Now, really: is it true that our good friende, Ibn, is the flight 253 woulde be bomber? Any information on thate? After he constructed a silogism thate probed that allah was not God I guess he had to try to do somethingue to wash is face... butt, as always, he bit the dust...
He is actually revealing Islamic hypcracy and its not him but it is their quranic teaching that leads them into such hypocrisy. mohammad told them not to be friends with Christians and Jews and it is that spirit working in them. mohammad knew that The True Word of God would set them free and he wanted to keep them captive to his own ideology, away from the Light of Jesus. Muslims are scared of Truth and that’s why they don’t want it to be taught or practiced in their countries. In so called Christian countries there is no such fear and therefore they are allowed to spread their deceit cause it is not going to work on those who truly believe in God and His Precious Son Jesus.
joker naik once again showing his himself and other Muslims expert in religion when he cannot debate with prominant debaters who can defeat him easily,he fears he will lose all his popularity and wealth in the so called peace TV..
why don't y'all give that coward an open challenge on your ABN show...i don't think he will accept it anyway..but at least some more people will know hes a real loser
I have the perfect solution allow all us kafirs to teach 2+2=3 in our churches and allow the Muslims to teach 2+2=4 in the Mosques provided the Mosques are in a country where there only Muslims. The Germans have banned the Swatzitka (sp) why do we ban the Mosque and declare Islam an illegal.
Wow,I never expected that from ZAKIR NAIK.He is certainly more intelligent than that:to say we NON-MUSLIMS have no right to preach our faith to Muslims in Muslim countries.I believe the REASON is fear of HELL.For them it is not a matter of faith only in Jesus.
BTW,though off-topic I wish to communicate about something that I found out last year.In RABBI DAVID DALIN's book THE MYTH OF HITLER'S POPE he talks about the BLOOD LIBEL.
It was the belief in the Middle Ages that the Jews would KILL a Christian child during PASSOVER.Why?To mix his blood with the Passover matzoh bread.
I knew of it but what I didn't know was that more than one POPE in the MIDDLE AGES had very clearly CONDEMNED that belief,saying it was a lie.It still presisted but it was NOT because the Catholic Church was propagating it.So if you ever read an article about Christian Judeophobia and it mentions the BLOOD LIBEL,one must know it was NOT because of a propaganda campaign by the Catholic Church.
VJ said: "why don't y'all give that coward an open challenge on your ABN show"
We've already done that. I've also sent emails challenging him to debate. Naik simply won't face anyone with debate experience.
That's the difference between Zakir Naik and Shabir Ally. Naik hasn't faced a single respected Christian debater in his entire career, while Shabir has faced several. I'm not impressed by Shabir's arguments, but I certainly respect his willingness to face capable opponents.
"We've already done that. I've also sent emails challenging him to debate. Naik simply won't face anyone with debate experience."
I have a idea, since the "Gospel Defending Islam destroying sysstem" fund raiser was such a success. In a matter of a few days 2000 dollars ras raised. Why not find out how much it would cost to run front page adds and radio and even television adds in India challangeign Dr Naik to a debate. Then have a fund raiser to cover the cost.
I'm sure it will be over 2000 dollars however who says it has to be done in a few days. If it takes a year it takes a year. You could also team up with appolgetic networks in India to help raise the cash.
Also set up a website, or something like that. Have a form letter that generates that will send off a fax, and email to Dr Niak.
HE says his religion is the only true / perfect religion. That is because he believes that His God is the only god. Then Y not His true perfect god provide His followers with intelligence and knowledge, so that they dont have to beg for it from christian nations(non-believers). That summarizes either u r god was not intelligent, omniscient and omni potent enuf when he made u. Beware u indians, he wants every indian to follow his perfect religion or else he will use force to accomplish tht which is already in process.
One apologetics network in India that I know which debates/engages with Muslim debaters is the Sakshi Apologetics Network. Their website gives the details of their various debates etc (in "religions" section of the website):
I just watched three of his debates on dvd tonight. He is a joke. What a waste of my time. When he starts debating people who are experienced and starts debating fairly then I will take him seriously.
When will Dr. Zakir Naik M.B.B.S founder of IRF Mumbai India.
Christian Apologist to Islam
Dear Muslim from around the world. This is a life time challenge to You. Why don't you Challenge Zakir Naik and company to Debate Christian apologists.
Some time back I was in touch with IRF volunter in Bombay (mumbai)
I had question him 'Why Zakir Naik dosent want to debate Christian apologist the instant reply from this guy was 'Zakir has Challenged the pope and many Christian leaders'
Well there you go. Who could argue with that? What if I believe Christianity equals 4 and Islam equals three? I should not permit Islam in my #4 country. Of course they can still practice Islam in their house, so why should they complain?
