Saira Liaqat--Burned with acid for refusing to live with her husband before finishing school (holding a picture of what she looked like before she was attacked)

Naila Farhat--Burned with acid for refusing to marry someone

Zainab Bibi--Burned with acid for refusing to marry someone

Munira Asef--Burned with acid for refusing to marry someone

Shameem Akhter--Burned with acid by three boys who gang-raped her

Irum Saeed--Burned with acid for refusing to marry someone

Why do Muslims keep telling us that the veil protects women? Why do Muslims keep telling us that the spread of Islam will help the West?
For more on the women in these pictures (and other women burned by acid in Muslim countries), click here.
Just terrible. Whenever I was reading the following hadith I always wondered what would happen if a girl actually objected to her marriage:
Sahih Bukhari, Volume 9, Book 86, Number 98: Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "A virgin should not be married till she is asked for her consent; and the matron should not be married till she is asked whether she agrees to marry or not." It was asked, "O Allah's Apostle! How will she(the virgin) express her consent?" He said, "By keeping silent."
It is obvious what the consequences are for the virgin that dares to refuse the choise of her father.
i feel sick to the stomach!!!!!!!!!!!
All off these women are infinitely beautifuul to my eyes...
Perhaps one day WomenforTruth, and other likke her, will know, at the hand off some muslim man, whate islam's truth is...
O Lord how I am growing to hate Islam with a passion. My prayer is that I may hate Islam with as much hatered that God has for Islam but also have a love and compassion for those who are bound and held captive in such a vile wicked system
As a woman, this strikes me as absolutely heartbreaking. I don't think a man could ever really understand what it would be like to have one's beauty forcibly taken by another. The thought of it is really horrifying.
May the Lord show His grace and mercy to each of these girls, that they might be forgiven of their own sins, forgive those that have sinned against them, and look forward to the day of resurrection when the Lord will restore all things.
I think that even islam would not allow such cruelty to women, because they refuse to marry.
Or does it?
I honestly believe that Muslim men are the same as everyone else under the skin, and I for one am willing to skin the entire muslim UMMA to prove it. :)
@ brother minoria...
remeber when you talked aboutt the cover-up off Obama´s birth certificate? I talked aboutt the cover-up off his grand-mother being a muslim...
now here's the proof:
Obama's granmother in the Hajj
This isn't actually Islam. This is just pure extremism. They are not following Islam by terrorising these women.
"O Lord how I am growing to hate Islam with a passion." What a joke.
Fact! Fact! Undeniable fact! Muslims can argue as much as they want but they can not remove the factual paint in their face.
The graphs is beyond the ability of my brain to comprehend. Especially the ones who did it were their husbands, family members or related the the girls.
Man, what is happening in the world.. Has Islam really changed the world that worst? Oh man... where is the hidden conscientiousness...where is humanity? No wonder "forgiveness" is not a main topic in Islam as even husbands are allowed to do such a barbaric act to his own wife..
Better leave Islam quick.. it is a religion of satanic followers.
"Perhaps one day WomenforTruth, and other likke her, will know, at the hand off some muslim man, whate islam's truth is..."
For shame, Fernande, for shame. Never wish that a muslimah should suffer abuse at the hands of her husband to see the truth.
Remember, that if Islam is exposed for what it is and the entire world agrees tomorrow, we don't have more people in the Kingdom of God, but a lot of ex-muslims.
No one leaves a thing, but for a better thing. May WomanforTruth and other muslimeen see the beauty of Jesus and be drawn to him.
I think it bears repeating that this does not constitute an argument against Islam; rather, it shows that the often touted defense for the hijab (i.e. it protects women) simply is false.
For the most part, I agree with this - true protection of women doesn't happen by hiding them from men; rather it comes from the hearts of the men being changed.
"true protection of women doesn't happen by hiding them from men; rather it comes from the hearts of the men being changed."
well said nabeel. i like it and agree with it.
Hi everydody.
What is Muslim Debate Initative?
Such violence against women are common among muslims in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh....
I found out abt MDI (muslim debate initative)
Abdullah al Andalusi
Paul A Williams
Sami Zaatari
Shadid Lewis
Farhan Qureshi
Dr Tabassum Hussain
Sadat Anwar
Ali Ashraf
Ahmed Uddin
Fredrik Lundström
Nawazish Khan
I respect them, for being Brave to defend their True Prophet of True reigion of Kaaba Worshipping. These Brave Men and Women are unlike Dr. Zakir Naik.
I Think we all meet them
Their faces should be on Muslim brochures next to the section on how the hijab "frees" women. This is so disgusting. I am outraged by this.
Sister OumAmir said: «For shame, Fernande, for shame. Never wish that a muslimah should suffer abuse at the hands of her husband»...
yes you're right... butt I was talkin about WomenForTruth (and others like her), and she is not a muslim... she follows a pseudo-islam thate is being passed into her in the west...
