ISLAMABAD, Oct 21: The courage shown by two unsung heroes, including one who lost his life during the two suicide bombings in the International Islamic University (IIU), saved lives of hundreds of girl students in the institution’s cafeteria on Tuesday.
Pervez Masih, a 40-year-old Christian worker, saved scores of lives at the double-storey cafeteria, where around 400 female students were present at the time of the attack.
“There would have been dozens of deaths had the suicide bomber not been blocked by Pervez Masih,” said Saifur Rehman, a senior security official of the IIU.
The other hero, Mohammad Shaukat, survived the attack but he is fighting for his life on a bed in the surgical ward of Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, as a shot fired by the suicide bomber hit him in lower abdomen.
Narrating the scene of the suicide attack on the cafeteria for women, Shaukat told Dawn that: “The attacker clad in a black burka was heading towards the cafeteria for female students at a time when they were having their lunch. I felt something wrong as no girl student, even one who observes veil, wears a head-to-toe burka on the women campus. I intercepted the bomber, who shot me, and I fell down but Pervez, who witnessed the scene, understood the designs of suicide bomber and held him at the entrance of the dining hall where the blast took place.”
Organs and flesh of the suicide bomber littered the entrance area and Pervez was thrown at the wall on the other side of the dining hall, said another eye-witness. Source.
While the media are busy trying to avoid the connection between Fort Hood shooter Nidal Malik Hasan's actions and his religious beliefs, Pervez Masih, by sacrificing himself for others, has show the connection between his actions and his Christian beliefs.
i feel so bad. i hope muslims with their cold heart feel the same way. i wonder wut kinda theory they will come up with? muslims have nothing to defend this story at all. this tells u how ignorant islam is when it comes to their corrupt quaranic scriptures. shame on satanic islam.
The President of Pakistan has decleared Perves Masih a National Hero, as his body lies burried off a muddy dirt road in a cematary covered in Garbage. I guess thats how pakistan treats its dead christian heror's, he save muslims from themselves.
Yes... I saw this reportage this afternoon here inn Europe...
This epitomizes Christianity: accepting to lose his liffe at the hand off a criminal person following the key and central teachings off muhammad...
it also epitomizes the way Christians are treated in muslims countries...
a finall worde to all off those who're still trapped in Northern Cyprus at the hand off the ocupating force off islamic Turkey...
A Muslim "martyr" murders other people for his beliefs....A Christian Martyr lays down his own life to PROTECT other people for his beliefs. Remember the words of Jesus "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends" John 15:13. Pervez is truly a hero and I am proud of his Christian faith.
May Allah bless this person.
AGAIN whats with christians and their constant obsession with relating extremists to islam?
Who's the real cold hearted ones?
Uh fatman i dont know how christians, when burrying their own, would do such a thing like that.
Ali, when you say "May Allah bless this person" are you referring to the Christian or to the bomber?
ali... how dare you curse a gentle Christian hero. your allah couldn't bless anything, even if it existed. allah is the mental machinations of an insane pedophile. your curse is disgusting. islam is disgusting.
you need to repent of your insane hatred for all that is good and decent. Jesus loves you and died for just such darkened souls as yours. Peace, in His love, papajoe
Simon said: i feel so bad. i hope muslims with their cold heart feel the same way
Hi all, I am a fellow Christian who recently has been going into the world of Islam. Obviously not because I believe in Islam in any way, but because I have some Muslim friends to whom I have been preaching the gospel, and it has been necessary to learn about Islam in order to deal with them. For that reason I want to extend my thanks to the staff of Acts17 Apologetics for the amazing job they are doing, together with sites like have been a huge blessing.
However I would like to make a short comment, the first thing I saw in this post was the comment by Simon, accusing muslims of having a cold heart. And to be honest, I can not agree with that at all. While I totally support the fact of exposing the lies of Islam, I have to disagree when the attack is not to the "religion" or "ideology", but on the people who follows that religion. As Christians we are called to love our enemies, those who insult and persecute us and that is one of the signs that Christ is in us.
For those who are writing such offensive comments, not on Islam, but on followers of Islam. Please consider the situation of a muslim person, who is honestly searching for the truth and the first he/she finds is a comment such as muslims with their cold heart , do you actually think that this is appropiate?
Simon, I am really sorry I took you as an example, but I am trying to make a point from something I've seen in other threads. Remember, not every Muslim is Osama Abdallah or Nadir Ahmed
Simon said...
i feel so bad. i hope muslims with their cold heart feel the same way.