Having to do with the theme of Islam and the rights of other religions,I read a few days ago an article in where a friend of RIFQA BARY,an ex-Muslim himself,asks us to write to ERIC FENNER.He is in charge of the Ohio Children's Services.
Rifqa,due to the actions of CAIR(who are involved in CRIME,as shown in MUSLIM MAFIA(2009 book)),which is helping Rifqa's family,has suceeded in NOT allowing her to have any contact with her though she were a criminal or a potential terrorist.So her friend asks us to send an email to Fenner to let her have contact with those she trusts.
I have done so and also told him about how in the hadiths Mohammed says 7X to kill apostates.I said to read answeringmuslims,answeringislam,jihadwatch,faithfreedom and atlasshrugs.
Zakir Naik is very powerful In India and also have powerful Fans,followers and Financers throughout the world.
Thats great, I wonder if he would have those fans, and supporters if he backed down from a publicly issued debate.
Do they have billbords in India, like we do in the west? what about public benches were you wait for a bus.
I'm talking about a total media blitz. It will take some time to raise the money. But I'm sure a full page add in a indian news paper or radio add in India will be cheeper then doing the same in the US.
We can do facebook, and twitter adds also youtube, mixed in with email, as well as fax boming to local mosqs.
Step 1. Facebook, Twitter, Email, and Fax campain.
Step 2. News paper adds to run for a few days.
Step 3. Radio adds\Billbord Adds, Sky Writting over Dr Naiks Mosq
Step 4. Possible TV adds.
Hopefully local Indian or even Arabic news will pick up the story and run with it, giving free plublicity.
By Naik's idiot logic, we should not allow propagation of Islam in non-Muslim countries, since we know Islam is moral idiocy. If Naik only knew how foolish and false he seems in this video. But if he could see that then he wouldn't be who he is.
Naik is a mediocrity with a decadent mentality, and though he claims to care about blasphemy, if anything he truly is a great blasphemer because he pretends he and his so-called Muslim brothers are God's exclusive authorities on earth. He takes a book, perhaps inspired by devils, but certainly issuing from fallible human beings and put together by fallible human hands, and he claims, on his own half-witted authority, that his book gives him the right to suppress people not of his own religion. Guess what. You, Naik, and your totalitarian pseudo-religion will be suppressed tenfold. You don't know your own fallibility. You know nothing, and you are trying to spread that nothing everywhere. You won't get away with it.
We should insist that political Islam stop or be utterly crushed, as we crushed the political aspect of Japanese Shinto after the Japanese surrender in World War II.
Check out this excellent article that intelligently describes what we in the West should do if people like Naik don't stop pushing the hate-religion that threatens non-Muslims around the world.
Zakir naik is an ostrich hiding his head in the sand when there is a storm of challenge. His ability is 'talk loud' in his own comfort zone. He can assert whatever he likes but only until he can compellingly support his assertion, no one will take him seriously. Oh, maybe some brainwashed muslims will think he is their hero..
I have too many friends that can make such an assertions.. but what is the point? No one will believe them.
Just recently, I myself thought I believe once we die we become an alien like UFO.. and I believe this is the truth.. no one can say this is wrong... thus, killing people will be so beneficial for their lives to a higher lifestyle as being UFO...
Zakir Naik can't say that I am wrong as i dont have to support my belief system and I dont have to let others examine what I believe...
Thus, Zakir Naik once he dies he will be the evil UFO and I will be UFO hero that strangle his neck...
Do you believe me guys? hahahaha What a joke!!
By the way, I agree to issue a big MEDIA ads challenge to Zakir Naik.. Let the world know he is a coward and it will destroy his many followers.
someone said tht Zakir naik has challenged POPE. Its like challenging a english teacher by a mathematics Scholar on Applied Mathematical Theorem!!!! 2+2=6
I am still listening to the Kunde-Green debate.Since it seems that part of this blog will soon go to archives I think I have to write my thoughts here instead.
It's something I wrote about before.I disagree with Mr.Kunde's idea that one should distrust the "James,brother of Jesus,the one called the Messiah"passage and also on the TESTIMONIUM FLAVIUM in Josephus.
He is the greatest expert on Josephus,and he is also Jewish.He and virtually all scholars accept the validity of the passage.Only 3 or 4 don't(and they are those who believe Jesus NEVER existed).They know the passage destroys their claim.
A modified portion of it is accepted by LOUIS FELDMAN as authentic and by 75% of Josephus scholars.So it's a majority of 3 to 4.It's NOT that the passage has been utterly rejected.
