Hey, the Muslims are getting angry and violent over being filmed. Why does this seem familiar?
For those of us who don't speak French, Minoria has translated enough of the exchange to let us know what happened:
I have just heard the whole thing.It was real nonsense.The Muslims acted like hooligans.
1.A Frenchman got in and decided to film the Muslims while praying.
2.A man started saying it was forbidden like 10X.
3.The Frenchman asked if they had an order that prohibited it.The Muslim just kept saying it was forbidden.The Frenchman said it was a PUBLIC place,the street.He asked by WHAT GOVERNMENT REGULATION he was forbidden to film them.They said nothing.It was obvious there was none.
4.Then the Muslim started saying "you have no right"like 10X in all.The Frenchman said:"Are you a policeman?"He wasn't.The other was saying:"It is forbidden.The people don't want it."
And he THREATENED the guy saying if he didn't stop it he would regret it tonight.Then another Muslim who was a security man from the mosque said not to film.He said he was against violence and it was incidents like that that gave Islam a bad name(Note:but he was not telling the other Muslims to STOP harassing the Frenchman.
5.Then they said that how he would like it he got in his(the frenchman's house),breaking the door,in effect invading his home.But the Frenchman said it was a street.He asked again if there was a law against filming.Another Muslim said it was a place of worship,the frenchman said it was the street.The mosque guy said there was no order for letting them pray on the street but it was tolerated by the authority.(OK,my view:but that does not give them the right to push and harass one from filming if they want to,it is a public place).
6.Also the man said that photos had been taken before but with their permission,the Muslims'.If HE wanted to take photos he would have to get the permission of the mosque.Again the frenchman said:"Forbidden by who?""By we ourselves!"Then another muslim:"You don't the right to film us."The woman was saying nothing important really,just in effect asking what happened and he told her he had been threatened.
In effect the Muslims had no right to prevent anybody from filming them,they knew it and in spite of that were violent to the Frenchman.And the Muslims in charge were saying that they wanted him out just because they felt like it.The title was "La LAICITE remise en cause"(Secularism is questioned,argued against)
Somebody was yelling "Take your camera away!"several times,a muslim.They were telling him in the end that he needed their permission to film and he wanted to know why.In effect the Muslims were overreacting to the tolerance given them to pray in a public place,showing intolerance and freaking out over somebody who was filming them.The OVEREACTION was evident,too much,I was shocked,no sense of humour in those Muslims,no sense of tolerance.
For a complete translation by Fernando (too long to post here), see the comments section.
Ka Ka Ka Ba Ba Ba
Kaaba Worshipping aka CUTlubhai in Paristan..
Imagine Kaaba worshippers (Muslims) migrating to Mars, Then which side will they Worship.
Imagine Kaaba Worshippers going to Moon. What will they discuss.
Ka Ka Ka Ba Ba Ba .... Ka Ka Ka Ba Ba Ba
once any Lets sing it Ka Ka Ka Ba Ba Ba....
OMG !! really so sad to see that !! even in France !!!!!! it is really so sick !!!!
Another point from what Brother David elaborated on the video, neamley, :
1- muslim consistency, will they allow christians to do the same in their muslim countries,
2- and using violence
i would like to add:
this is called abuse of freedom , up to violation of others !!!
using the whole side walk streets, with microphones and speakers, and obstacling other pedserians path.. for any sort of religious activities, thats violation, and bad conduct!!
In muslims countries they do worse, they block the whole street, so even cars wont pass through, and of course you cant complain, since police is even protecting their prayers , on behalf of applying laws !!!!
as a non-muslims, it is better for you to stay home during their prayers, at least to avoid feeling like a second degree citizen while seeing you rights violated by others, and also to avoid being harrased by those muslims who will recognize u as a christian, or may be better as a non practicing muslims, so they will start advising you !!
The problem is, even if you stayed home, you still listen to the whole islamic prayers, with their noisy loud voices !!! disrespecting everyone right for the name of allh and his apostle !!! even worse: you will be staying at home listening to them insulting and cursing you, which is an integral part of their religion humulilating all non-muslims !!!