KennethFM said...
For those who are writing such offensive comments, not on Islam, but on followers of Islam. Please consider the situation of a muslim person, who is honestly searching for the truth and the first he/she finds is a comment such as muslims with their cold heart , do you actually think that this is appropiate?
Hi Kenneth
Nice to have you here. I don't know why but when I read Simon post I don't see the offensive language. Here is what I mean:
Simon said:
I hope muslims with their cold heart feel the same way.
Does it mean:
1. Only for muslims who are accompanied with the cold heart thus there are some without
2. All muslims MUST be with cold heart which indicates all muslims are cold heart. I dont see this is what Simon is referring, but better asked Simon.
I find a nice statement by Sir Winston Churchill on
“The malice of the wicked is reinforced by the weakness of the virtuous” –Sir Winston Churchill"
I guess it is quite true.. While the wicked realises that we have to follow the example of Christ, the wicked exploit it.
Example, Hamas fire their rockets from the civilian knowing that it is not a virtue to kill the civilian by the Israeli.
Pervez Masih has died for saving the people (majority muslims as I dont know if all them are muslims), but in return he was treated like a garbage.
We try to put things into its perspective, and we got told off that is not Christ example.
Thus, following Christ is like you bind your two hands behind your back and let your enemy kills you.
This is who we are.. but Christ is with us.
Peace Simon and Kenneth... just a thought which maybe wrong anyway...
kenneth FM
i c ur point and i understand. not all muslims r cold hearted but the truth is there for them to hear. its there religion that doesnt want them to learn or understand christianity and especially in there own muslim countries.but anyhow i am wrong somewut and i apologize to all muslims if ive offended them. only God can change their heart with love with his acceptance. i pray for those muslims and nonmuslims who r seeking the truth.
Just a note to tell you that Your harsh words were like a knife through my heart.
May the almighty God, Allah bless the kind souls who saved our Muslim sisters. May their families be blessed in abundance. As for the Muslim ladies, who were saved, may you continue to break away from the oppression forced upon us.
God works in many ways. It took a christian family man to save a bunch of muslim ladies.
Just a note to tell you that Your harsh words were like a knife through my heart.
May the almighty God, Allah bless the kind souls who saved our Muslim sisters. May their families be blessed in abundance. As for the Muslim ladies, who were saved, may you continue to break away from the oppression forced upon us.
God works in many ways. It took a christian family man to save a bunch of muslim ladies.
Yes, these kind of acts is truely an eye opener and will linger in the hearts and minds of many.
extremists? Obsession? Oh, yes, you are definitly a muslim male. Always finding excuses.
Hats off to the brave heart men pervez masih & Mohammed shaukat.
Can I please emphasise for the sheltered minds that live in their own bubble, that the virtue this man showed is by no means exclusive to Christianity or the religious.
I am not religious, however I would like to think I live by a set of principles (even if they are a product of human society at this time - they feel real enough) and could draw up the courage to defend the innocent against harm. Even if that meant I was sent to a meaningless oblivion - I do not know.
If some people here indeed believe themselves Christians, perhaps they should read Kenneth's post again and consult whatever part of their dusty tome that deals with humility and ignorance of others. I doubt very much Pervaiz Masih would want him memory to be used as a chip in a poker game against others. I doubt very much the Islamic girls eating there lunch there agreed with the man who came to murder them.
You said, "I have to disagree when the attack is not to the "religion" or "ideology", but on the people who follows that religion"
Who was attempting to blow up the group of women? Was it a religion, an ideology, or was it a person? Now if many many separate persons consistently commit and approve of horrendous acts of violence and the commonality connecting them all is their religion, why is it wrong to criticize the followers of this evil religion?
How do you go about separating the people from the religious system which, if they follow consistently, tells them that the act of blowing up this group of women is the correct course of action?
I think that the posts on this blog have had a constant theme for the most part, which is a love of the truth of the gospel and the constant declaration for sinners to repent and be reconciled to the true God.
As the verse which the name of this blog is taken from declares: Acts 17:30 "The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent, because he has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed; and of this he has given assurance to all by raising him from the dead."
Gem said...
Peace Simon and Kenneth... just a thought which maybe wrong anyway...
Hi Gem, thank you very much for your remarks, please notice, I'm not against Simon at all. Simon, I love you in Christ man, I am sorry if I did not explain myself properly to clarify my point.
