What is this dumb rabbit talking about when he speaks of Jerusalem? Jerusalem has NOTHING to do with Islam and Islam has NOTHING to do with Jerusalem! I have no patience with people like this who claim that Jerusalem means something to them. If Jerusalem wasn’t such a big issue to Israel, they wouldn’t have even bothered to look at it.
Nakdimon:What is this dumb rabbit talking about when he speaks of Jerusalem? Jerusalem has NOTHING to do with Islam and Islam has NOTHING to do with Jerusalem!
It is statements like these that force me to call you a moron. Like Mecca and Medina, Jersualem is just as holy to Islam.
Ibn, prior to 1967 no one was giving Jerusalem any attention. After 1967 ALL OF A SUDDEN Muslims were crying "we want Jerusalem as the capital of the Palestinian state".
Just like the little shmuck that doesn't play with his toys, but as soon as another kid plays with the toys he acts as if it's the most important thing in the world.
WHY is Jerusalem so important to Islam? Where is it mentioned in the Qur'an? Dont tell me it's because your prophet went to a Temple that wasnt even there!
Nakdimoron:Ibn, prior to 1967 no one was giving Jerusalem any attention. After 1967 ALL OF A SUDDEN Muslims were crying "we want Jerusalem as the capital of the Palestinian state".
What a stupid argument! That's like saying since some Muslims don't pray, prayer is not a part of Islam.
Nakdimoron:WHY is Jerusalem so important to Islam?
You answered your own question. "Dont tell me it's because your prophet went to a Temple that wasnt even there!"
Of course, Muhammad(saw) didn't visit the Temple since it was already destroyed by his time. Rather, he went to the spot where the Temple once stood.
Moreover, it was in Jerusalem that Adam had laid the foundations for the second House of God, the first being in Mecca.
Nakdimoron:Where is it mentioned in the Qur'an?
Jerusalem is mentioned as "The Land" in the Quran. To learn more about its significance in Islam, I suggest you pick up a copy of Imran Hossein's "Jerusalem in the Quran" and begin to read it.
Ibn: ”What a stupid argument! That's like saying since some Muslims don't pray, prayer is not a part of Islam.
And YOU have the chutzpah to call ME a moron! If Muslims don’t pray, then of course prayer is not a part of your religion! And I wasn’t even making that point. The point is that you only acted as though Jerusalem meant anything to you when you lost it. I didn’t say that because of that it isn’t a part of Islam.
Bottom line is that your rip off religion has nothing on the Jewish people as far as Jerusalem goes. Not religiously, not historically. Jerusalem isn’t yours and it never will be.
”You answered your own question. "Dont tell me it's because your prophet went to a Temple that wasnt even there!"
Of course, Muhammad(saw) didn't visit the Temple since it was already destroyed by his time. Rather, he went to the spot where the Temple once stood. “
Well, Muhammad’s (what did he see?) contemporaries says the following:
Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 58, Number 228: Narrated Ibn 'Abbas: Regarding the Statement of Allah, "And We granted the vision (Ascension to the heavens) which We made you see (as an actual eye witness) was only made as a trial for the people." (17.60) Ibn Abbas added: The sights which Allah's Apostle was shown on the Night Journey when he was taken to Bait-ul-Maqdis (i.e. Jerusalem) were actual sights, (not dreams). And the Cursed Tree (mentioned) in the Quran is the tree of Zaqqum (itself).
Sahih Muslim, Book 001, Number 0309: It is narrated on the authority of Anas b. Malik that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: I was brought al-Buraq Who is an animal white and long, larger than a donkey but smaller than a mule, who would place his hoof a distance equal to the range of version. I mounted it and came to the Temple (Bait Maqdis in Jerusalem), then tethered it to the ring used by the prophets. I entered the mosque and prayed two rak'ahs in it, and then came out and Gabriel brought me a vessel of wine and a vessel of milk. I chose the milk, and Gabriel said: You have chosen the natural thing. Then he took me to heaven ...
And there are many more such sayings. So what you are doing is pure Islamic deception. Denying claims of Muhammad (what did he see?) which you know are false and then hope that we don’t find the sources that prove that Muhammad (what did he see?) and his companions were ignoramuses, making claims that are totally in defiance of historical facts! And the saddest thing is that you guys know this, but still try hard to cover up for your prophet (what did he see?). Alas…
Ibn “Moreover, it was in Jerusalem that Adam had laid the foundations for the second House of God, the first being in Mecca. “
Another evidence less claim of Muslims! It seems like that is all that Muslims can do. Islam is the religion of baseless claims. Practically every claim that Muslims make cannot be substantiated by historical facts. And when a claim can finally be researched historically, it turns out to be FALSE! I ask you: Who is the moron here?
