"The Great Debate Series: Michigan"
11338 Ozga St, Romulus, MI 48174
***Saturday June 20th, 2009***
3:00pm--"The 10 Commandments in the Qur’an and Bible"
Ali El-Shariff vs. Sheikh Jowad Al-Ansari
6:00pm--"Is Muhammad in the Bible?"
Sheikh Jowad Al-Ansari vs. Sam Shamoun
***Sunday June 21st, 2009***
2:00pm--"Did Jesus Die on the Cross?"
Mary Jo Sharp (Yes, a Girl!) vs. Ehteshaam Gulam
5:00pm--"Trinity in the Old Testament"
Farhan Qureshi vs. Sam Shamoun
***Monday June 22nd, 2009***
6:00pm--"Did Jesus Rise from the Dead?"
Osama Abdullah vs. Nabeel Qureshi
***Tuesday June 23rd, 2009***
6:00pm--"Is the Qur’an a Scientific Miracle"
David Wood vs. Osama Abdullah
Admission $10 - Students $5
Note: NO cell phones will be allowed in the building
The Center for Religious Debate (714-326-1591)
Monday, June 8, 2009
Debate Announcement: Michigan
Wow. My jaw just dropped looking at all these debates. May the Lord be glorified once again as you dear saints testify of the truth.
Awesome. Simply awesome.
No Cell Phones allowed in building. Can I still bring in my guns :) I'm joking
Oh, how I wish I lived near Michigan.
The topics all look look great and so do the debators, at least on the Christian side.
As for the Muslim debators, I really like what little I know of Farhan Qureshi. As for the others, I am either not familiar with them or all to familiar with them.
Sam, David, Nabeel, and Mary Jo: my prayers are with you.
BTW, David, since the 23rd is my birthday, I will consider your refutation of Osama a Birthday present.
David this is fantastic. I would use the word "awesome" but that word is so over used.Do you have anymore information about these debates? I am only about 5 hours away form Detroit and would very much like to attend.
Are you free from the 17th through the 23rd (or part of it)? We're doing an outreach to Muslims in the Detroit area.
BTW, for those in the UK, we've got a ten-debate series lined up for next month in London. Action packed!
Semper Paratus,
Happy Birthday in advance. I'll post your present on the 24th.
David I am in Toronto and would love to come down. I am free over that period of time but it the cost of accommodation that is the problem. I tried phoning but as of yet have not received any information. Our debate in Toronto is going to be an exciting event. There are over 350,000 muslims in the GTA. We are hoping you will be able to get up here some time.
"BTW, David, since the 23rd is my birthday, I will consider your refutation of Osama a Birthday present."
I love you too Semper :-).
Did you hear from George? It sounds like things are going to work out.
I think I may be able to come to the ones on the weekend. Not to sure about the ones during the week. Will you guys be there on the weekend?
We will most certainly be there all weekend long talking to Muslims.
David, I greatly appreciate it.
Bartimaeus, I'm jealous.
Osama, I'm not available. :)
5:00pm--"Trinity in the Old Testament"
Farhan Qureshi vs. Sam Shamoun
This is what I am really looking forward to. Farhan maintains that the Trinity cannot be found in the OT. I look forward to seeing how Sam will show the doctrine from the Old Testament. Nice to see Sam debating again, BTW.
Professor Wood,
Will all of these be recorded by you guys or will it be a while before we can see them?
Good luck on the debates :)
Does anyone know if Debaters have to pay or do they get in free? Osama, looking forward to meeting you!
Really good topics!!
I especially like how you have Crucifixion and Resurrection set as two separate topics. I think this is a very good idea for letting all aspects of the issue be addressed in light of Biblical and Quranic claims.
I wish I wasn't so far from Michigan :( :(
3:00pm--"The 10 Commandments in the Qur’an and Bible"
Ali El-Shariff vs. Sheikh Jowad Al-Ansari
I don’t understand this part. Are there 10 commandments in the Qur’an? Or will the Quran and the Bible be discussed in light of the 10 commandments?
6:00pm--"Is Muhammad in the Bible?"