I had before spoken about that I didn't think Jesus was 2 when visited by the MAGI.Nowhere in MATT does it say:"The MAGI said Jesus was 2 years old."It says HEROD in MATT 2:16 decided to kill all children 2 and under according to the exact date given by the Magi.But it does NOT say(I repeat) that the MAGI said he was 2 years old.
If Herod really believed THEM,the MAGI,he would NOT have killed children who were newborns(under 2).It's obvious he was taking no chances.And again,that is assuming the Magi had said Jesus was 2.
LUKE 2:21-24
There Mary and Joseph go to the Temple after the 40 days of purification and follow Mosaic Law,LEV 12:8.For the POOR the contribution to the temple was 2 doves.THAT is what THEY gave.So 40 days after Jesus' birth they STILL had not seen the Magi.
The Magi gave them RICH presents,which they used to go to Egypt.If they had come BEFORE the 40 days they would NOT have given 2 doves,or the poor people's offer.
I noticed those details by chance and I also noticed that several times in the NT there is TIME COMPRESSION(like 5X).
Regarding the Koran,I had before stated that it can't be from God because there it says Allah "prays upon/for Mohammed" 2X.
Mr.Kunde said the OT clearly says "God is NOT a man".He implied that it can NOT be taken as an EXPRESSION,as I understood him.True,God is not a man,but the phrase does NOT say he can NOT become a MAN if he wishes to.In fact in the OT God meets ABRAHAM as a MAN.
But in the Koran to say Allah prays for Mohammed is making the Koran turn out to be a false book.A Muslim can not explain that away.
Although this guy is dead wrong about the nature of God and right worship, I disagree that he's necessarily a hypocrite for wanting to propogate Islam and not wanting other religions to be propogated. Prior to the modern age, in fact, all of Christendom would've agreed with him in principle, although obviously not in the specifics of what constitutes true religion.
What would make him a hypocrite in my eyes is if he's one of those Muslims who push for more and more so-called "religious rights" in the West for their own ends when they really don't believe in the concept. As far as I can tell, though, Islam condones this kind of duplicity. Unlike Christianity, Islam has never propagated its message honorably. But then, it would be silly and naive for us to expect it to. The beauty and truth of the gospel speaks for itself, while the propagation of Islam requires violent force, deception, or both.
yes... professor Kunde insists thate the qur'an makes totally distinction between allah and men... nevertheless, as you really pointed out, is not vthe true eben in a soteriological point of view as the shadada (thate is not eben present in its complete forme in teh qur'an) shows by reuniting allah withe muhammad: to be saved, islam tels, one must believe in allah and muhammad as his prophet...
strange is the exegesis of the veterotestamentary text of «God is not a man»... it only says, in its context, thate the logic and proceedure of God is not like off those of men... nevertheless we Christians don't believe that in Jesus God is (only) a man (as professor Kunde woulde want to say I guess), rather thate in Jesus Gos assumed an human nature becoming a man withoute cessing being God: Jesus is God and a man: not a "god" that is (only) a "man", neither a "man" thate is (only) "god"...
I hail from India and I am a proud practicing Hindu(non-Muslim).Its really a shame that a person who claims to propoagate peace between Muslims and non-Muslim is doubting other faiths.As a liberal Hindu,I have no hatred towards any religion.Infact I beleieve no religion gives 2+2=4.Every religion gets us close to 4 and its up to an individual to make it 4. I would appreciate if people around the globe unite and put pressure on Indian governement to curb his controversial speeches.The Congress led Indian govt has always had a soft corner for minorities.Otherwise how could a muslim from a secular country say that only Islam is a true religion and other religions are fake!
My sincere appeal to rational minded people is to ignore this funny fellow called zakir naik.It has been doubtlessly proved that this fellow is a big show man and nothing else.dont think about his followers also because they are perfecting the technique called 'willing suspension of disbelief!'
oh my God! This is where the stupid people entertain each other. wow i am impressed.i did not know that there are so many of u out there.But i must thank God for that.u people honestly believe that the cross and a monkey is worthy of worship?Yet u mock islam.U guys genuinely belong on the Jerry Springer show. WE muslims call it monkey tricks.