Ibn ”Jerusalem is mentioned as "The Land" in the Quran. To learn more about its significance in Islam, I suggest you pick up a copy of Imran Hossein's "Jerusalem in the Quran" and begin to read it.”
No sir, I’ll pass. I would rather stick with historical facts than Islamic fiction. That is the problem with Islam and Muslims. Make a claim… if it fits Islamic doctrine… the claim is valid… no matter what the historical records say…. If they contradict the Islamic claims… then the historical records must be false.
Claiming that “the Land” refers to Jerusalem is a claim that you can make for every city. If you want to claim New York for Islam you can say that “the Land” refers to NY as well. This argument is nonsensical. Btw, is there a saying of your prophet (what did he see?) that says that “the Land” in the Qur’an is about Jerusalem?
Nakdimoron:And YOU have the chutzpah to call ME a moron! If Muslims don’t pray, then of course prayer is not a part of your religion!
You truly are an idiot. If Muslims don't pray, that doesn't necessarily mean prayer is not a part of Islam.
Nakdimoron:Bottom line is that your rip off religion has nothing on the Jewish people as far as Jerusalem goes. Not religiously, not historically. Jerusalem isn’t yours and it never will be.
Insha'Allah, Jerusalem will be ours. Allah has promised to the righteous, not a people who defile it with secularism, gay parades, pornography, idol worship, etc.
Nakdimoron:Well, Muhammad’s (what did he see?) contemporaries says the following:
What did the contemporaries of Muhammad say? The ahadith don't say anachronistically that the Temple was still standing. In fact, the first tradition makes no mention of it. Bait Ul Maqdis is the name of Jerusalem, not the Temple. As for the second report, it doesn't say anything about an erect structure either.
Once again, you post without reading.
Nakdimoron:Another evidence less claim of Muslims! It seems like that is all that Muslims can do. Islam is the religion of baseless claims. Practically every claim that Muslims make cannot be substantiated by historical facts. And when a claim can finally be researched historically, it turns out to be FALSE! I ask you: Who is the moron here?
So can you give me historical evidence that Adam did not lay the foundation of the Temple?
Nakdimoron:No sir, I’ll pass
Nakdimoron:Claiming that “the Land” refers to Jerusalem is a claim that you can make for every city. If you want to claim New York for Islam you can say that “the Land” refers to NY as well. This argument is nonsensical. Btw, is there a saying of your prophet (what did he see?) that says that “the Land” in the Qur’an is about Jerusalem?
All your questions are covered in the book. Read it if you care about the truth.
Ibn: ”You truly are an idiot. If Muslims don't pray, that doesn't necessarily mean prayer is not a part of Islam.”
Well, it’s painfully obvious who is talking nonsense here.
Ibn: “Insha'Allah, Jerusalem will be ours. Allah has promised to the righteous, not a people who defile it with secularism, gay parades, pornography, idol worship, etc.”
Oh I totally agree with this summation, especially that of idolatry, which is why Islam wont stand a chance since Muslims worship Allah, who is an idol. Not to mention Islam endorsing rape and adultery, which heaps up the misery of your religion.
And, no, Allah is a helpless rock in the corner of a building in the desert. He won’t help you to get Jerusalem. Which is yet another confirmation that Allah dreams of being Yahweh, which he is not. Where Yahweh promises to make Jerusalem a safe haven for the Jewish people, Allah can't even spell J.e.r.u.s.a.l.e.m.
Ibn: ”What did the contemporaries of Muhammad say? The ahadith don't say anachronistically that the Temple was still standing. In fact, the first tradition makes no mention of it. Bait Ul Maqdis is the name of Jerusalem, not the Temple. As for the second report, it doesn't say anything about an erect structure either.
