Monday, April 26, 2010

Obama Rebuilding Bridges with Muslims

It seems Obama is doing all he can to placate the Muslims of the world:

President Barack Obama on Monday renewed his commitment to a "new beginning" with the Muslim world, vowing no let-up in U.S. efforts to promote Middle East peace, curb militant violence and boost economic development.

Seeking to build on his outreach to Muslims in a speech in Cairo last June, Obama used a U.S.-hosted Muslim business conference to underscore what his administration has done so far and to pledge further work to overcome mistrust. (Reuters)

Personally, I think we should be engaged in showing love to Muslims - that is a command from Christ that I will always follow (cf. "greatest commandment"). I just wish we'd be allowed to criticize the violent ideology of our neighbors without being accused of hating them.

But, alas... I'm no political analyst. What do the rest of you think about Obama's rhetoric to the Muslims of the world?


Adam said...

Satan's Islam ( A MUST READ)

Psalm 83
2 See how your enemies are astir,
how your foes rear their heads.

3 With cunning they conspire against your people;
they plot against those you cherish.

4 "Come," they say, "let us destroy them as a nation,
that the name of Israel be remembered no more."

5 With one mind they plot together;
they form an alliance against you-

6 the tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites,
of Moab and the Hagrites,

7 Gebal, [a] Ammon and Amalek,
Philistia, with the people of Tyre.

8 Even Assyria has joined them
to lend strength to the descendants of Lot.

hugh watt said...

Ezekiel 38 + 39. Islam's days are numbered!

minoria said...

If Obama wants to REALLY change the world,he has to begin by stating clearly that the term ISLAMOPHOBIA is,from a legal perspective,criticism of ideas(Koran and Mohammed's prophethood).
As such to be an Islamophobe is neither good nor bad in itself,it just is.It's expression of one's ideas regarding Islam.
If Muslims complain of discrimination,the legal word is muslimophobia(like judeophobia/hispanophobia,HOMOPHOBIA(persons who are homosexual)(not HOMOSEXUALITYPHOBIA).Criticsm of homosexuality,or if you want to put it,homosexualityphobia,is valid,freedom of speech.
He wont do it,he's not brave,he never will be,like most politicians.

Yusuf Alamo said...

Bismillahir Rahamanir Raheem.

Mr. Wood,

Just some food for thought:

If I told someone that they're mother was a 'Pedophile', a 'Murderer', or a 'Seed of Satan', I'm quite sure they wouldn't think that I loved them.

As a Muslim, I love Muhammad (Salallahu Alayhee Wa Salaam) more than my own mother. So, whenever anyone uses the above terms to describe my beloved Nabi-ullah (Salallahu Alayhee Wa Salaam), I find it very difficult to accept when they say that they love me.

Sincerely, Yusuf

Adam said...

Kaaba Kult worshipers are back.So a fruit of muhamMAD said.

"If I told someone that they're mother was a 'Pedophile', a 'Murderer', or a 'Seed of Satan', I'm quite sure they wouldn't think that I loved them.
As a Muslim, I love Muhammad (RIP) more than my own mother"

muhamMAD is not a 'Murderer' this means He never Killed.

muhamMAD is not a 'Pedophile' this means he never had sex with a child.

muhamMAD is not a 'Seed of Satan' this means he never brought destruction, Death, Religious intoleration

this means Liars says he never lies

Michelle Qureshi said...


David did not write this article, I (Nabeel) did.

In order to determine whether someone loves you, it's more appropriate to see things from their perspective than from your own. As such, you should make your best effort to see things from the Christian's perspective to see if they love you or not.

And this is our perspective:

Our friend thinks he is following a good leader, but he is deceived. He is following a murderer who falsely speaks in the name of God, and my friend is one of countless people who are led astray. Ultimately, this can lead to our friend's death.

My question to you is this: would it be loving of me to leave him in his blindness and course towards destruction, or would it be loving of me to wave my arms at him, tell him the truth about his leader, and wake him up from his slumber of deception?

If we didn't care about you we wouldn't be saying anything at all.


Yahya Snow said...