There is a saying in swahili "a goat laughs at a sheep when the sheep jumps a rock and his behind is mementarily exposed" the goat forgets that his behind is exposed 24 hrs.... same with christians , your religion is full of rot, lies and it is the original of satanism... so shut up
Tawfik said... "same with christians , your religion is full of rot, lies and it is the original of satanism" Well considering we have no prophets being deceived by satan, but we have a savior,allmighty god who gave satan some lessons when he tried to deceive him (and we must remeber that Jesus was hungry and exhausted and he use the scriptures). We have apostles who changed from a life of killing(like paul) to a peace,love,mercy, doctrine while u have a guy who changed from being a merchant to become a murder,rapist,who applied tortures,who was "too friendly" with lil girls,who was always thinking about sex and murder.. well it's kinda funny that comment because we do have several reason (more than i have quoted) to think that about Islam.
bhaijaan said... "oh my God! This is where the stupid people entertain each other. wow i am impressed.i did not know that there are so many of u out there.But i must thank God for that.u people honestly believe that the cross and a monkey is worthy of worship" hehe we worship only god so if u don't know our doctrine how can u come here and say "stupid people"? XD It's like me saying i hate Nazis because they follow Stallin...
NED. Be you a Jew or a Christian, you'd do well to clear the cloud of ignorance in your mind by educating yourself about the message in your original Scriptures. That Inshallah, should lead you to the Quran and help you see the light.The one Jesus spoke of.
ned. Be you a Jew or a Christian, you'd do well to dispel that cloud of ignorance in your mind by educating yourself about the Message in your original Scriptures and then, Inshallah, ponder over how you disbelieved in the Prophecy of Jesus by posting such a distorted comment on The Quran and Prophet Mohammed.
Ned. Be you a Jew or a Christian, you'd do well to dispel that cloud of ignorance in your mind about The Quran and Prophet Mohammed, by educating yourself about the Message in your original Scriptures- the Prophecy of Jesus about the coming of Muhammed- and then rethink about what you've posted in ignorance.
Ned. Be you a Jew or a Christian, you'd do well to dispel that cloud of ignorance in your mind about The Quran and Prophet Mohammed, by educating yourself about the Message in your original Scriptures- the Prophecy of Jesus about the coming of Muhammed- and then rethink about what you've posted in ignorance.
Ned. Be you a Jew or a Christian, you'd do well to dispel that cloud of ignorance in your mind about The Quran and Prophet Mohammed, by educating yourself about the Message in your original Scriptures- the Prophecy of Jesus about the coming of Muhammed- and then rethink about what you've posted in ignorance.
Hypocrisy is Dualism. It is very much in the human nature. I do not know about Koran, I do know the core message in Bhagwad geeta and Bible ( Job, Isaiah, Proverbs and the Gospels ) is Nonduality. THERE IS NO FEAR IN NONDUALITY OR ADVAITA. Religions are about duality and I agree Mr. naik saying Islam be THE religion and sure it does keep people in fear.
All of you who are attacking ISLAM, i dont think you should.. we all should have the freedom of worshiping which ever religion we want and we should respect each others Religions.. the person you should be attacking is the person in this video Zakir Naik... not Islam itself. These are the views of Zakir Naik not islam.. Being Muslim myself i know...
That is all, but just remember respect each others religions and if you are angry at a person dont attack his religion because his words are HIS
of course that Dr.Zaik has right,i have been a orthodocs and now i'm a myslim besouse i have understand that all religions that believes in objects like cross or other objects are fake,we love Jesus(Isa) (pbuh) HE also had pray to ALLAH and all crystians call him god,is not god who pray to other god right? am i right? so don't allow other religions
Who doesn't know that all the debates that are shown on Peace TV are framed under a good setup?How can a debater be loser if the director doesn't want?Yes,debates of Naik are shown only when he wins.
zakir hussain is a real looser, once i have attended his lectures but he failed to answer my questions. 1.He said why cristian and jews can wear veil but not muslims in public and i answered him christians and jews are not bombers or terrorists any country if there is a attack you find it will be only muslims. he was silent and no answer.
2. lore krishna can marry 5000 womens then why cant muslims marry 4 but hindus already left that marrying 4 or 5 womens but muslims still follow the same. reason they are soul searchers and charecter less humans.
Now, really: is it true that our good friende, Ibn, is the flight 253 woulde be bomber? Any information on thate? After he constructed a silogism thate probed that allah was not God I guess he had to try to do somethingue to wash is face... butt, as always, he bit the dust...
He is actually revealing Islamic hypcracy and its not him but it is their quranic teaching that leads them into such hypocrisy. mohammad told them not to be friends with Christians and Jews and it is that spirit working in them. mohammad knew that The True Word of God would set them free and he wanted to keep them captive to his own ideology, away from the Light of Jesus.
