeen cried out that the policeman (who wasn't even, probably, a Muslim) was touching her. A bully responds to such things by blaming the victim. His idea of "making people look bad" is showing their bad behavior.
What are we to expect when the Qur'an does not even contain the golden rule?
Wannabe gangster, Hakeem. I know more abt islam than he does! and im a born again Christian! Pathetic....I once heard from someone that, the first thing a muslim is taught is, why not to be a Christian before they are taught abt islam.
After that statement it made sense to me why all the muslims i talk w/ know more abt Christianity than they do abt islam! (Although it's a wrong Christianity).
Never the less, it shows u how messed up islam is. If one has to learn why not to be something before he is taught to be something is horrific. It's like teaching a bird to walk down the nest before it can fly!
You can't defend what u don't know, and muslims fit that category!
I still love them, cuz Jesus is love, but i hate islam cuz islam is satan, period!
One can learn a huge amount from a video like that. Thank you, Nabeel. That was remarkable.
Acts 17 knows how to make history. Both David and Nabeel, and the others. You guys are cooking.
WOW, Nabeel you have a gift when it comes to speaking to the "youglings".
Now on another note.
I accused Yahya Snow in another thread of being a liar. I have reviewed the video, and it is obvious I made a mistake. He was referring to my comment I made in the description of the video, not the conversation I had in email as well as in the comment section.
So Yahya Snow I apologies for accusing you of lying in this instance.
I think you guys are being too hard on Hakeem. He's young, a little rough-hewn, and seems tough, but that doesn't mean he should be labeled a gangster. We don't even know the guy. He might be as crime-free as anyone else.
No. That video wasn't just remarkable. It was beautiful. It seems the divine transforming agent was starting to be present there. Everything was starting to be present there.
I don't say that on the basis of any religious tradition. I say it out of experience.
You are very generous with your description of a civil conversation on Hakeem's part. The young man would greatly benefit from a larger vocabulary. But it was a good conversation and it showed even more just how gentle you were with the Muslims. It also showed how the police were around the entire time and that you obeyed every direction given by the police. The city admin of Dearborn is looking more and more silly with every post.
Traeh, I hope for your sake that it's never a matter of life and death for you to be able to recognize a gang group.
By the way, has this occurred to anybody else? The police report that said that Nabeel was "screaming into the crowd" and that this was why he was arrested--that was an attempt to use what he was calling out _after_ he was arrested ("You cannot take away my freedom," etc.) to imply that he had been "screaming" before and that this was what he was arrested for. Why they thought they could get away with this deliberate deception with the video evidence is still beyond me, but I see repeatedly within this case a pattern of taking some tiny snippet of something sort of like truth and then using it to make up a big, fat, lie.
Oh, and I see in this video that there were police present. A policeman asks Nabeel (right?) to give Hakeem a couple of feet of space. As if Nabeel is being aggressive or getting in his face rather than the other way around. And of course Nabeel's distance is dictated by his attempt to let Hakeem talk into the microphone.
The police report referred to the crowd as using profanity and used this as an argument that Nabeel was "inciting" them. But they saw for themselves that the profanity was coming entirely from the aggression on the other side.
It looks to me as though the arrest may have been "meant" to take place during the conversation with Hakeem and his "boys" and like somehow it just happened that Nabeel defused it and ended it quickly enough so that actually the arrests took place during a calm discussion of the deity of Jesus and the atonement. But this is conjecture.
(It was probably wise of Acts 17 not to note it in the video, but for the record: I noticed Hakeem's indirect allusion to his support for Hezbollah. How dare you call them terrorists for just "defending their country" as he would also do, etc.)
I've never heard a Muslim string the words, "f***ing god" together before! Hakeem wants respect when talking about the Koran and, "you wash up your mouth before you talk about it." I wonder if he sees an inconsistency in this; perhaps not.
Well, several video posts later and still no word from the critics, around here that is.
Two quick corrections.
(1) Nabeel wasn't yelling at any point, even after he was arrested. The only Christian who yelled anything was the brother who said "You can't take away our freedom" in the scene where police were taking us away.
(2) It may be clearer from the other camera angle, but when the officer said to take a step back, he was talking to Muslims who were crowding Nabeel. In other words, it was a shocking instance where Dearborn Police were actually doing their job! Come to think of it, however, Negeen had already been arrested, so police were already plotting. No cool points for them.