Sheikh Jowad Al-Ansari vs. Sam Shamoun
This is MY area. I would love to have this debate with ANY Muslim. Sam, if you read this, I will contact you about this debate to ask you a few things.
2:00pm--"Did Jesus Die on the Cross?"
Mary Jo Sharp (Yes, a Girl!) vs. Ehteshaam Gulam
Ok, this will be interesting. I would like to see how Mary Jo will do in debate. If she is able to stick to the available evidence there should be no problem at all for Mary Jo.
5:00pm--"Trinity in the Old Testament"
Farhan Qureshi vs. Sam Shamoun
Oh, interesting as well. I wonder if Farhan will use the standard Jewish anti-missionary objections or that of the JW.
6:00pm--"Did Jesus Rise from the Dead?"
Osama Abdullah vs. Nabeel Qureshi
6:00pm--"Is the Qur’an a Scientific Miracle"
David Wood vs. Osama Abdullah
Oh my. No offense at all, but I just think debating Osama is a waste of time. If your goal is to present other Muslims with the evidence, then I can understand. But if you expect a meaningful exchange with Osama.
Admission $10 - Students $5
Note: NO cell phones will be allowed in the building
The Center for Religious Debate (714-326-1591)
Sometimes living in Europe sucks. All the fun is on the other side of the “pond”.
Give them double boys (ups and girls, sorry Mary Jo)
Hi this is my first post. I have been reading and listening to the debates probably about 2 years. I did not dare to write as English is not my first language. Anyway, I pray for the debates and may the Triune God bless all Christian debaters to have the power to touch the lost souls.
By the way, James White just posted a debate notice between John Gilchrist and Shabir Ally on 23rd June in Durban.
To the Osama, who saide: «I love you too Semper :-)»... thise kind off innuendos can do you no goode... bee more carefull next time... God blees.
Brother Gem... gladee too see you arounde here... as you can see, english is nott mie firste language at all; neither the second, neither the third... so: keep your comments comming to the Glory off our onli and true God the Trinity! God blees you and your familie!
So brother Nakdimon... you're in Europe, or you lieve in Europe? This is: you're there tenporarely or onn a permenent base? In witch countrie? Let's see... you coulde gibe an hint because I'm also, at the presente time, in Europe... maibe we're juste some yards aparte... It woulde be gleat to meet you... God blees!!!
Anybody willing to pay my ticket to USA?
Just tell them at the airport that Ibn is taking care of your fare.
I'm charging my fare to Osama; I'm sure he won't mind. :p
I am sure Ibn would love to pay my flight.
Praise the Lord I looks like I will be seeing some of you guys in Dearborne. Looking foward to being there and thanks again for all who are making this possible. Continue to pray for the debate we are having in Toronto on Thurday. This looks like it is going to be very well attended and this means opportunity to proclaim Christ. We preach Christ and him crucified.
I am looking forward to meeting so many of those that will be there.
I am new and I chose the name Minority because very few people in the West are interested in religion.Nobody I know is interested in Islam.When a non-Muslim first learns about the violent acts of Mohammed he or she is shocked 100%.
Everybody loves Confucius,Buddha and Jesus(fewer love Moses).I have been reading this website for only 2 weeks,but Nabeel and David are great debaters.Mary Jo Sharp probably is also,she has a great,clear voice.
Farhan has great debating skill,he is better than Shabir Ally.Ally is often not logical.One notices that when if one knows all the details of the theme.If one does not,then he seems convincing.
I am amazed that David,Nabeel and Mary Jo,3 young people,are so interested in spreading information about Jesus.Few people are.And the 3 were not raised as Christians,2 were atheists and one an Ahmadi Muslim.
Hi Fernando,
I live in the Netherlands. Perhaps it would be a good idea to meet if you are in the neighbourhood. I will gladly change my plans for that.
Dear minority... glade to see you arounde here...
yes; it's out off fashion to speak aboutte religion in the west, butt that's onlie a superficial social reality... in the heart off thingues everyone is interested in religion, butt they habe other "religions": sport; net and so onn; butt ounce given the chance to express them freely, theirs true feallings will come in to the surface...
please: do continue to post your comments... God blees you and your family!!!