Muslims are scared of Truth and that’s why they don’t want it to be taught or practiced in their countries. In so called Christian countries there is no such fear and therefore they are allowed to spread their deceit cause it is not going to work on those who truly believe in God and His Precious Son Jesus.
joker naik once again showing his himself and other Muslims expert in religion when he cannot debate with prominant debaters who can defeat him easily,he fears he will lose all his popularity and wealth in the so called peace TV..
why don't y'all give that coward an open challenge on your ABN show...i don't think he will accept it anyway..but at least some more people will know hes a real loser
I have the perfect solution allow all us kafirs to teach 2+2=3 in our churches and allow the Muslims to teach 2+2=4 in the Mosques provided the Mosques are in a country where there only Muslims. The Germans have banned the Swatzitka (sp) why do we ban the Mosque and declare Islam an illegal.
Wow,I never expected that from ZAKIR NAIK.He is certainly more intelligent than that:to say we NON-MUSLIMS have no right to preach our faith to Muslims in Muslim countries.I believe the REASON is fear of HELL.For them it is not a matter of faith only in Jesus.
BTW,though off-topic I wish to communicate about something that I found out last year.In RABBI DAVID DALIN's book THE MYTH OF HITLER'S POPE he talks about the BLOOD LIBEL.
It was the belief in the Middle Ages that the Jews would KILL a Christian child during PASSOVER.Why?To mix his blood with the Passover matzoh bread.
I knew of it but what I didn't know was that more than one POPE in the MIDDLE AGES had very clearly CONDEMNED that belief,saying it was a lie.It still presisted but it was NOT because the Catholic Church was propagating it.So if you ever read an article about Christian Judeophobia and it mentions the BLOOD LIBEL,one must know it was NOT because of a propaganda campaign by the Catholic Church.
VJ said: "why don't y'all give that coward an open challenge on your ABN show"
We've already done that. I've also sent emails challenging him to debate. Naik simply won't face anyone with debate experience.
That's the difference between Zakir Naik and Shabir Ally. Naik hasn't faced a single respected Christian debater in his entire career, while Shabir has faced several. I'm not impressed by Shabir's arguments, but I certainly respect his willingness to face capable opponents.
David Wood Said...
"We've already done that. I've also sent emails challenging him to debate. Naik simply won't face anyone with debate experience."
I have a idea, since the "Gospel Defending Islam destroying sysstem" fund raiser was such a success. In a matter of a few days 2000 dollars ras raised. Why not find out how much it would cost to run front page adds and radio and even television adds in India challangeign Dr Naik to a debate. Then have a fund raiser to cover the cost.
I'm sure it will be over 2000 dollars however who says it has to be done in a few days. If it takes a year it takes a year. You could also team up with appolgetic networks in India to help raise the cash.
Also set up a website, or something like that. Have a form letter that generates that will send off a fax, and email to Dr Niak.
Anotehr Idea that might be cheeper is a direct marketing campaing. Sendig mail, both electronic and physical to mosqs, even possibly muslims in india.
HE says his religion is the only true / perfect religion. That is because he believes that His God is the only god. Then Y not His true perfect god provide His followers with intelligence and knowledge, so that they dont have to beg for it from christian nations(non-believers). That summarizes either u r god was not intelligent, omniscient and omni potent enuf when he made u. Beware u indians, he wants every indian to follow his perfect religion or else he will use force to accomplish tht which is already in process.
Naik reminds me of Dawkins who refused to debate William Lane Craig. Funny that.
>> team up with appolgetic networks in India ..
One apologetics network in India that I know which debates/engages with Muslim debaters is the Sakshi Apologetics Network. Their website gives the details of their various debates etc (in "religions" section of the website):
I just watched three of his debates on dvd tonight. He is a joke. What a waste of my time. When he starts debating people who are experienced and starts debating fairly then I will take him seriously.
such a poor deluded man. but at least hes saying aloud what majority of muslim think.
A Life Time Challenge To All Muslims
When will Dr. Zakir Naik M.B.B.S
founder of IRF Mumbai India.
Christian Apologist to Islam
Dear Muslim from around the world. This is a life time challenge to You. Why don't you Challenge Zakir Naik and company to Debate Christian apologists.
Some time back I was in touch with IRF volunter in Bombay (mumbai)
I had question him 'Why Zakir Naik dosent want to debate Christian apologist the instant reply from this guy was 'Zakir has Challenged the pope and many Christian leaders'
Oh NO, Allah cannot allow us to teach 2+2=3.... provided we PAY him by way of Jiziyah.
Peace Dear Fat Man,
"Why not find out how much it would cost to run front page adds and radio and even television adds in India challangeign Dr Naik to a debate"
Zakir Naik is very powerful In India and also have powerful Fans,followers and Financers throughout the world.
Zakir is more powerful Than Sabbir Ally and other islamic preachers..
Zakir IRF has also brought some media people and politicians
Politicians support Zakir as Muslims are huge VOTE BANK ..