Once again, you post without reading. ”
*sigh* Your prophet said: “I mounted it and came to THE TEMPLE (Bait Maqdis IN Jerusalem) , then tethered it to the ring used by the prophets. I ENTERED THE MOSQUE and prayed two rak'ahs in it, and THEN CAME OUT…”
If you cant save it with facts, then maybe you should just stop trying! FACT is that your prophet said that he went to THE TEMPLE IN Jerusalem. The Arabic Bait Maqdis is the equivalent to the Hebrew Beit haMiqdash, which means nothing but “temple”. Stop making things up to save your religion Ibn. He said that he entered a mosque. WHICH MOSQUE WAS IT???
Ibn: ‘So can you give me historical evidence that Adam did not lay the foundation of the Temple?”
So maybe if you just would start reading what I actually said instead of misrepresenting me all the time, we might actually get somewhere. I didn’t say that there was archaeological evidence that disproves or proves Adam built the foundations. I said that this was another claim that can’t be investigated, mostly because Muslims don’t allow archaeologists into Mecca and investigate the origins of the Ka’aba. And one might wonder why! In Islam you either can’t investigate things because they cant be found, or because they are made inaccessible by Muslims. And once you actually can investigate them, they turn out to be false!
Ibn: “Coward.
Thank you, sir.
Ibn: “All your questions are covered in the book. Read it if you care about the truth.”
Oh this is an excellent way to debate a topic: See book! That shuts you up, doesn’t it?
Nakdimoron's latest post demonstrates that he is overflowing with stupidity.
Nakdimoron:Well, it’s painfully obvious who is talking nonsense here.
What is so nonsensical about what I said? Just find one logician who disagrees with me.
Nakdimoron:Oh I totally agree with this summation, especially that of idolatry, which is why Islam wont stand a chance since Muslims worship Allah, who is an idol.
Muslims worship an idol? Man! you've really gone off the deep end! Not only are you an idiot, but you are also a filthy liar, just like your idol, Wood.
This is from someone who has actually studied the theology of Muslims: The Ishmaelites are not at all idolaters; [idolatry] has long been severed from their mouths and hearts; and they attribute to God a proper unity, a unity concerning which there is no doubt. (Maimonides)
Nakdimoron:And, no, Allah is a helpless rock in the corner of a building in the desert. He won’t help you to get Jerusalem. Which is yet another confirmation that Allah dreams of being Yahweh, which he is not.
Even though I disapprove of your baseless assertion that Allah is a rock, which couldn't be further from the truth, I agree that the biblical presentation of Yahweh and Allah are quite different-so much so that it is difficult for one to maintain that the God of Islam and the God of Torah are one and the same. To cut a long story short, Yahweh is a local God, God of the Jews to be more specific; whereas Allah is the God of mankind.
Muhammad Asad, a Jewish convert to Islam, said it best that Yahweh seemed "strangely preoccupied with the destinies of one particular nation, the Hebrews."
Far from being the creator and sustainer of mankind, the God of the Hebrews appeared to be a tribal deity, "adjusting all creation to the requirements of a 'chosen people.'"
The biblical representation of Yahweh shouldn't come as a surprise though. As Karen Armstrong writes in her beautiful biography of the bible, "Originally, Yahweh had been a member of the Divine Assembly of of 'holy ones' over which El, the high god of Canaan, presided with his consort Asherah. Each nation of the region had its own patronal deity, and Yahweh was the 'holy one of Israel'. By the eight century, Yahweh had ousted El in the Divine Assembly, and ruled alone....
Nakdimoron:*sigh* Your prophet said: “I mounted it and came to THE TEMPLE (Bait Maqdis IN Jerusalem) , then tethered it to the ring used by the prophets. I ENTERED THE MOSQUE and prayed two rak'ahs in it, and THEN CAME OUT…”
What is meant is Bait Al Maqdis which has been erroneously translated as the Temple. Bait Al Maqdis means the city of Jerusalem itself. Upon arrival, the prophet prayed at the masjid. Literally, masjid is a place of prostration. It need not entail an edifice.
Nakdimoron:The Arabic Bait Maqdis is the equivalent to the Hebrew Beit haMiqdash, which means nothing but “temple”.
Actually, Baitul Maqdis is Jersualem. The latter is also known as Ilya and Al Quds.
Just pathetic. There is no reasoning with you. If Truth would slap you in the face, you would still call it a liar.
What is this dumb rabbit talking about when he speaks of Jerusalem? Jerusalem has NOTHING to do with Islam and Islam has NOTHING to do with Jerusalem! I have no patience with people like this who claim that Jerusalem means something to them. If Jerusalem wasn’t such a big issue to Israel, they wouldn’t have even bothered to look at it.