So if we are looking on the timeline:islamic countries werent like this before islam, but all this happened when islam took over... and now we are seeing what muslims doing in the west , claiming it is their rights, how would it look like in the future ?!! will we see the day where we will listen to imams humilating all non-muslims in their paryers loudly in france, while the muslims bloacking the whole champ de Mars in Paris to pray!! and tourist are waiting till they finish so they can go to the eiffel tower ?!!!
This day is coming if we are not going to wake up, fighting for your freedom...
I think First step, is trade of freedom with all muslim countries... and termsshould be clear: If muslims arent willing to give Christians equal freedom in ilsam countries (e.g :to allow christian to preach, evangelise, build churches, pray freely, take same and equal positions like muslims), then muslims should be treated with same laws they apply to christians ... otherwise, deported back to their islamic countries.. { they should learn that freedom is based on equality of rights, no discriminating !!} .. it is really sick and ironic to see muslims calling for their rights and freedom in western coutries, when they are not willing to take the first sep first !!!}
also if they areapplying quranic laws in their coutries, then non-muslims terms of the quran, should be applied to them in non-mulsim countries as sort of fairness !!
if they condemened denmark, or any one for saying something about their prophet, they should omit all what we dont agree with about Jesus from the quran first !!
Freedom is easy, just stupidity makes it difficult to understand
GOD BLESS YOUR FAITH brothers and sisters
these christian nations dont have spine. Yes they dont have because they dont have christ
Can anyone translate some of French dialogue? Maybe the gist of what each of the various speakers said?
Seem to me that the peace loving Muslims in Dearborn are now speaking French to the Kafirs, By the way I have just posted an interview with Frankin Graham and a good CNN dhimmie Cambell Brown http://challenging-islam.blogspot.com/
Hi Ed...
sorry iff mie english is bad... here's my translation:
First muslim: you do nott habe the right to film.
Director: whie?
First muslim: you do nott habe the right to film because we are startingue to do our prayers; you’ll stop;
Many persons: you do nott habe the right to film.
Director: whie?
Muslim guy #1: whie are you filming me?
Muslim guy #1: whate are you doing?
Someone: shu, shu (meaning: be silent);
From 1.48 to 1.58: impossible, to me to understande;
Someone: whate is happening?
Someone: are you from the police?
Director: I just want to speak with the responsable (at 2.17)
Director: he’s the responsible.
Muslim guy #1: came with me (2.21).
Someone: are you from the police?
Director: no.
Someone: so, you’re not from the police (2.25).
Someone: its forbidden to film.
First muslim arguing with other muslim: sit down.
The other muslim: he cannot be in the street (2.40).
Muslim guy #1: people do not want thate someone take photos from them. It’s forbidden.
Director: where in the law is thate side that is forbidden? (2.50)
Muslim guy #1: sit down (starts speakin in arabic).
Muslim guy #1: its forbidden.
(part 2)
Director: its forbidden… but who forbade? The town hall? The law? The local governement?
Muslim guy #1: came, came, lets go away through here (3.19).
Muslim guy #1: its forbidden to film. People do not want thate someone take photos from them
Director: they do not want thate, but I want to do so.
Muslim guy #1: no. Eben iff you want to take pictures, you habe to ask permition to do so. Ok? (3.37).
Director: so I habe to ask permition to all these people?
Director: I made a question, I’m in the street. It’s all.
Muslim guy #1: you do not habe the right (3.47)
Director: by whom? The local governement? The town hall?
Muslim guy #1: yes. It’s forbidden to take photos here.
Director: here. And there I can?
Muslim guy #1: and whate do you wante there?
Director: who gabe you the mandate? The town hall?
Muslim guy #1: It’s forbidden, my friend (4.07)
Director: by which rules?
Muslim guy #1: you must go to there because people is starting to do its prayiers.
Director: they are not preparing to praie; they are sitting down.
Muslim guy #1: hei! The muslim prayer is like thate.