Nabeel said

If we didn't care about you we wouldn't be saying anything at all. about rebuking David on hisrecent un-Christian behaviour

Yahya Snow said...

I personally feel Obama is saying some encouraging things which Muslims are welcoming but words are not actions

We (Muslims) would like to see more positive actions from Obama and not mere rhetoric.

America realises it must co-exist withthe Muslims world and the Muslims world is notas weak as it was 50 years ago.

Hugh Watt...I always find itinteresting to ponder upon the psyche of people who make such comments as yours. Islam is not going anywhere...Islam (imo) is in a healthier position than Christianity.


hugh watt said...

Yusuf, you love Muhammad more than your "Christian" mother, but do you love Truth more than Muhammad?
I'm not saying it's right to insult for the sake of it, but would you not be offended because i (we) define
Muhammad as a 'Pedophile', and 'Murderer,' because of what he did and not who he was?
To love him more than Truth is idolatry.

GreekAsianPanda said...

I agree with you, Nabeel, whole-heartedly. I also agree with President Obama that we should curb militant violence in the Middle East.

And when Christians criticize Islam and Muhammad, I think we should do it in a non-offensive way. What I mean by that is to not be unnecessarily offensive about it. For example, when we say that Muhammad is a false prophet, we would say something like:

"Muhammad is NOT a true prophet of God, and here's proof:"

Obviously, Muslims will be offended when we say Muhammad is not a true prophet, but it's better than this:


Muslims need to hear the truth in a non-hostile way, but they do need to hear it; I'm not proposing bending over backwards to avoid offense. The truth hurts without excessive harshness.

Anthony Rogers said...

Yahya said: America realises it must co-exist withthe Muslims world and the Muslims world is notas weak as it was 50 years ago.

Ah, the central message of Islam in a nutshell: "Let's co-exist with the infidels." Which (non-abrogated) verse of the Qur'an is that again?

Okay, perhaps you just meant that America needs to try to co-exist with the Muslim world and not that the Muslim world has any onus to strive for the same.

sam said...

greekasianpanda said...

Muslims need to hear the truth in a non-hostile way, but they do need to hear it; I'm not proposing bending over backwards to avoid offense. The truth hurts without excessive harshness.

greek panda

there r many sorties and articles in the news where muslims will be offended by the littlest things for instance a pic of a teddy bear on south park aka mohammad. i feel bad when family guy shows jesus in their episodes but do i write letters threating the creators? of course not. just look wut happened in pakistan. christian husband and wife jailed 25 years for touching quran with dirty hands. how rediculus is that. maybe yayha snow ahs the answer for that.

new articles and stories of wuts happening to those who r persecutated in the name os Jesus. and people like yousuf hamza wants to backup and defend the wrong doing? i realize hamza rebukes the raping but what about the rest of the sickness islam spreads?

aussie christian said...

I love all people, but I also refuse to accept criminal activity, I wont welcome with open arms, drug dealers, growers, trafickers and drug lords. I wont accept muslims whilst they follow the religeon of murder. If they leave the criminal groups, repent and do good works, then all is forgiven and my love remains for the person not the sin.

I will not accept muslims or islam until they leave from doing what is evil while saying it is good.

Yahya Snow said...

Hi Anthony

Like I say...Obama seems to be hinting at a few positives.

A nightmare scenario would be a Sarah Palin figure getting control of the White House and challenging the Muslim world (whilst being fueled by anti-Muslim sentiment such as the stuff espoused by Simon and some others on this blog)

Co-existing does not mean exchanging roses but the minimum of both parties holding back hostilities and provocation.

In another few decades America will not be the force it is right now therefore it would be prudent of an American government to lay ground work which follows the plan for the future scenario.

The same applies (even more so) with my country the UK...we are a spent force...we really are :(

PS...Anthony, please check your YT page..I will be messaging you soon, God willing

Anthony Rogers said...

Yahya, what verse did you say that was again?

P.S. I can't wait to see the memo you plan to leave on my YT page.

sam said...