Thank you, David, for the correction. I stand corrected and apologize. I obviously misidentified the person who was calling out those things after the arrest.
The reason I thought the police officer was talking to Nabeel with the phrase "give him a couple of feet" was because Nabeel stepped back and said "sorry" or something like that at that point. Otherwise I would have assumed that they were talking to the people crowding around, too, but it looked like he thought they were talking to him. So obviously just another misunderstanding on my part of the video.
Did you have any positive conversations with festival goers when you were there? I personally feel that you must of had some intelligent discussions with a few people and those should be published on the blog as well, to give a balanced report.
No need for apologies. You've supported us all along, and your analysis has always been spot on.
I think Nabeel stepped back because he didn't know who the police were talking to, while those of us who were standing there could see that the Muslims were crowding him. Security did something similar earlier in the day, when a crowd started to form around Nabeel. Security told the Muslims to back away from him.
Hi Lydia McGrew,
I understand that Hakeem might be a gang member. I understand that he isn't exactly genteel. I grew up in New York City in the 1960s and 1970s, when the crime was much worse than it is now. I've been in the middle of a gang fight (not doing the fighting, just trying to avoid it). I've had a gun held on me. I've had a knife held on me more than once. I know how to recognize gang members.
I also personally know what it is to be falsely accused based on appearances that seem very convincing, and I know that one should be careful about judging by appearances, and about using derogatory labels like gangster based on incomplete evidence. Have you ever seen Hakeem commit a crime? Has Acts 17 referred to any crimes they witnessed by Hakeem? Innocent till proven guilty. He might be a gangster, he might not. Give the guy a chance. I'll grant he's a bit of a "tough." That doesn't mean he's a gangster. Can be a huge difference between the two.
By the way, when I said "you guys" are being too hard on Hakeem, I wasn't referring to Acts 17. I was referring to those calling him a gangster, when we hardly know him.
Traeh said...
By the way, when I said "you guys" are being too hard on Hakeem, I wasn't referring to Acts 17. I was referring to those calling him a gangster, when we hardly know him.
Traeh... "you shall know them by their fruits".
Also, I said he "acted" like a gangster.
We should all be in prayer for Hakeem. I think he was sincere in his questioning of Nabeel but at the same time wanted to present the rough and "cool" facade for his friends. I doubt that he has even a basic understanding of the Christian faith, as defined by Christians themselves.
In spite of the "tough guy" facade, I see a young man who is afraid of what he does not understand.
Ironically, the real tough guy is Nabeel. It takes much more strength to remain humble and loving than it does to be arrogant and threatening.
I pray Hakeem will come to know what real strength is: the strength that comes through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Heb 13:6 So we can confidently say, "The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?"
Mat 10:28 And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.
JIBBS said...
We should all be in prayer for Hakeem.
Amen and Amen.
Ok, I watched the video again today several times at work on my EVO :)
I noticed a few things about our new friend Hakeem.
Putting aside his foul mouth, all though I did laugh when he said "We believe Jesus is my BEEEEPING Prophet". And then told Nabeel he had to wash his mouth out before he discussed the Quran.
The thing that I find disturbing, is this is obvious a Lebanese American youth. But yet he says
"You think were terrorists because we defend our country? Bleep yeah I'm going to defend my country. What do you want me to defend, you want these fakes to come into my country and take my BIG NIDDY? All Bleep up people taken my Big Niddy.
So this is a first generation american possibly second or more, saying to other Americans that they invaded his country. What country is that?
Now he is young to young to have first hand knowledge of the US peace keeping effort in Lebanon. But he could be referencing that. But I doubt it.
So I will speculate that Hakeem is referring to Iraq and Afghanistan.
So the question is why would a young Lebanese American (of prime Military age) identify with Afghanistan and Iraq as "HIS COUNTRY" and why would he identify American Citizens as those that are trying to steal his BIG NIDDY?
BTW to those that saying he and his "BOZY" were bangers, it didnt look like they were representing, there were no colors.
They were Cliquish but representing there own click is not Gang Banging.
To be honest, I felt bad for our new friend Hakeem. He is definitly "YouTube material"
But I don't think Nabeel and David would of posted this if it was not to show that Nabeel and David were not the instigators the DPD and Mayor have portraid them to be.