Simply, what I'm trying to express, is that exposing Islam?, perfect! yes I agree, and I will join you. Exposing terrorism/terrorists? Of course I agree. Exposing Islamic Apologist, who in order to save the bit of dignity left in Mohammed "prophethood", lie themselves and to others? Of course! I agree more than 100% percent... My point is that we have to be wise, there might be Muslims who are seriously weighting their believes, and searching for truth. Even you found that there might be confusion in that comment. Well, what I am trying to say is to think properly any comment before writing it, so that while exposing the things mentioned before, the other group of Muslims, those truth seekers are not affected and can find Christ as their saviours.
Of course is a difficult thing to do and I might be wrong, but I just wanted to point that out.
May the Lord Jesus bless you!
I pray that God will bless his family. They don't have any money, clearly, so I'm not surprised that they can't bury him in a better fashion. The government, who has called him "A National Hero" should look to that.
And the reason why extremists are tied with Islam is because it is the Islam that's making them extreme. Plain and simple.
Hope that helps,
Hi Ali...
After reading you claiming thate in islamic countries there are no such thing as prostitution, here's today proof how low a muslim can goo to tell lies:
Egyptian Christian Man Attacked By Mob for Frequenting A Muslim Brothel
Abdullah made a remark about the Lord's Liberation Army in the Congo which has commited many human-rights abuses calling it "Christian Fundamentalist".
It can not be because the Golden Rule or ETHIC of RECIPROCITY is not one of their fundamentals.And that is the basis of human rights.Abdullah,one question,do you know what the fundamentals of Christianity are?There are theological ones like Jesus was God,the atonement etc...and the ethical one of the Golden Rule.If you take ONE out then it is NOT Christianity.If an organization takes one out then it is NOT fundamentalist.
Abdullah,in your Koran the Golden Rule does NOT have the centrality it does in the NT.It can not be denied.In that sense the Koran is lacking,imperfect,inferior.Even HINDUISM has the Golden Rule expressed better in the MAHABHARATA where it says "Do not do to others what you do not want others to do to you."
In spite of that it has not prevented the 20% who are untouchables in Hinduism from being treated like 3rd class citizens.One good reason is that the Golden Rule in Hinduism does NOT have the CENTRALITY it does in the NT,and the same for the Koran.But it is good you made the statement since the Muslims who read this can now know the fact that taking one one fundamental invalidates the whole.
Before you blame Islam, you should look more into what happened. Are you saying it's Islam's fault because she wore a burkah? That was just a convenient way to conceal the weapon and bomb. People have used religion to justify attrocities across the ages, ESPECIALLY CHRISTIANS. Read up on the middle ages. Christians were really virtuous there.
Also, note the second hero was named Muhammad, after the prophet. I'm assuming he's Muslim.
To those of you who just attacked Ali and assumed he was blessing the bomber, what the heck? Way to show Christians are loving. Attacking Muslims is a great way to get that across. And besides, doesn't Jesus tell you to bless your enemies? I say bless the bomber. Whatever lead her down that path, I feel horrible that that was the decision she came to and I hope God may be able to give her clarity and that she regrets what she did in whatever afterlife awaits her.
And yeah, I'm a Christian, before anyone accuses me of being a Muslim for sympathizing with them.
You really, really, really should do a little research before you jump to defend Islam and Muslims.
Are you suggesting that the bomber wasn't a Muslim??? Muslims are the ones blowing up schools in Pakistan, in an effort to keep women from receiving an education. (According to Muhammad, women are stupid, so any effort on their part to receive an education is perceived as an attempt to overthrow Islam.)
And why in the name of common sense do you bring up "Christian" violence? We condemn violence by Christians especially. But in this post, we're discussing a Christian who sacrificed himself to save Muslim students. And your only response is to divert attention from his Christ-like sacrifice???
Child of the Sun has a point that the other hero was a Muslim but the action of terrorism corresponds with the Taliban modus operandi.
In a hadith Mohammed says women are inferior to men in intelligence.It is supposedly authentic,Child of the Sun.I suppose religious Muslims will have to agree because it comes from their prophet,the greatest man who ever lived.
Did you that before?So in a crazy way the Taliban would see women getting educated as being a waste of money when the money spent would better go to educating MEN,so they protest by bombing.
Hi childoftheson,
thanks for ur comments ,but you are in the wrong place man, in this blog no christians are neutral & nobody accept the truth.