Yusuf hamza

Did u knw that muslim kids r learning to be suicide bombers. I wonder who is teaching them. Wut if ur teacher told u to rage a jihad on ur family cause they r infidles. Wud u do it cause mohammad told u to? U do love him more then ur parents. By the way I mentioned before that muslims do need to knw wut the quran teaches them but they turn the blind eye. And don't even get me started on mohammad and aisha. I like my muslims friends but I don't like wut they follow. Which is a path to destruction. Learn from nabeel and other converts to christianity on youtube and other sites available to u. My friend there is only 1 God and his name is Jesus. I'm not the guy to force people to covert to christ unlike muslims. But I can lead u to that path and the choice is urs if u chose to follow the rite or wrong.

hugh watt said...

Pt.1. Yahya Snow said: Hugh Watt...I always find itinteresting to ponder upon the psyche of people who make such comments as yours. Islam is not going anywhere...Islam (imo) is in a healthier position than Christianity."
a) Ezekiel spoke for God, that's what prophets do.
b) Psalm 83.4 "Come," they say, "let us destroy them as a nation,
that the name of Israel be remembered no more." This is an Islamic mantra.
c) How is Islam in a "healthier position than Christianity?" Those crazies keep blowing themselves up there won't be many left before Ezekiel 38+39. I ponder upon the psyche of people who believe that murdering for Allah will reward them in Paradise.
Tell me this; if there are whores (Houris) awaiting the "martyred" how will they enjoy each other? It says, "The souls of the martyrs are in the bodies of green birds dwelling in Paradise wherever they like." I'm no biologist, so perhaps a Muslim can explain the mechanics. Oh, and what would be the pecking order!?

Psalm 83.9Do unto them as unto the Midianites, as to Sisera, as to Jabin at the Brook of Kishon,
10who perished at Endor; they became as dung for the earth.
11Make their nobles like Oreb and like Zeeb, yea, all their princes as Zebah and as Zalmunna,
12who said, "Let us take to ourselves the houses of God in possession."
13O my God, make them like a wheel, as the stubble before the wind.
14As the fire burneth a wood, and as the flame setteth the mountains on fire,
15so persecute them with Thy tempest, and make them afraid with Thy storm.
16Fill their faces with shame, that they may seek Thy name, O LORD.
17Let them be confounded and troubled for ever; yea, let them be put to shame and perish,
18that men may know that Thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the Most High over all the earth.

Yahya said: Like I say...Obama seems to be hinting at a few positives."
BHO can not pls all the people all the time and Islam would not won't him to, just Muslims.

"A nightmare scenario would be a Sarah Palin figure getting control of the White House and challenging the Muslim world (whilst being fueled by anti-Muslim sentiment such as the stuff espoused by Simon and some others on this blog)"
You condemn the Hamza's etc who preach violence against the 'Infidel,' yes? Publically?

"Co-existing does not mean exchanging roses but the minimum of both parties holding back hostilities and provocation."
You just have to show me where Muhammad did this.

Islam hates America because it has the 'gall' to stand up to it. The U.S is seen as 'Christian' that's why Islam hates it so, not to mention its historical support for Israel.

Does "imo" mean 'in my opinion?' If so, that's your opinion. How do you draw that conclusion?

All Muslims. I do not say these things because i hate you. When i stand before God i will have to give an account for all i said and did to His creatures. A sobering thought.

hugh watt said...

Pt.2. Panda said: And when Christians criticize Islam and Muhammad, I think we should do it in a non-offensive way. What I mean by that is to not be unnecessarily offensive about it. For example, when we say that Muhammad is a false prophet, we would say something like:

"Muhammad is NOT a true prophet of God, and here's proof:" Etc etc.


Simon said: greek panda

there r many sorties and articles in the news where muslims will be offended by the littlest things for instance a pic of a teddy bear on south park aka mohammad. i feel bad when family guy shows jesus in their episodes but do i write letters threating the creators? of course not. just look wut happened in pakistan. christian husband and wife jailed 25 years for touching quran with dirty hands. how rediculus is that. maybe yayha snow ahs the answer for that.

new articles and stories of wuts happening to those who r persecutated in the name os Jesus."