Dang, whatever happened to Barney the dinosaur.
In past episodes, this bunny said that he will eat the Jews. And yet this bunny is defended by Sami Zaatari!
Nakdimon:What is this dumb rabbit talking about when he speaks of Jerusalem? Jerusalem has NOTHING to do with Islam and Islam has NOTHING to do with Jerusalem!
It is statements like these that force me to call you a moron. Like Mecca and Medina, Jersualem is just as holy to Islam.
Ibn, prior to 1967 no one was giving Jerusalem any attention. After 1967 ALL OF A SUDDEN Muslims were crying "we want Jerusalem as the capital of the Palestinian state".
Just like the little shmuck that doesn't play with his toys, but as soon as another kid plays with the toys he acts as if it's the most important thing in the world.
WHY is Jerusalem so important to Islam? Where is it mentioned in the Qur'an? Dont tell me it's because your prophet went to a Temple that wasnt even there!
Nakdimoron:Ibn, prior to 1967 no one was giving Jerusalem any attention. After 1967 ALL OF A SUDDEN Muslims were crying "we want Jerusalem as the capital of the Palestinian state".
What a stupid argument! That's like saying since some Muslims don't pray, prayer is not a part of Islam.
Nakdimoron:WHY is Jerusalem so important to Islam?
You answered your own question. "Dont tell me it's because your prophet went to a Temple that wasnt even there!"
Of course, Muhammad(saw) didn't visit the Temple since it was already destroyed by his time. Rather, he went to the spot where the Temple once stood.
Moreover, it was in Jerusalem that Adam had laid the foundations for the second House of God, the first being in Mecca.
Nakdimoron:Where is it mentioned in the Qur'an?
Jerusalem is mentioned as "The Land" in the Quran. To learn more about its significance in Islam, I suggest you pick up a copy of Imran Hossein's "Jerusalem in the Quran" and begin to read it.
Ibn: ”What a stupid argument! That's like saying since some Muslims don't pray, prayer is not a part of Islam.
And YOU have the chutzpah to call ME a moron! If Muslims don’t pray, then of course prayer is not a part of your religion! And I wasn’t even making that point. The point is that you only acted as though Jerusalem meant anything to you when you lost it. I didn’t say that because of that it isn’t a part of Islam.
Bottom line is that your rip off religion has nothing on the Jewish people as far as Jerusalem goes. Not religiously, not historically. Jerusalem isn’t yours and it never will be.
”You answered your own question. "Dont tell me it's because your prophet went to a Temple that wasnt even there!"
Of course, Muhammad(saw) didn't visit the Temple since it was already destroyed by his time. Rather, he went to the spot where the Temple once stood. “
Well, Muhammad’s (what did he see?) contemporaries says the following:
Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 58, Number 228:
Narrated Ibn 'Abbas: Regarding the Statement of Allah, "And We granted the vision (Ascension to the heavens) which We made you see (as an actual eye witness) was only made as a trial for the people." (17.60) Ibn Abbas added: The sights which Allah's Apostle was shown on the Night Journey when he was taken to Bait-ul-Maqdis (i.e. Jerusalem) were actual sights, (not dreams). And the Cursed Tree (mentioned) in the Quran is the tree of Zaqqum (itself).
Sahih Muslim, Book 001, Number 0309:
It is narrated on the authority of Anas b. Malik that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: I was brought al-Buraq Who is an animal white and long, larger than a donkey but smaller than a mule, who would place his hoof a distance equal to the range of version. I mounted it and came to the Temple (Bait Maqdis in Jerusalem), then tethered it to the ring used by the prophets. I entered the mosque and prayed two rak'ahs in it, and then came out and Gabriel brought me a vessel of wine and a vessel of milk. I chose the milk, and Gabriel said: You have chosen the natural thing. Then he took me to heaven ...
And there are many more such sayings. So what you are doing is pure Islamic deception. Denying claims of Muhammad (what did he see?) which you know are false and then hope that we don’t find the sources that prove that Muhammad (what did he see?) and his companions were ignoramuses, making claims that are totally in defiance of historical facts! And the saddest thing is that you guys know this, but still try hard to cover up for your prophet (what did he see?). Alas…
Ibn “Moreover, it was in Jerusalem that Adam had laid the foundations for the second House of God, the first being in Mecca. “
Another evidence less claim of Muslims! It seems like that is all that Muslims can do. Islam is the religion of baseless claims. Practically every claim that Muslims make cannot be substantiated by historical facts. And when a claim can finally be researched historically, it turns out to be FALSE! I ask you: Who is the moron here?