Brother Nakdimon... I thought we mighte be more close... I'm in the south off Europe... I'm an university teacher here and now I'm reading my students papers... a lot of booooring worke thate will take me more or less two weeks... maybe in the near future we mighte meet each other...
God zegene u en uw gezin!
Hello Fernando,
I am the same as minority.I tried to log in several times but the system would not accept my password.Something went wrong.So I decided to create a new name.I hope next time I try to get in the system will accept my password.
Thanks for wishing me well,the same for you.Really.You are right that people have sports,music,money as a god or religion.I never thought of that before.
Debates are good.They give information,they can change lives.But the intelligent person verifies.One example:
Several years ago james Smith and Shabir Ally debated.Ally said something to the effect that since Christians believe in the OT then they should be for death for blasphemy and apostasy in the West.Why?Because it is in the Law of Moses.
That seemed convincing.But later I found out that:
1.In Judaism the Mosaic law is only for Jews.They have to obey 613laws.For non-Jews to go to heaven they only have to obey the 7 Noahide laws.None of which say anything about death for anything.You can verify.
2.In Christianity the Law of Moses is the longer valid and even if it were it is only for the Jews.You can verify it also.
I thought,"Ally has been studying both religions for years.Surely he knew something so basic.But the audience (like me) knew almost nothing.So he said something illogical(illogical once you know all the details).It is obvious he was interested in winning a debate and not being scholarly."
That is why I do not take his statements seriously unless I have verified them.He has lost credibility.
minority said...
I am new and I chose the name Minority because very few people in the West are interested in religion.Nobody I know is interested in Islam.When a non-Muslim first learns about the violent acts of Mohammed he or she is shocked 100%
I completely agree, I remember when I first told my own dad about islam. He didnt know that muslims didnt believe that Christ was crucified and died on the cross. I still remember the look on his face when he said "Thats Just stupid"
Another time a friend of mine was takeing a compartive relegion class. I sat in on the one day they discussed islam. Needless to say the instructor was not pleased with me and I was asked to leave. Latter on I was told how shocked everyone was about islam. Anyway that friend of mine said "he didnt want to learn anymore".
Learning the truth about islam seems to have a affect on people. A lot of us work with muslims. To be honest I have had a few muslims friends. But after you learn about the doctrine of islam you dont look at those people the same way.
Sempter - I'm charging my fare to Osama; I'm sure he won't mind. :p
Anything for you Semper :-)
Ehteshaam - Does anyone know if Debaters have to pay or do they get in free? Osama, looking forward to meeting you!
I strongly doubt that you would have to pay brother. Looking forward to meeting you as well, insha'Allah. I know with Ministry to Muslims, they even allowed you to bring up to 10 guests for free.
Osama Abdallah
Mr Fat Man said his non-Muslim friends were shocked when they learned certain things about Islam.Yes,I know their reaction.
One thing that impresses some is the argument that since the Koran is a literary masterpiece,has scientific and numerical miracles,no errors and contradictions and has been 100% preserved then Islam is the true religion.You hear that all the time from Gary Miller,a Muslim who once was a Christian.
But if a spirit were to appear next week saying she is the Virgin Mary and to build a statue in her honor,pray to it,say the rosary everyday and that you will then go to heaven,would Gary Miller accept it?
No,he would say,there are good spirits and bad spirits,it is a trick of the evil one.But what if the spirit were to appear many times and:
1.It would be filmed many times,people seeing it live on tv.
2.She would give us as proof she tells the truth a cure for AIDS,diabetes,cancer,cocaine adition,baldness,blindness,etc.
3.She would give us 1000 verses of the most perfect poetry in English,then French,Spanish,Italian,German,Russian,Hindi,Chinese,etc.All of which would be 100% preserved.
4.None of her words would have errors and contradictions.
Would he then accept it?No.So even if the Koran had all that it claims to have that is no guarantee it is from God.