Mr.Wood said:
"According to Muhammad, women are stupid, so any effort on their part to receive an education is perceived as an attempt to overthrow Islam"
According to bible,
what's the status of women?
1 timothy:
2:11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
2:13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
2:14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
2:15 Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety
so according to your holly bible
women are slaves,stupids and deceivers etc....
so what about the nuns, are they giving birth to a child? i know legally they can't, so how? they can never enter the kingdom of lord?
i think professor, you have problem with your memory otherwise you will not make such comments.
see what quran says about:
4:124 If any do deeds of righteousness,- be they male or female - and have faith, they will enter Heaven, and not the least injustice will be done to them.
please clarify sir,if iam wrong.
hahaha ashraf
u forgot to mention those quranic verses abt wife beating, inheritance, poligamy, that man is a degree above woman, that women r men's fields and that they can enter them whichever way they like... hmmm hmmm and y is that? care to explain.
ur second source (hadiths) also says bunch of "nice" stuff abt women.. still, quran is enuff to get the picture.
ashraf said...
Hi childoftheson,
Hi childoftheson,
thanks for ur comments ,but you are in the wrong place man, in this blog no christians are neutral & nobody accept the truth.
Mr.Wood said:
"According to Muhammad, women are stupid, so any effort on their part to receive an education is perceived as an attempt to overthrow Islam"
According to bible,
what's the status of women?
1 timothy:
2:11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
etc etc
Hi ashraf,
Why do I smell that you actually do not know your own belief hence you keep throwing the balls (questions) back to the questioners?
You did it to me and you demand me to explain about my belief which was not on the topic in discussion.
And now, instead of clarifying and rebuttling what David raised, again you throw questions to us.
Please.. give me a break... just answer if you are able...
It is really an act of a child to throw responsibility and pretend the matter is well responded by such an act.
Sorry ashraf for a bit stinging remarks.. but I mean it for good... for a better communication.. hope you understand my point...
Thanks Kenneth for your explanation..
I am cool...
In Christ alone we are saved..
Bless you
thanks for posting ur point. ur right there r muslims who r looking for truth and we need to be wise about how we approach them.
i really hope u r looking for the truth. cause taking verses outta the bible is foolish especially when u havent done ur research. before u start preaching me biblicial sermon. y dont u start answering me questions first?
wut makes these muslims terrorists commit suicide bombings etc?
y r more people begining to understand that Islam is not a religion at all but a evil cult?
r u a against terrorism?
wut if u saw a terrorist cutting somebodys head off wud u agree with him for wut hes doing or wud u stop him? u do realize if u do try to stop him he will kill u as well . and thats called muslim killing another muslim.
Hi ashraf...
from where habe you infered thate «according to your Holly Bible
women are slaves, stupids and deceivers etc...»...
it cannot be from 1 Timothy 2:11-15 when read into the context off thate same letter... so: from where did you got thate idea? Thankes for a posible answer in advance...
To answer Ashraf about at least 1 TIM 2:15 because,REALLY,I had death with 1 TIM 2:11-14 BEFORE and I supposedly Ashraf had read it.
Then click on the bloggingtheology link here on the RIGHT,which is of Paul Williams,and I yesterday or before explained 1 TIM 2:12-14(forgot to include verse 11) in the article on the 10 worst verses of the Bible.Right now it has about 35 comments in all from me and the Muslims.
There are several verses in the NT that say to get saved is through Jesus.It is a GENERAL STATEMENT.It is NOT just for men.Like the verse "everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved".
So WOMEN do NOT need to give birth to babies to get saved.The "she will be SAVED through CHILDBEARING" could well be a METAPHOR for having a fuller and more fulfilling life as a MOTHER.
Some think CHILDBEARING is a METAPHOR itself.The CHILD INSIDE the woman being BABY JESUS.In other word's having Jesus in YOUR HEART.
ashraf bhai
y dont u start studying the quran first before accusing non muslims. there seems to be a problem with islam and many ppl around the world r wondering y? people who r against islam wudnt have a problem with muslims but in the past 50 years or so muslims have been showing there true identity. i wud also like to knw the meaning of y islam is called RELIGION OF PEACE. wut makes it peaceful?
people r getting killed by these muslims extremists AROUND THE WORLD and ppl dont seem to realize y islam promotes this kinda sick act. i mean R THEY REALLY IN NEED FOR VIRGINS? oh thats right thats y they can only find 6 year old girls. i hope i dont get killed for saying against islam.