Ibn ”Jerusalem is mentioned as "The Land" in the Quran. To learn more about its significance in Islam, I suggest you pick up a copy of Imran Hossein's "Jerusalem in the Quran" and begin to read it.”
No sir, I’ll pass. I would rather stick with historical facts than Islamic fiction. That is the problem with Islam and Muslims. Make a claim… if it fits Islamic doctrine… the claim is valid… no matter what the historical records say…. If they contradict the Islamic claims… then the historical records must be false.
Claiming that “the Land” refers to Jerusalem is a claim that you can make for every city. If you want to claim New York for Islam you can say that “the Land” refers to NY as well. This argument is nonsensical. Btw, is there a saying of your prophet (what did he see?) that says that “the Land” in the Qur’an is about Jerusalem?
Nakdimoron:And YOU have the chutzpah to call ME a moron! If Muslims don’t pray, then of course prayer is not a part of your religion!
You truly are an idiot. If Muslims don't pray, that doesn't necessarily mean prayer is not a part of Islam.
Nakdimoron:Bottom line is that your rip off religion has nothing on the Jewish people as far as Jerusalem goes. Not religiously, not historically. Jerusalem isn’t yours and it never will be.
Insha'Allah, Jerusalem will be ours. Allah has promised to the righteous, not a people who defile it with secularism, gay parades, pornography, idol worship, etc.
Nakdimoron:Well, Muhammad’s (what did he see?) contemporaries says the following:
What did the contemporaries of Muhammad say? The ahadith don't say anachronistically that the Temple was still standing. In fact, the first tradition makes no mention of it. Bait Ul Maqdis is the name of Jerusalem, not the Temple. As for the second report, it doesn't say anything about an erect structure either.
Once again, you post without reading.
Nakdimoron:Another evidence less claim of Muslims! It seems like that is all that Muslims can do. Islam is the religion of baseless claims. Practically every claim that Muslims make cannot be substantiated by historical facts. And when a claim can finally be researched historically, it turns out to be FALSE! I ask you: Who is the moron here?
So can you give me historical evidence that Adam did not lay the foundation of the Temple?
Nakdimoron:No sir, I’ll pass
Nakdimoron:Claiming that “the Land” refers to Jerusalem is a claim that you can make for every city. If you want to claim New York for Islam you can say that “the Land” refers to NY as well. This argument is nonsensical. Btw, is there a saying of your prophet (what did he see?) that says that “the Land” in the Qur’an is about Jerusalem?
All your questions are covered in the book. Read it if you care about the truth.
Ibn: ”You truly are an idiot. If Muslims don't pray, that doesn't necessarily mean prayer is not a part of Islam.”
Well, it’s painfully obvious who is talking nonsense here.
Ibn: “Insha'Allah, Jerusalem will be ours. Allah has promised to the righteous, not a people who defile it with secularism, gay parades, pornography, idol worship, etc.”
Oh I totally agree with this summation, especially that of idolatry, which is why Islam wont stand a chance since Muslims worship Allah, who is an idol. Not to mention Islam endorsing rape and adultery, which heaps up the misery of your religion.
And, no, Allah is a helpless rock in the corner of a building in the desert. He won’t help you to get Jerusalem. Which is yet another confirmation that Allah dreams of being Yahweh, which he is not. Where Yahweh promises to make Jerusalem a safe haven for the Jewish people, Allah can't even spell J.e.r.u.s.a.l.e.m.
Ibn: ”What did the contemporaries of Muhammad say? The ahadith don't say anachronistically that the Temple was still standing. In fact, the first tradition makes no mention of it. Bait Ul Maqdis is the name of Jerusalem, not the Temple. As for the second report, it doesn't say anything about an erect structure either.
Once again, you post without reading. ”
*sigh* Your prophet said: “I mounted it and came to THE TEMPLE (Bait Maqdis IN Jerusalem) , then tethered it to the ring used by the prophets. I ENTERED THE MOSQUE and prayed two rak'ahs in it, and THEN CAME OUT…”
If you cant save it with facts, then maybe you should just stop trying! FACT is that your prophet said that he went to THE TEMPLE IN Jerusalem. The Arabic Bait Maqdis is the equivalent to the Hebrew Beit haMiqdash, which means nothing but “temple”. Stop making things up to save your religion Ibn. He said that he entered a mosque. WHICH MOSQUE WAS IT???