BTW Hakeem if you read this, just to let you know, Nabeel and David did not make you look bad, you did that all on your own. :)
I'm super impressed by how Nabeel handled the situation.
God bless you, brother =)
The Fat Man, His "own country" to which he refers is Lebanon, as he has just identified himself as Lebanese. The references to considering him a terrorist and the connection of this with "defending his own country" are, as I understand it, indirect references to Hezbollah and to his perception of Hezbollah as not being a terrorist entity (as they are designated by the American government and thought of by many Americans) but rather simply a group "defending their own country" from Israel. That's his interpretation of foreign events. There is a lot of sympathy for Hezbollah among Muslims in the Dearborn area.
I suppose that's kind of OT, but since you were wondering about those remarks, that's my take.
Your interpretation may be correct. However it seems to me he is talking about the "WHITE Christian" US government labeling Muslims as terrorists, and accusing the US of invading HIS country and stealing his BIG NIDDY.
Now unless Hakeem is talking about the the US presence in Lebanon in the 1980's (He doesn't seem the history type)when did the US invade Lebanon to steal his BIG NIDDY?
This young man seems to be following what is called "The Narative". That the USA is just out to steal Muslim land and resources i.e. his "BIG NIDDY".
Either way, whether your interpretation is correct or mine. It demonstrates that this young American Citizens of Lebanese descent does not identify with his own country, the United States of America. But instead identifies with a foreign country or countries and or foreign entities that the Untied States has determined to be it's enemy.
This young man although would not be considered a religious Muslim by anyone. He is still prime recruitment material for Al Quida or other organizations. He is just begging someone to flip his Jihad Switch.
Remember the one thing that most family and friends of Jihadi's say about them after the deed is done. "He became religious".
Most of the time I appreciate Lydia and Fatman's insights, but (in this case) I think Fatman and Lydia are both wrong. ("Hakeem resented your posting the video last year because...") Try a little more empathy. You are not from Dearborn and you did not go to Fordson High School (or Edsel Ford H.S., or Dearborn High)... so you still don't totally understand the local situation like an insider does.
Try a google search on ("youtube ed and moe show") to get a flavor of Arab American Humor. That might give you a few clues and help you to lighten up a little. (see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFVI-1B478U and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqqKtqdrh7g ) Let me know if you need help understanding Arab American Humor and we can put you in touch with some people who are experts at it.
Lighten up a little bit...
Drive around Dearborn a little more and get to know the neighborhoods. Try having a little more fun next time you are in town. Get to know people and laugh a little bit.
Fair enough, but can you tell me what a "BIG NIDDY" is and who is trying to steal young Hakeems BIG NIDDY?
If all that foul-mouthed and threatening talk as well as _expressly_ negative statements about their posting the video last year were "humor," then Hakeem has a problem with his sense of humor. You mean, Erastus, that he wasn't bothered about last year's youtube, even though he said that he was, that it was trying to make them "look bad"?
Sorry, I don't buy it. It's not like he was unclear on _those_ points.
I am not a Christian but an atheist. I though am disgusted though that a group peacefully giving out literature on public property would have their rights violated. I don't agree with the beliefs of those handing out their Christian literature but I support their right (as I hope they with mine) to advocate their point of view. Laslty, I noticed a cop forced someone to turn off their camera. This is quite common among cops today, forcing or charging people with filming to cover up Constitutional violations.
Lydia, David, Nabeel, etc: Perhaps you missed my point. Let's try again to understand each other, and re-examine the video episode where Nabeel talks to Hakeem. I was not suggesting that Hakeem's words were funny or humorous. (We'll get to that point again later.) Hakeem had a very foul mouth. It was disgusting behavior that would get an 'R' rating in Hollywood at best. Please forgive me, since my words were not very clear.
Please read and reread the things I'm telling you, since I speak from a Dearborn insider point of view. Read Mark 5:1-20. Watch the video again. Meditate on that Scripture. That might provide additional clarity.
Consider the historical account from Mark 5 of Jesus visit to country of the Gerasenes. Now, suppose for a moment that Nabeel (wearing the 'Jesus always loves you T-Shirt') is playing the role of Jesus -- and Hakeem is playing the role of the Madman of the Garasenes. Hakeem is clearly the one filled with unclean spirits. "And when he saw Jesus from afar, he ran ... And crying out with a loud voice, he said, “What have you to do with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I adjure you by Allah, do not torment me.” Put me on YouTube, F-You. Don't put me on YouTube. Put me on YouTube. F-You. Why are you tormenting me with videos on YouTube? Why are you mocking me and making fun of my (sinful) culture in Dearborn?