There are more muslims in India than Saudi Arabia
Well there you go. Who could argue with that? What if I believe Christianity equals 4 and Islam equals three? I should not permit Islam in my #4 country. Of course they can still practice Islam in their house, so why should they complain?
Having to do with the theme of Islam and the rights of other religions,I read a few days ago an article in where a friend of RIFQA BARY,an ex-Muslim himself,asks us to write to ERIC FENNER.He is in charge of the Ohio Children's Services.
Rifqa,due to the actions of CAIR(who are involved in CRIME,as shown in MUSLIM MAFIA(2009 book)),which is helping Rifqa's family,has suceeded in NOT allowing her to have any contact with her though she were a criminal or a potential terrorist.So her friend asks us to send an email to Fenner to let her have contact with those she trusts.
I have done so and also told him about how in the hadiths Mohammed says 7X to kill apostates.I said to read answeringmuslims,answeringislam,jihadwatch,faithfreedom and atlasshrugs.
(FCCS means Franklin County children's services).
Adam said...
Zakir Naik is very powerful In India and also have powerful Fans,followers and Financers throughout the world.
Thats great, I wonder if he would have those fans, and supporters if he backed down from a publicly issued debate.
Do they have billbords in India, like we do in the west? what about public benches were you wait for a bus.
I'm talking about a total media blitz. It will take some time to raise the money. But I'm sure a full page add in a indian news paper or radio add in India will be cheeper then doing the same in the US.
We can do facebook, and twitter adds also youtube, mixed in with email, as well as fax boming to local mosqs.
Step 1. Facebook, Twitter, Email, and Fax campain.
Step 2. News paper adds to run for a few days.
Step 3. Radio adds\Billbord Adds, Sky Writting over Dr Naiks Mosq
Step 4. Possible TV adds.
Hopefully local Indian or even Arabic news will pick up the story and run with it, giving free plublicity.
Dr. Zakir Naik is a moral idiot.
Many of us in the West know that Muhammad was a moral idiot.
In Sahih Bukhari, the most canonical of hadith collections, Muhammad said, "Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him."
Yes, Muhammad was a moral idiot.
By Naik's idiot logic, we should not allow propagation of Islam in non-Muslim countries, since we know Islam is moral idiocy. If Naik only knew how foolish and false he seems in this video. But if he could see that then he wouldn't be who he is.
Naik is a mediocrity with a decadent mentality, and though he claims to care about blasphemy, if anything he truly is a great blasphemer because he pretends he and his so-called Muslim brothers are God's exclusive authorities on earth. He takes a book, perhaps inspired by devils, but certainly issuing from fallible human beings and put together by fallible human hands, and he claims, on his own half-witted authority, that his book gives him the right to suppress people not of his own religion. Guess what. You, Naik, and your totalitarian pseudo-religion will be suppressed tenfold. You don't know your own fallibility. You know nothing, and you are trying to spread that nothing everywhere. You won't get away with it.
We should insist that political Islam stop or be utterly crushed, as we crushed the political aspect of Japanese Shinto after the Japanese surrender in World War II.
Check out this excellent article that intelligently describes what we in the West should do if people like Naik don't stop pushing the hate-religion that threatens non-Muslims around the world.
No Substitute for Victory; The Defeat of Islamic Totalitarianism
Zakir naik is an ostrich hiding his head in the sand when there is a storm of challenge. His ability is 'talk loud' in his own comfort zone. He can assert whatever he likes but only until he can compellingly support his assertion, no one will take him seriously. Oh, maybe some brainwashed muslims will think he is their hero..
I have too many friends that can make such an assertions.. but what is the point? No one will believe them.
Just recently, I myself thought I believe once we die we become an alien like UFO.. and I believe this is the truth.. no one can say this is wrong... thus, killing people will be so beneficial for their lives to a higher lifestyle as being UFO...
Zakir Naik can't say that I am wrong as i dont have to support my belief system and I dont have to let others examine what I believe...
Thus, Zakir Naik once he dies he will be the evil UFO and I will be UFO hero that strangle his neck...
Do you believe me guys? hahahaha
What a joke!!
By the way, I agree to issue a big MEDIA ads challenge to Zakir Naik.. Let the world know he is a coward and it will destroy his many followers.
someone said tht Zakir naik has challenged POPE. Its like challenging a english teacher by a mathematics Scholar on Applied Mathematical Theorem!!!! 2+2=6
I am still listening to the Kunde-Green debate.Since it seems that part of this blog will soon go to archives I think I have to write my thoughts here instead.