Director: that’s in your place, I’m in my place, not onlie you. I’m in France.
Muslim guy #1: go to there (4.22).
(part 3)
Muslim guy #1: its forbidden. For instance: you are in your home…
Director: yes, I’m in France…
Muslim guy #1: No…
Director: yes, this is a public space…
Muslim guy #1: No… imagine you are in your home; I came and open violently the door and enter. Do you think I habe such right? (4.42)
Director: no, you do not habe the right…
Muslim guy #1: well… that’s it.
Director: No. You’re in a public space.
Muslim guy #1: no, you do nott habe the right,
Director: butt there’s a construction; I’m in the construction. This is nott a plece to worship.
Other muslim guy in the background: you do not habe the right.
Director: This is a public space.
Muslim guy #1: you do not habe the right. It’s the steet. Look at the people, butt onli film the walls. You do not habe the right (5.09).
Director: wahte rulle saies so?
Director: I’m making a question. I’m not in your home. Ok. I’m in the street.
Muslim guy #1: You do not habe the right.
Other muslim guy: We habe the right not to be filmed.
Director: well, that’s your conviction, beuut there’s also another rulle: the law.
Other muslim guy: no, there’s no rulle here (5.33)
Other muslim guy: I habe my opinion.
Director: ok, butt there’s also a social conscience.
Other muslim guy: you do nott habe the right.
Director: and who are you to say thate I have not the right? The sheriff? (5.52)
Other muslim guy: whate is the goal (off your action)?
Director: I’m questioning, and questioning myself. I’m surprised. I’m surprised.
Another muslim guy: do not film.
Muslim guy #1: do you see?
Other muslim guy: we onli say not to film, that’s all.
(part 4)
Director: this is the street. This is a construction. This is the street.
Another muslim guy: you cannot film a place off worship.
Director: ok, butt this is the street. (6.25)
Muslim guy #1: it’s the street, it’s the street, iff you do not stop filming at night you habe problems. I swer to you tahte you’ll habe the problems eben now. Go away.
Director: wahte kind off problems?
Muslim guy #1: you can go away my friend. (6.39) You have the police and the president down there.
Director: are you a politician?
Muslim guy #1: its forbidden.
Director: Ok. Who told you its forbidden?
Muslim guy #1: its forbidden.
Director: who made it forbidden?
Muslim guy #1: by ourselves (6.56)
Director: you are nott the state.
Other muslim guy: you cannot film people like thate. We are persons. We are persons. You do not habe the right. You do notte habe the right to film us.
Director: in which law do you support your claim? (7.23) What rule?
Other muslim guy: Its interdict.
(part 5)
Older muslim guy: Do you allow me?
Director: good morning sir.
Older muslim guy: good morning.
Director: are you the responsible?
Older muslim guy: I’m one off the responsibles. (7.35)
Director: You are from the mosque. Butt this is not the mosque.
Older muslim guy: Can I tell you somethingue?
Director: hiep.
Older muslim guy: All the persons here are here for the Friday praier because they habe no mosque. Iff they had a mosque they would nott be here. Do you agree?
Director: I do not know.
Older muslim guy: answer me. (7.58)
Director: I’m talking to this person. You are not a responsible like him.
Older muslim guy: the next time you came, go speak to the responsible off the mosque. Ok?
Director: Ok.
Older muslim guy: we trie to organise these things.
Director: you are a responsible.
Older muslim guy: I’m one off the responsibles and the future president off the mosque thate will be constructed. (8.26)
Director: butt they are nott in a mosque, they are in a public space.
Older muslim guy: they are in a public space butt with the agreement off the town off Paris.
(part 6)
Director: the town off Paris. Ok. So you have a mandate off the town off Paris. (8.36)
Older muslim guy: no. It’s a tolerance. The person do not habe the space to worship in the mosque and this is an extention off the mosque. They know thate. That’s whie we trie to organise these things so there are no incidents.
