Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Western Diplomats Walk Out On Ahmadinejad Speech

The United States, Israel, Germany, Canada, Australia, and other countries boycotted a UN summit to "fight racism," because everyone knew that Muslim countries were going to use the meeting as an Israel-bashing fest. Muslim leaders wasted no time proving them right, and delegates from several attending countries walked out during Ahmadinejad's hate-filled speech.

I'm glad Western diplomats are finally showing some signs of a backbone, and I hope it's clear to everyone that when Muslim leaders call for meetings against hatred, they're really calling for hatred against Israel. Taqiyya anyone?


Royal Son said...

About time! It takes a lot to turn a big ship around, but thank God, it's turning around.

Hogan Elijah Hagbard said...

Why do they let this guy talk in the first place?

Fernando said...

Inviting mister Ahmadinejad to be the top-speaker in the ONU conference against racial hatre is like inviting the leader of the Popular Republick off Korea (the north countrie) to give a lecture on democratie... butt then: when this conference's president was from Libia, what could be expected???...

Whie is the muslim world offended to the pretention than Israel might be a jewish state? How many islamic stated are there in the world? (Iran itself...)... so... what's the difference?

Michelle Qureshi said...

Wow - that was definitely worth seeing :-)

Radical Moderate said...

I fear it is to little to late.

BlackBaron said...

Someone should have thrown a shoe at him!

ubiquitouserendipity said...

BlackBaron said...

Someone should have thrown a shoe at him!
April 22, 2009 10:27 AM

ubiquitouserendipity says: nah,,, israel should throw a nuke at him.

ubiquitouserendipity said...

oh, by the way...

two scenarios:

1. each day when my granddaughter gets off of the school bus my neighbor comes out and throws rocks at her. the police won't stop him. then one day he comes out and shoots at her with a gun, and misses. the next day, when he steps onto his porch as the bus arrives, i will shoot him... that is the scenario taking place now with the mohammedan arab squatters in gaza and the west bank and east jerusalem. i say: "mohammedans out of israel... and the usa."

2. i have a neighbor who keeps trying to burn down my home and kill me and all of my beloved family members. the police won't do anything. me and my boys will destroy that house and that neighbor. pacifism is for sissies. that is the scenario taking place right now relative to israel and the whole ugly disgusting mohammedan world. pre-emptive strike on the part of israel is gonna' be necessary very soon.

seek peace, but never roll over for those who seek your demise. this is not a religious issue, it is about survival

Nakdimon said...

ubiquitouserendipity says: nah,,, israel should throw a nuke at him.

Although I was thinking the same thing, I, on second thought, would rather have another country do it. Because once Israel does so, the world will start nagging again that Israel doesn’t pursue peace and all that nonsense. It’s always Israel taking the heat when it does what the West neglects to do.

But I spoke to an Israelite the other day and asked him that since it’s a well known secret that Israel has nukes, when will Israel use them when it comes to fighting the Islamic countries. Israel has had a lot of opportunities to use them, since they have been attacked over and again by their Arab neighbours. Even when outnumbered and in the face of annihilation, when the odds were tremendously against them, they didn’t use the nukes.

He basically said that they will only be used when its blatantly obvious that Israel will lose a war. If Israel goes, then the whole Middle East and all the Muslim countries go as well. They have their nukes aimed at the Islamic countries constantly and don’t have to turn them to fire on target. All they have to do is “push the button”. The first city that goes is Mecca. It wouldn’t surprise me if they had a big one aimed right at the Ka’aba.

ubiquitouserendipity said...

Nakdimon said...

Although I was thinking the same thing, I, on second thought, would rather have another country do it. Because once Israel does so, the world will start nagging again that Israel doesn’t pursue peace and all that nonsense. It’s always Israel taking the heat when it does what the West neglects to do.

But I spoke to an Israelite the other day and asked him that since it’s a well known secret that Israel has nukes, when will Israel use them when it comes to fighting the Islamic countries. Israel has had a lot of opportunities to use them, since they have been attacked over and again by their Arab neighbours. Even when outnumbered and in the face of annihilation, when the odds were tremendously against them, they didn’t use the nukes.

He basically said that they will only be used when its blatantly obvious that Israel will lose a war. If Israel goes, then the whole Middle East and all the Muslim countries go as well. They have their nukes aimed at the Islamic countries constantly and don’t have to turn them to fire on target. All they have to do is “push the button”. The first city that goes is Mecca. It wouldn’t surprise me if they had a big one aimed right at the Ka’aba.

ubiquitouserendipity says: i agree with you 100% nakdimon. it is so unfortunate that we are standing on the threshold of global war. but i doubt that any western nation, including the usofa, will ever defend israel through the use of nuclear weapons. and my burgeoning "fear" is that someone will soon need to erase pakiland from the map of humanity due to the fact that the taliban are consolidating and beginning their conquest of pakiland. when they get their hands on the nukes, they will need to be destroyed. scarey stuff man (except that as a Christian i understand that these things must needs be, that the Son might return to reign in glory). so,,, come Lord Jesus

as for mecca ~ yeah man!!! then we will be able to identify our enemies by the frothing around their mouths

israel can whoop up on any mohammedan country with conventional weapons and warfare. it is sad that they must live under 24 hour threat to their lives and well-being. and what really amazes me is that absolute ignorant rantings of these imams, mullahs, and political leaders of these mohammedan societies; they are all equally as stupid and ignorant of the facts of history relevant to israel and its beginnings. that is the most obvious indicator of "blind faith" i've seen (mormons run a close second with their "Christ in america...")

i would love to hear one mohammedan "leader" say of israel: she is a legal state, and we must seek peace.

Peace, in His love, joe