It's something I wrote about before.I disagree with Mr.Kunde's idea that one should distrust the "James,brother of Jesus,the one called the Messiah"passage and also on the TESTIMONIUM FLAVIUM in Josephus.
He is the greatest expert on Josephus,and he is also Jewish.He and virtually all scholars accept the validity of the passage.Only 3 or 4 don't(and they are those who believe Jesus NEVER existed).They know the passage destroys their claim.
A modified portion of it is accepted by LOUIS FELDMAN as authentic and by 75% of Josephus scholars.So it's a majority of 3 to 4.It's NOT that the passage has been utterly rejected.
To continue:
I had before spoken about that I didn't think Jesus was 2 when visited by the MAGI.Nowhere in MATT does it say:"The MAGI said Jesus was 2 years old."It says HEROD in MATT 2:16 decided to kill all children 2 and under according to the exact date given by the Magi.But it does NOT say(I repeat) that the MAGI said he was 2 years old.
If Herod really believed THEM,the MAGI,he would NOT have killed children who were newborns(under 2).It's obvious he was taking no chances.And again,that is assuming the Magi had said Jesus was 2.
LUKE 2:21-24
There Mary and Joseph go to the Temple after the 40 days of purification and follow Mosaic Law,LEV 12:8.For the POOR the contribution to the temple was 2 doves.THAT is what THEY gave.So 40 days after Jesus' birth they STILL had not seen the Magi.
The Magi gave them RICH presents,which they used to go to Egypt.If they had come BEFORE the 40 days they would NOT have given 2 doves,or the poor people's offer.
I noticed those details by chance and I also noticed that several times in the NT there is TIME COMPRESSION(like 5X).
Regarding the Koran,I had before stated that it can't be from God because there it says Allah "prays upon/for Mohammed" 2X.
Mr.Kunde said the OT clearly says "God is NOT a man".He implied that it can NOT be taken as an EXPRESSION,as I understood him.True,God is not a man,but the phrase does NOT say he can NOT become a MAN if he wishes to.In fact in the OT God meets ABRAHAM as a MAN.
But in the Koran to say Allah prays for Mohammed is making the Koran turn out to be a false book.A Muslim can not explain that away.
Although this guy is dead wrong about the nature of God and right worship, I disagree that he's necessarily a hypocrite for wanting to propogate Islam and not wanting other religions to be propogated. Prior to the modern age, in fact, all of Christendom would've agreed with him in principle, although obviously not in the specifics of what constitutes true religion.
What would make him a hypocrite in my eyes is if he's one of those Muslims who push for more and more so-called "religious rights" in the West for their own ends when they really don't believe in the concept. As far as I can tell, though, Islam condones this kind of duplicity. Unlike Christianity, Islam has never propagated its message honorably. But then, it would be silly and naive for us to expect it to. The beauty and truth of the gospel speaks for itself, while the propagation of Islam requires violent force, deception, or both.
Hi brother minoria...
yes... professor Kunde insists thate the qur'an makes totally distinction between allah and men... nevertheless, as you really pointed out, is not vthe true eben in a soteriological point of view as the shadada (thate is not eben present in its complete forme in teh qur'an) shows by reuniting allah withe muhammad: to be saved, islam tels, one must believe in allah and muhammad as his prophet...
strange is the exegesis of the veterotestamentary text of «God is not a man»... it only says, in its context, thate the logic and proceedure of God is not like off those of men... nevertheless we Christians don't believe that in Jesus God is (only) a man (as professor Kunde woulde want to say I guess), rather thate in Jesus Gos assumed an human nature becoming a man withoute cessing being God: Jesus is God and a man: not a "god" that is (only) a "man", neither a "man" thate is (only) "god"...
leave ur brain outside b4 u step into a mosque
Hi... is it true thate Zakir Naik is gay? Or this is just another internet lie?
I hail from India and I am a proud practicing Hindu(non-Muslim).Its really a shame that a person who claims to propoagate peace between Muslims and non-Muslim is doubting other faiths.As a liberal Hindu,I have no hatred towards any religion.Infact I beleieve no religion gives 2+2=4.Every religion gets us close to 4 and its up to an individual to make it 4.
I would appreciate if people around the globe unite and put pressure on Indian governement to curb his controversial speeches.The Congress led Indian govt has always had a soft corner for minorities.Otherwise how could a muslim from a secular country say that only Islam is a true religion and other religions are fake!
My sincere appeal to rational minded people is to ignore this funny fellow called zakir naik.It has been doubtlessly proved that this fellow is a big show man and nothing else.dont think about his followers also because they are perfecting the technique called 'willing suspension of disbelief!'
oh my God! This is where the stupid people entertain each other. wow i am impressed.i did not know that there are so many of u out there.But i must thank God for that.u people honestly believe that the cross and a monkey is worthy of worship?Yet u mock islam.U guys genuinely belong on the Jerry Springer show. WE muslims call it monkey tricks.