Director: so you are trieng to give some order to this? (9.00)
Older muslim guy: I’m against aggression. I’m against all forms off violence. Because violence gives a bad image to islam. Because when there are problems people say “islam is bad”.
Director: your forbiddances are an agretion.
Older muslim guy: no its not. (9.30) We habe already photographs who came here, and we neber had problems: they were under our personal control. You simply cannot came here and do whate you want: that would be a form off anarchy. (9.48)
Director: I cannot even walk though the street.
Older muslim guy: you know thate iff you go to an organization you talk to the responsible.
Director: inside, butt here I’m nott in the interior off a buiding. I’m in the street. Its different.
Older muslim guy: you are playing around with the words.
Director: no I’m not. I’m in the street, or not?
(part 7)
Another muslim guy: we all… the bigger number off us do nott want you to film us. That’s all. Iff you do not do such thing the prayer is over and I’ll break your camera. (10.27) Without mercy.
Director: this is violence.
Another muslim guy: take the camera out off here.
Older muslim guy: my son…
Another muslim guy: take the camera out off here.
Older muslim guy: my son…
Another muslim guy: take the camera out off here.
Older muslim guy: my son… listen to me… (10.42)
Another muslim guy: take the camera out off here. Take the camera out off here.
Older muslim guy: my son… you’re not the responsible.
(10.56) [violence being inflicted]
Some muslim guy: not now, after the prayer.
Director: I was talking to thate person. He was nott being violent. (11.37)
Some muslim guy: next time do whate he saide: talk with the responsible.
Director: why?
Some muslim guy: you cannot film people in the street.
Director: why not?
Some muslim guy: ohh… I go with my camera and film you, and your brother and your sister and you think this is normal? (12.07)
Director: to me it woulde be…
Some muslim guy: no…
Muslim women: whate happened?
Director: I was filming and some person obstructed me: some security, some… they saide I had not the right to film…
Muslim women: please: do film, came and see… its not forbidden. (12.31)
Some muslim guy: no… its forbidden… we are praying.
Director: that’s whate I was told. Some were quite violent.
Some muslim guy: no.
Director: you were aggressive with me…
Some muslim guy: what did I tell you? You simply had to ask permition with kindness…
Director: you were aggressive… the lady was not…
Muslim women: ok… its like that, butt its not, its not forbidden…
Wow. You'd think the Quran said "no videotaping allowed" or something by watching this.
On an unrelated note, French sounds funny.
shafsha said..
GOD BLESS YOUR FAITH brothers and sisters
whos faith r u speaking about?
if its the muslims then i highly doubt that God blesses islam
If you all think this is wild read my blog. http://challenging-islam.blogspot.com/ I posted a post from WorldNetDaily they are build a mosque at ground zero in NYC
I was just watching one of your programs referred to below, about Major Hassan.
David Wood was presenting verses having to do with abrogation. Sura 2, Verse 106 was put up:
"None of our verses do we abrogate or cause to be forgotten, but we substitute a better one..."
And I thought: Doesn't this take care of all the objections about the verse of stoning or other verses revealed and eaten or surahs recited by one or two reciters and then forgotten?
The Quran is not corrupted because stuff that was forgotten was forgotten because Allah wanted it that way...
Playing the Devil's Advocate for honesty's sake...What do you think?
Well yet another demonstration of where muslims are going to take you. I agree with David's analysis about Islam and Peace that as they grow in number and power they start crawling up and the of course they have to terrorize you and your kids. But who will be terrorized by them, only those who are not in Christ and who do not have put the Word of God in their hearts and who do not have put their faith in the Living God.
Things in the world have to shape as told by Jesus Himself but our command in not to fight but to be strong in God as The Holy Spirit tells through Paul in Ephesians 6, 10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
At the same note i would add that we should be ready to proclaim the Good news of Gospel to them for Jesus died for them too.
Hello Ed:
I have just heard the whole thing.It was real nonsense.The Muslims acted like hooligans.
1.A Frenchman got in and decided to film the Muslims while praying.
2.A man started saying it was forbidden like 10X.