Ibn: ‘So can you give me historical evidence that Adam did not lay the foundation of the Temple?”
So maybe if you just would start reading what I actually said instead of misrepresenting me all the time, we might actually get somewhere. I didn’t say that there was archaeological evidence that disproves or proves Adam built the foundations. I said that this was another claim that can’t be investigated, mostly because Muslims don’t allow archaeologists into Mecca and investigate the origins of the Ka’aba. And one might wonder why! In Islam you either can’t investigate things because they cant be found, or because they are made inaccessible by Muslims. And once you actually can investigate them, they turn out to be false!
Ibn: “Coward.
Thank you, sir.
Ibn: “All your questions are covered in the book. Read it if you care about the truth.”
Oh this is an excellent way to debate a topic: See book! That shuts you up, doesn’t it?
Nakdimoron's latest post demonstrates that he is overflowing with stupidity.
Nakdimoron:Well, it’s painfully obvious who is talking nonsense here.
What is so nonsensical about what I said? Just find one logician who disagrees with me.
Nakdimoron:Oh I totally agree with this summation, especially that of idolatry, which is why Islam wont stand a chance since Muslims worship Allah, who is an idol.
Muslims worship an idol? Man! you've really gone off the deep end! Not only are you an idiot, but you are also a filthy liar, just like your idol, Wood.
This is from someone who has actually studied the theology of Muslims: The Ishmaelites are not at all idolaters; [idolatry] has long been severed from their mouths and hearts; and they attribute to God a proper unity, a unity concerning which there is no doubt. (Maimonides)
Nakdimoron:And, no, Allah is a helpless rock in the corner of a building in the desert. He won’t help you to get Jerusalem. Which is yet another confirmation that Allah dreams of being Yahweh, which he is not.
Even though I disapprove of your baseless assertion that Allah is a rock, which couldn't be further from the truth, I agree that the biblical presentation of Yahweh and Allah are quite different-so much so that it is difficult for one to maintain that the God of Islam and the God of Torah are one and the same. To cut a long story short, Yahweh is a local God, God of the Jews to be more specific; whereas Allah is the God of mankind.
Muhammad Asad, a Jewish convert to Islam, said it best that Yahweh seemed "strangely preoccupied with the destinies of one particular nation, the Hebrews."
Far from being the creator and sustainer of mankind, the God of the Hebrews appeared to be a tribal deity, "adjusting all creation to the requirements of a 'chosen people.'"
The biblical representation of Yahweh shouldn't come as a surprise though. As Karen Armstrong writes in her beautiful biography of the bible, "Originally, Yahweh had been a member of the Divine Assembly of of 'holy ones' over which El, the high god of Canaan, presided with his consort Asherah. Each nation of the region had its own patronal deity, and Yahweh was the 'holy one of Israel'. By the eight century, Yahweh had ousted El in the Divine Assembly, and ruled alone....
Nakdimoron:*sigh* Your prophet said: “I mounted it and came to THE TEMPLE (Bait Maqdis IN Jerusalem) , then tethered it to the ring used by the prophets. I ENTERED THE MOSQUE and prayed two rak'ahs in it, and THEN CAME OUT…”
What is meant is Bait Al Maqdis which has been erroneously translated as the Temple. Bait Al Maqdis means the city of Jerusalem itself. Upon arrival, the prophet prayed at the masjid. Literally, masjid is a place of prostration. It need not entail an edifice.
Nakdimoron:The Arabic Bait Maqdis is the equivalent to the Hebrew Beit haMiqdash, which means nothing but “temple”.
Actually, Baitul Maqdis is Jersualem. The latter is also known as Ilya and Al Quds.
Just pathetic. There is no reasoning with you. If Truth would slap you in the face, you would still call it a liar.
I'm done wasting my time with you.
Once again, Nakdimoron runs away.
WOW! What a good observation. I always run from stupidity!
How do you run away from yourself, considering that you are the embodiment of stupidity?
Although this is an older post, I just have to say: This is the most disturbing piece of propoganda I have ever come across, bar none.
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