There is a saying in swahili "a goat laughs at a sheep when the sheep jumps a rock and his behind is mementarily exposed" the goat forgets that his behind is exposed 24 hrs.... same with christians , your religion is full of rot, lies and it is the original of satanism... so shut up
Tawfik said...
"same with christians , your religion is full of rot, lies and it is the original of satanism"
Well considering we have no prophets being deceived by satan, but we have a savior,allmighty god who gave satan some lessons when he tried to deceive him (and we must remeber that Jesus was hungry and exhausted and he use the scriptures). We have apostles who changed from a life of killing(like paul) to a peace,love,mercy, doctrine while u have a guy who changed from being a merchant to become a murder,rapist,who applied tortures,who was "too friendly" with lil girls,who was always thinking about sex and murder.. well it's kinda funny that comment because we do have several reason (more than i have quoted) to think that about Islam.
bhaijaan said...
"oh my God! This is where the stupid people entertain each other. wow i am impressed.i did not know that there are so many of u out there.But i must thank God for that.u people honestly believe that the cross and a monkey is worthy of worship" hehe we worship only god so if u don't know our doctrine how can u come here and say "stupid people"? XD It's like me saying i hate Nazis because they follow Stallin...
NED. Be you a Jew or a Christian, you'd do well to clear the cloud of ignorance in your mind by educating yourself about the message in your original Scriptures. That Inshallah, should lead you to the Quran and help you see the light.The one Jesus spoke of.
ned. Be you a Jew or a Christian, you'd do well to dispel that cloud of ignorance in your mind by educating yourself about the Message in your original Scriptures and then, Inshallah, ponder over how you disbelieved in the Prophecy of Jesus by posting such a distorted comment on The Quran and Prophet Mohammed.
Ned. Be you a Jew or a Christian, you'd do well to dispel that cloud of ignorance in your mind about The Quran and Prophet Mohammed, by educating yourself about the Message in your original Scriptures- the Prophecy of Jesus about the coming of Muhammed- and then rethink about what you've posted in ignorance.
Ned. Be you a Jew or a Christian, you'd do well to dispel that cloud of ignorance in your mind about The Quran and Prophet Mohammed, by educating yourself about the Message in your original Scriptures- the Prophecy of Jesus about the coming of Muhammed- and then rethink about what you've posted in ignorance.
Ned. Be you a Jew or a Christian, you'd do well to dispel that cloud of ignorance in your mind about The Quran and Prophet Mohammed, by educating yourself about the Message in your original Scriptures- the Prophecy of Jesus about the coming of Muhammed- and then rethink about what you've posted in ignorance.
Nice job exposing frauds, keep up the good work!
Hypocrisy is Dualism. It is very much in the human nature. I do not know about Koran, I do know the core message in Bhagwad geeta and Bible ( Job, Isaiah, Proverbs and the Gospels ) is Nonduality. THERE IS NO FEAR IN NONDUALITY OR ADVAITA. Religions are about duality and I agree Mr. naik saying Islam be THE religion and sure it does keep people in fear.
All of you who are attacking ISLAM, i dont think you should.. we all should have the freedom of worshiping which ever religion we want and we should respect each others Religions.. the person you should be attacking is the person in this video Zakir Naik... not Islam itself. These are the views of Zakir Naik not islam.. Being Muslim myself i know...
That is all, but just remember respect each others religions and if you are angry at a person dont attack his religion because his words are HIS
of course that Zakir has right becouse other religions have some bad things that believe in
of course that Dr.Zaik has right,i have been a orthodocs and now i'm a myslim besouse i have understand that all religions that believes in objects like cross or other objects are fake,we love Jesus(Isa) (pbuh) HE also had pray to ALLAH and all crystians call him god,is not god who pray to other god right? am i right? so don't allow other religions
Who doesn't know that all the debates that are shown on Peace TV are framed under a good setup?How can a debater be loser if the director doesn't want?Yes,debates of Naik are shown only when he wins.
zakir hussain is a real looser, once i have attended his lectures but he failed to answer my questions.
1.He said why cristian and jews can wear veil but not muslims in public and i answered him christians and jews are not bombers or terrorists any country if there is a attack you find it will be only muslims. he was silent and no answer.
2. lore krishna can marry 5000 womens then why cant muslims marry 4 but hindus already left that marrying 4 or 5 womens but muslims still follow the same. reason they are soul searchers and charecter less humans.
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