Minority/minoria... the lattest is a latin name... a portuguese name, I woulde say, butt I mighte be wrongue... Since I was born in the Philippines there're some wordes withe portuguese and spanishe roots there.
Yes; you're righte in whate you saide aboutt whate Shabir Aly (a very good person, I muste say): many times muslims apologistes do nott talke except to muslims believers; they do nott wante to present solid arguments or facts, rather to gibe these a psychological defense to remainn muslims: they twiste the truthe and the factual evidences in order to achieve that goal... one off the best examples off these is our friende the Osama Abdallah, better known in the apologetic worlde as a misture off Pinochio and Einstein: he's astonishingly inteligent in creatting situations to express the moste incredible and illogic arguments... to sad he does nott want to aply his cleverness in the search off the truth... he coulde well one day say thate since Jesus saide to Mary thate Martha was doing the better thingue, we Christians shoulde nott clean our houses... ooops, I juste gabe him an idea...
God bless you minoria!!!
Brother The Fat Man saide: «But after you learn about the doctrine of islam you dont look at those people the same way»... yes, thates true; they feel my heart withe sadness and pity: they live in a twisted worlde nott knowing they're own sources, and nott wantting to face the truth when we present them to them. Yes: mie heart heaches each time I see so many people in the worlde suffering due to islam.
The topic "The 10 Commandments in the Qur’an and Bible"
Steve Greg's website (www.thenarrowpath.com/) in the "Topical Lectures" section has a series of tapes in the section titled "The 10 Commandments". Also at http://www.digitalministries.us/page10.html
On the topic of the ten commandments, the first two commandments might come up for some doctrinal discussion related to the incarnation as well as the issue of 'false god' or 'other god' (with teachings/moral law etc different from God as revealed by prophets of OT/NT/Jesus) put up by Muhammad/Quran.
It is interesting to note that just as the philosophical intuition/reasoning/speculation of 'sacrifices' is seen in most religions, the doctrine of incarnation is also seen in most religions (though the other religions may be wrong in some specific aspects and are wrong in identifying the true/historical incarnation or in identifying the true need/reason/fulfillment of sacrifices etc).
It needs to be understood that in the ultimate analysis, for salvation, it is not just the theoretical/doctrinal hair-splitting that counts, but ones response to the highest virtue/morality (as revealed by Jesus) and submitting to God's Grace for the same. Theoretical/doctrinal hair-splitting is no excuse for violating the teachings of Jesus or for deliberately/knowingly refusing to be followers of Jesus. All excuses for not following Jesus are lame excuses. I do not think anyone can stand before God on Judgment day and give an excuse that he/she is not a follower of Jesus because he/she found some Christian doctrine like atonement/incarnation/trinity etc difficult to fully grasp (just as an atheist cannot give an excuse that he is not a believer/follower of God as he found the concept of God difficult to grasp). Let no one fool himself/herself thinking that anything can be an excuse for not being a follower of Jesus.
David wrote:
BTW, for those in the UK, we've got a ten-debate series lined up for next month in London. Action packed!
Hogan replies:
Could you post the specific dates
LOTS of requests from Facebook, Friends and Ministry buddies for Mary Jo's debate to be posted as soon as possible after the debate......thanks in advance :)
I heard from Mary Jo for about 5 mins after her debate. She sounded upbeat. She was headed back to the Arab festival to talk with people. Hopefully, the debate video will be up very soon!
Confident Christianity
I bet the debates were awesome and that the all star team gained victory through Jesus once again. Nabeel, David, Shamoun and Mary will rock Michigan with the power of Our Lord Jesus
Dear Dr. David Wood,
I am from India. I would like to get mp3 or vedeos of the debates which was on 20th to 22nd June. where can i get it?
hey can anyone give me the overview of the Br. Sam Shamoun's debate. can i get it anywhere? since 21th i am a regular visitor to all Christaian Apologetical web pages but i could not find one. can anyone help me?
hey can anyone give me the overview of the Br. Sam Shamoun's debate. can i get it anywhere? since 21th i am a regular visitor to all Christaian Apologetical web pages but i could not find one. can anyone help me?
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