3.The Frenchman asked if they had an order that prohibited it.The Muslim just kept saying it was forbidden.The Frenchman said it was a PUBLIC place,the street.He asked by WHAT GOVERNMENT REGULATION he was forbidden to film them.They said nothing.It was obvious there was none.
4.Then the Muslim started saying "you have no right"like 10X in all.The Frenchman said:"Are you a policeman?"He wasn't.The other was saying:"It is forbidden.The people don't want it."
And he THREATENED the guy saying if he didn't stop it he would regret it tonight.Then another Muslim who was a security man from the mosque said not to film.He said he was against violence and it was incidents like that that gave Islam a bad name(Note:but he was not telling the other Muslims to STOP harassing the Frenchman.
5.Then they said that how he would like it he got in his(the frenchman's house),breaking the door,in effect invading his home.But the Frenchman said it was a street.He asked again if there was a law against filming.Another Muslim said it was a place of worship,the frenchman said it was the street.The mosque guy said there was no order for letting them pray on the street but it was tolerated by the authority.(OK,my view:but that does not give them the right to push and harass one from filming if they want to,it is a public place).
6.Also the man said that photos had been taken before but with their permission,the Muslims'.If HE wanted to take photos he would have to get the permission of the mosque.Again the frenchman said:"Forbidden by who?""By we ourselves!"Then another muslim:"You don't the right to film us."The woman was saying nothing important really,just in effect asking what happened and he told her he had been threatened.
In effect the Muslims had no right to prevent anybody from filming them,they knew it and in spite of that were violent to the Frenchman.And the Muslims in charge were saying that they wanted him out just because they felt like it.The title was "La LAICITE remise en cause"(Secularism is questioned,argued against)
Somebody was yelling "Take your camera away!"several times,a muslim.They were telling him in the end that he needed their permission to film and he wanted to know why.In effect the Muslims were overreacting to the tolerance given them to pray in a public place,showing intolerance and freaking out over somebody who was filming them.The OVEREACTION was evident,too much,I was shocked,no sense of humour in those Muslims,no sense of tolerance.
Fernando and minoria,
Thanks for help with translation of what was going on.
merci fernando :)
Hello David:
I am happy you thought I made the video more comprehensible by commenting.I would also like to add the info that I read from a Frenchman who commented on jihadwatch.com(they have the video there also) that it was made by a member of an anti-Islam political party called DEBOUT LA REPUBLIQUE!.It means STAND UP,REPUBLIC!(meaning the French republic).
Notice the letters DLR under the video,it's for Debout la Republique!
Hello again:
If you want another summary of what was said in the video go to:
freethoughtnation.com, run by ACHARYA (Miss Murdock).She used to be a Christian and has now written books claiming Jesus never existed.For debate on her ideas between her and MICHAEL LICONA go to:
It's a great site with articles by DAVID WOOD and MARY JO SHARP also.It was through that website that I found answeringmuslims.com.
Apparently Miss Murdock also knows French and read her review of it,though it's shorter, in the article PARIS STREET JIHAD.She also writes for faithfreedom.org and in her website she is against Islam.
Fernando and minoria, thank you both very much. After watching that whole video, I very much enjoyed reading what you both wrote!
Giving the Brotherhood a voice in Holland
Why are you so driven by your hatred for the Muslims that you will manipulate and present information that only serves your agenda? I thought the Christianity was the religion of truth and love, what a lot of bull .... your intentions are evil and your heart is diseased and you are misguiding many people.
Now watch how your reasoning (if we can even call it reasoning) destroys Islam.
Your attack against us goes like this: "You criticize Islam; therefore you hate Muslims; how can you be so hateful?"
And here's the simple reply: "Muhammad criticized paganism, Judaism, and Christianity; therefore, Islam teaches people to hate pagans, Jews, and Christians; how can anyone follow such a hate-filled religion?"
Since you must now agree with me that Islam spreads hate, you must also agree with me that we should condemn it. Why, then, are you complaining that we criticize Islam?
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