Then later in the scene, we find: "I like you, and I love you." Now, I'm not suggesting that Hakeem is now following Jesus teachings... just pointing out that spiritual forces are at work in a positive way. It's clear to see that Nabeel had a calming effect on Hakeem as the conversation ended amicably.
"The herdsmen fled and told it in the city. And people came to see what it was that had happened. (They reviewed the video.) And they came to Jesus and saw the demon-possessed man, the one who had had the legion, sitting there, clothed and in his right mind, and they were afraid. And those who had seen it (reviewed the video) described to them what had happened to the demon-possessed man and to the pigs (police?).
"And they began to beg Jesus to depart from their region."
The analogy breaks down... Nabeel is not Jesus (only a faithful follower of Jesus, trying to obey Matt 28:19,20). Dearborn is not the land of the Garasenes and the Arab Festival is not the Decapolis. The police are not swine. (The end of point one.)
--- Point 2 starts here ---
My point about Arab Humor is to spend more time visiting neighborhoods in Dearborn and laughing at their jokes. Talk to more converted Muslims (people now following Jesus) who live in Dearborn. They can help proclaim the message of the Gospel, and only need a little encouragement. Get my point?
Lydia, David, Nabeel, etc: Perhaps you missed my point. Let's try again to understand each other, and re-examine the video episode where Nabeel talks to Hakeem. I was not suggesting that Hakeem's words were funny or humorous. (We'll get to that point again later.) Hakeem had a very foul mouth. It was disgusting behavior that would get an 'R' rating in Hollywood at best. Please forgive me, since my words were not very clear.
Please read and reread the things I'm telling you, since I speak from a Dearborn insider point of view. Read Mark 5:1-20. Watch the video again. Meditate on that Scripture, and see if things become more clear.
Consider the historical account from Mark 5 of Jesus visit to country of the Gerasenes. Now, suppose for a moment that Nabeel (wearing the 'Jesus always loves you T-Shirt') is playing the role of Jesus -- and Hakeem is playing the role of the Madman of the Garasenes. Hakeem is clearly the one filled with unclean spirits. "And when he saw Jesus from afar, he ran ... And crying out with a loud voice, he said, “What have you to do with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I adjure you by Allah, do not torment me.” Put me on YouTube, F-You. Don't put me on YouTube. Put me on YouTube. F-You. Why are you tormenting me with videos on YouTube? Why are you mocking me and making fun of my (sinful but 'happy') culture in Dearborn?
Then later in the scene, we find: "I like you, and I love you." Now, I'm not suggesting that Hakeem is now following Jesus teachings... just pointing out that spiritual forces are at work in a positive way. It's clear to see that Nabeel had a calming effect on Hakeem as the conversation ended amicably.
"The herdsmen fled and told it in the city. And people came to see what it was that had happened. (They reviewed the video.) And they came to Jesus and saw the demon-possessed man, the one who had had the legion, sitting there, clothed and in his right mind, and they were afraid. And those who had seen it (reviewed the video) described to them what had happened to the demon-possessed man and to the pigs (police?).
"And they began to beg Jesus to depart from their region."
The analogy breaks down... Nabeel is not Jesus (only a faithful follower of Jesus, trying to obey Matt 28:19,20). Dearborn is not the land of the Garasenes and the Arab Festival is not the Decapolis. The police are not swine. (The end of point one.)
--- Point 2 starts here ---
My point about Arab Humor is to spend more time visiting neighborhoods in Dearborn, building relationships, and laughing at their jokes. Humor (done properly) is a ministry of encouragement. Laughing with people is encouragement. Talk to more converted Muslims (people now following Jesus) who live in Dearborn. They can help proclaim the message of Gospel, and only need a little encouragement. Get my point?
EXAMPLE OF ENCOURAGEMENT: (from Mark 5 again.) As he was getting into the boat, the man who had been possessed with demons begged him that he might be with him. And he did not permit him but said to him, “Go home to your friends and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.” And he went away and began to proclaim in the Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him, and everyone marveled.
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