May our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ remember this brave soul Pervez in the reserection, and may he be rewarded for the 400 plus ladies he saved in his brave act.
I pray so deeply for mohummad who is fighting for his life in hospital. I do hope he makes a recovery.
I pray for the families of these two amazingly brave men, that the Lord will grant them some comfort in this hard time.
I pray that the young ladies at the university realise how amazingly lucky they are that these two brave men put their lives on the line for them, and do their hardest to gain a wonderful education.
I pray for Jesus' second comming before the world becomes a massive bloodstain.
peace and Love
Muhtaramah said...Ubiquitouserendipity
Just a note to tell you that Your harsh words were like a knife through my heart.
May the almighty God, Allah bless the kind souls who saved our Muslim sisters. May their families be blessed in abundance. As for the Muslim ladies, who were saved, may you continue to break away from the oppression forced upon us.
God works in many ways. It took a christian family man to save a bunch of muslim ladies.
November 12, 2009 1:57 AM
ubiquitouserendipity says: better the words of truth cut your heart than the sword of allah smite your neck. you seem, with your attempt at a gentle blessing and the insinuation that all is not well in islam (may you continue to break away from the oppression forced upon us.), to be expressing some sincerity. and for that i will say that it is not my intent to just offend sensibilities for the sake of offense. my posts are few, but hopefully pointed, for a purpose.
i believe both the bible and the koran. the bible is for Christians, and is the Word of the Living G_d. the koran is for mohammedans, and is a fabrication from the fevered perverse minds of mohammed and a handful of his most loyal followers in the years following his death (he was poisoned by a jewish woman, heh heh. allah outwitted). so if you are offended that your mohammed was a pedophile, then i understand, i think his memory is despicable. if you are offended that anyone would attempt to bless a Christian in allah's name, i agree. that is a curse, in my opinion.
may the G_d of love and light, Hashem Adonai, He Who abides in unapproachable Light, and has revealed His Self in the Son, bless you by the power of His Holy Spirit, change your heart from stone to flesh, and open your eyes to the truth of G_d in Christ. in Jesus' Name, amen
Peace, in His love, papajoe
David Wood: I have done research. I never suggested the bomber wasn't a Muslim. I'm a little shaky on the political situation in the article, but Islam isn't some religion of evil that encourages violence any more than Christianity is. Hence my comparison with Christian violence.
Minoria: Thank you.
Ashraf and llena: Yep, that's all in there. I won't deny it in the least. I won't deny that my beliefs are forged on a book where God gets angry and kills thousands with plagues and famine for seemingly no good reason. And so to with the Qur'an. I've seen excerpts, there are definitely women-beating verses and worse. Christianity has been used and abused for political and personal reasons in the past just as much as Islam is now.
What you have to remember is these books are from thousands of years ago where culture was completely different. Justice back then was eye for an eye. Today we've developed human rights and think even one death to be an atrocity. This in no way invalidates the Bible or the Qur'an and God's actions, but it says a lot about the people who were interpreting them and writing them down back in the day.
Now I'm not going to sit idle and watch two religions' followers tear each other apart based on the actions of a few. I'm speaking my mind and saying what I believe, and I'm saying people who hate Muslims and Islam are wrong. There are bad Muslims, but they are the exception. There have been just as bad Christians in the past and there are probably many around today. There will always be those who take advantage of their holy text to go killing witches or women or whatever they feel the need to. The beliefs are just an excuse, not the cause. Stop the hate.
Thank you Jesus for brave men like Pervez Masih.
Here is an update on the situation:
By the way, ubiquitouserendipity, "Allah" is just the word for God in Arabic. It is not another god. Christians who speak Arabic and other languages which have borrowed the word from Arabic, e.g. Indonesian, Iban, and Malay, also refer to God the Father as "Allah".
I am a Muslim and am proud to be, our religion teaches us to not only to believe in our religion but to respect other religions. So pointing stuff at other religious is not the est thing to do, and the fools who have commented above me are the perfect example of that.
For this headline, i would say, the person is a true hero, and no matter what religion he is from, he deserves OUTMOST respect and as quoted by a person before me, he is being claimed national hero of our country.
Pakistan contains minorities aswell, and we do respect the rights of minorities, believing media hype is not right. You should talk on the basis of facts and the fact is that this person has been given alot of respect.
And i truly respect him alot!
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