butt yes: no one should suffer abuse to know whate islam is (sorry iff my words were not clear enought)... unfortunately that's whate will happen to any true muslim women... there's no other chance...
Do you guys realize you really have to hate to do something like this. I meen really most pyscho paths would take a knife. But to dump acid, or gasoline and set them on fire. You really have to hate someone to do that.
We've debated them many times, including this summer. Go to and click on the debate banners; alternatively, go to the debate links on the left of the blog
Nabeel, I don't understand why this phenomenon in the Islamic world is not an argument against Islam. Is throwing acid on women as prevalent in any other cultures?
I agree this shows that the hijab is not about protecting women. It's about owning them. The men who throw acid believe they own these women -- or, similarly, do not know how to detach their own sense of worth from how the woman reacts. As with "owning" someone, there is lack of detachment, lack of personal boundaries, lack of individual identity. This is the false kind of love and unity, the kind that treats the other as a mere extension of the self. In Islam, the manifold suppressions of individuality, together with various violent teachings of Islam, lead to the emergence of a demonic pattern of behavior: throwing acid in women's faces.
Hello Fernando:
Thank you for the information.You are right,first it was claimed she was of one religion and then she went on a pilgrimage to Mecca.What a situation.Unfortunately many people are like that,they receive ideas as children and never question them.That is why I always reverify my beliefs with new info,to see if I am wrong or not.
And I feel so sorry for those poor women.How I wish medical technology was really advanced so they could have their skin and eyes back.I really do,it is so unfair and depressing,and they are stuck with it for the rest of their lives,presumably.
I know science makes progress.For example a few months ago there was a report of a 60 PLUS man who had been BLIND since the age of 4 and who can now see since in SOME CASES eyesight can be restored that was impossible a few years ago.He now SEES.
In the meantime Muslim clerics in Pakistan,India and Bangladesh should carry out an intensive campaign against acid throwing because the Hindus and Christians don't do it.So the "it is a CULTURAL thing" is not very convincing.There is SOME LINK between why only Muslims do it and Islam.It is indirect but you can't say it is 100% CULTURAL.
Also about the rotten state of the Muslim world.You have heard about JIMMY SWAGGART and how he was thrown out by his organization when he was discovered to have been with a prostitute.
That is the difference between the Christian situation and the Muslim one.Now look at QARADAWI,the star preacher of AL-JAZEERA.He has:
1.Said he approves of DEATH for APOSTATES.
2.Killing Israeli civilians,so he SUPPORTS the terrorist organizations HIZBULLAH and HAMAS
3.That Hitler's holocaust was Allah's punishment on the Jews.
Are the MUSLIMS of the WEST clamoring against Al-Jazeera for his firing?Do they care 2 cents?It seems not,yet those SAME people protest about the Danish cartoons and against saying that Islam is "responsible for inspiring the Muslim terrorists".They say HIZBULLAH and HAMAS do NOT represent Islam.They contradict themselves.It is time they mature and become logical if they want non-Muslims to take them seriously.
I forgot to do add concerning the young women whose faces have been harmed that there is room for improvement.Everybody has heard of HEART TRANSPLANT.Then came SKIN TRANSPLANT(using your own skin).
Now there is FACE TRANSPLANT.It is new,it has been around for only like 3 years but it works.There you use the face or parts of the face of ANOTHER person to improve your own.It was first done on a French woman whose face was ruined by a dog and recently on an American lady.It helps.I hope those young women will soon have access to it.Pray for them.
Where is WomenforTrue?
Where is WomenforTrue?
Ali... can you call her? Thankes...
There is in Islam,the way it has been traditionally,a fostering in the men of looking at women as less important.Now acid-throwing is only in SOME Muslim countries but hey,they still can't eliminate it.
It has existed in AFRICA from BEFORE Islam.Today 130 MILLION women have had their clitoris cut out,2 MILLION each year.The barbaric practice is NOT confined to Muslims but unfortunately is practiced by some animist and Christians(at least they say they are Christian).
But what the people are not told is that the MAJORITY(I don't know the %)of those who suffer are MUSLIM.So even there we see Islam unable to do something.Again,it is not in the Koran but since Islam looks on wives as the "field" of the husband to which he can go as he pleases (sura 2:223)and they have the right to HIT them(sura 4:34)that in itself fosters looking on women as second-rate.
Where is WomenforTrue?
Ali... can you call her? Thankes...
You should also look at what Christian men do... Slaughtering and dismembering their wives. Everyday. In America, in Europe and widespread throughout Christian societies. What you're saying about Islam is equivalent to us saying: I think Christianity encourages men to kill their wives and passionately rejoice their blood.
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