We still have to pray for and bless our enemies. I'm sure Panda knows this and can speak for himself/ herself. (I did say i'm no biologist;-) Look, i'm kinda new around here, ok!
Let's not sink to the level of our enemies who curse in the name of Allah. It's easier to hate than love but with the help of our God we can love these souls.

minoria said...

Hello Yusuf Hamza:
I am glad you are a peaceful person.I know Mohammed is held sky-high by Muslims.But non-Muslims have a lower view,not necessarily negative.Some see him more as a military-political leader in essence.Sometimes Muslims say Westerners have a negative view of Mohammed for cultural reasons.
Jesus was NOT a Westerner,he was from the East,so was BUDDHA,and CONFUCIUS.Confucius was even married and took part in politics.
Yet those 3 are highly regarded by the West.

Michelle Qureshi said...


What "recent unchristian behavior" are you referring to?


John Park said...

@ Asadullah Yusuf Hamza

As you would agree it would not be right to call Muhammad a Pedophile given that in a 7 century Arabia such practice was a common phenomenon i.e. marriage to small children. However, the problem starts when stating that Muhammad is relevant in the 21st century. That is to say, by stating that Muhammad is relevant for today would bring further problem of his married with Ayisha who was 6 at the time.

Royal Son said...

Yahya, if a girl aged 6 were to have their first period today, would they not be considered an adult according to Islamic standards?

I'm not sure why the mention of cultural differences, especially if religion ought to influence culture rather than the other way around.

Unknown said...

pls add this link, A pakistani militant who killed scores of innocent people in Mumbai, india, hotel attack. This is a clear example how muslims are taught to express their gratitude. here the militant ask for water from a poor guy, who serves him only and then the militant shoots him to dead after he gulps down the glass of water. Mother who saw her son serving the water and also saw the militant shoot her son to death.

Yahya Snow said...

@ Nabeel

You asked concerning David Wood's recent poor behaviour..

Please avail yourself of these blog posts:


Thanks for confirming that you do not hate Muslims and thanks for your positive comments concerning my attitude towards dialogue...I always try my best :)


I' am not sure what that question has todo with a post pertaining to Obama..

Nevertheless, allow me to wade in

Islamic Law would not allow that. I have discussed this at length previously, I have been asked by a Muslim to produce some material related to this out for it...Lord willing.


Michelle Qureshi said...


I read your blog posts. I don't think David has done anything to merit condemnation.

Regarding the south park clip, it does bother me that people use Jesus for comedic relief. But instead of getting angry, I will just not watch the show. Many Muslims, however, seem to have a difficult time reacting appropriately.

As such, David isn't posting the image of Muhammad to further inflame Muslims; rather he's showing the general public what many Muslims are overreacting to.

Your overreaction is further proof of his point.

Concerning the nudity, I haven't watched the clip. And you explicitly said you are not asking others to watch it, so I didn't watch it for your sake either. Therefore, I cannot comment.

Long story short, yes, it's sad people are pointlessly making fun of the ones we hold in high esteem. It's bad, but not bad enough for me to raise public alarm. What's much more concerning is the physical violence that has been the reaction of Muslims worldwide. That is extremely bad, and certainly bad enough for me to raise public alarm.

Yahya Snow said...


I appreciate your efforts to look into the matter

You mention the "nudity issue"...does it not concern you that nudity is displayed on a blog which simultaneously discusses theology... (incidentally displaying nudity is not a Christian act no matter what the intent)

To me it seems as though your relationship with David Wood is influencing your judgement...especially considering other Christians have objected to the cartoons being displayed on a CHRISTIAN blog (never mind the nudity)

Finally, does it not bother you that David is being shunned based on his behaviour?

I personally would be concerned if a friend of mine or anybody representing my faith was being shunned based entirely on his/her behaviour...a rebuke would be the order of the day

P.S. I have just rebuked a Muslim at the request of Sam Shamoun (5 mins ago!).

Regardless of the individual's faith...he/she should be rebuked if their behaviour is out of line.

I firmly believe David's behaviour of late has been out of line...and I'm not the only one to believe this

Being a friend some times involves making tough calls.


Yusuf Alamo said...

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.

Assalaamu Alaykum, Yahya.
Kay Falakum, Ahkee?