But, of course, there's nothing to be worried about. And, of course, we should not be posting these things. Islam is a peaceful religion and there's nothing to worry about here. This is just a peaceful demonstration from a few Muslims. (Yes, Muslim friends, we'll just ignore the violent mob in London, a call for the return of Hitler in New York, a cry to "Put Jews back in the ovens" in Washington, nazi symbols in Oklahoma City, taunts to wipe out Jews in Cleveland, swastikas in Chicago, assaults on a man carrying a jewish flag in San Francisco, shouts to "Burn Israel" in Montreal, the demand to "Nuke Israel" in Fort Lauderdale, and exclamations of "Long Live Hitler - put Jews in ovens" in Los Angeles).
Nope, nothing to worry about at all.
I am shocked! You know very well that other people in the world support genocide! So how dare you point out the fact that no matter where cameras go, they find tons of Muslims calling for genocide! You should just be quiet about this! You'll shut up if you know what's good for you!
The religion of peace...
Am amazed at the hypocracy of some christians.
YES There are a few ignorants in the muslim world of 1.5 billion who misdirect their anger toward all jews as opposed to zionists.
Just us there are christians who hate jews also...
I think you need to checkout brother Sami's article on anti-semtism in the Bible
KHAYYAM SAID: "YES There are a few ignorants in the muslim world of 1.5 billion who misdirect their anger toward all jews as opposed to zionists. Just us there are christians who hate jews also..."
Well, if there were (a) passages in authoritative Christian teachings calling for violence against Jews, and (b) Christians around the world calling for the destruction of Israel, I might think you have a point. The majority of Christians support the Jews. I love the Jews and would gladly die for them.
As things stand, Muslims are taught to hate Jews, and they're publicly calling for the destruction of Israel.
What I find interesting is that, before you ever posted your comment, I posted a comment saying that Muslims would complain and say, "What about other people . . ." Earlier today, Nabeel did a post pointing out that Muslims typically respond to atrocities committed in their religion with "But what about other people who do wrong?" And here your response is: "But Christians . . ." If this weren't so sickening, I'd find it hilarious.
I am shocked! You know very well that other people in the world support genocide! So how dare you point out the fact that no matter where cameras go, they find tons of Muslims calling for genocide! You should just be quiet about this! You'll shut up if you know what's good for you!
Dear David,
You know that this is not our main problem with the post. Our main problem is that Nabeel makes a post showing immoral Muslims and then utters a sarcastic comment like "Islam is the religion of peace" in order to show that Islam supports this action.
We are pointing out double standards since you wouldn't attribute immorality of Christians to Christianity, but would do so with Islam.
Now if you can offer Quranic and authentic hadith proof that this immorality should be attributed to Islam, then that's a different story. But that is not what you and Nabeel have been doing. What you two are doing is presenting "evidence" that if X group of Muslims do a certain action, then it must be attributed to Islam, which is a fallacious argument. This is what we are pointing out.
You have completely misunderstood our position. We're not saying "Muslims are violent, therefore Islam is violent." You know full well that we would not say that. Rather, you've seen the debates asking "Is Islam a Religion of Peace?" We've all seen mountains of evidence offered that Islam is, at it's core, a violent religion.
You may have chosen to interpret Islam peacefully. Many other Muslims, very justifiably, interpret Islam as a violent religion and defend their violent actions using Muhammad's teachings and life. I would say they're doing a more honest job investigating the life of Muhammad.
So we're not saying "Here are violent Muslims, therefore Islam is a violent religion." Not at all. We're saying "Here are the life and teachings of Muhammad that appear very violent, and lo, many Muslims use his life and teachings to do violent things. This is exactly what we expected."
May God bless you with a deep understanding of His truth,
Thank you for being yet another example of a Muslim who primarily distracts the audience when Muslims commit atrocities (e.g. hate speech) rather than condemning their genocidal inclinations. You just helped me prove my point from earlier today.
May God infuse you deeply with His love,
Nabeel I disagree with you, yes we have seen the Islam peace debates, and the evidences were quite clear that Islam at its core is NOT a violent religion.
>> you wouldn't attribute immorality of Christians to Christianity, but would do so with Islam.
>> Now if you can offer Quranic and authentic hadith proof that this immorality should be attributed to Islam, then that's a different story.
There are two aspects here. One is the ill-treatment/atrocities on minorities, violation of human rights, armed Jihad to attack non-muslims into submission, lack of freedom of speech/religion etc in Islamic societies/countries. That is a problem in itself and needs to be exposed and corrected (even without going into whether Islam really supports it or not). Secondly, there is definitely the issue of strong theological/historical support/basis for these things in Islam from the very beginning and the most respected of Islamic orthodox scholars themselves take positions that often agree. Almost all the Islamic societies/countries have most of these problems and it is almost a consensus. The religious basis needs to be laid bare as well.
In India, there were the social problems like ill-treatment of a section of people called 'dalits' and other practices like forcing widows to die when the husband died (called ‘sati’) etc. They were considered by many as religiously sanctioned practices/traditions. There too, regardless of whether it is truly supported in Hinduism or not, they need to be exposed, challenged. The religious basis of such traditions will be exposed and refuted. Nothing wrong or unusual about this.
I was bery, bery shockhed to see this thingues happening... why aren't muslims piessefull? Aint Islam the "religione of piess"? But then... perhaps this people ain't muslims... they MUST be christians disguised as barbarian muslims... I'll pray for them...
Oh come on Bassan
You are the one who supports the killing of apostates. Am I right or not?
As I have mentioned before, there are millions of Christian ex-Muslims in Muslim countries, these are the people you want butchered.
And then you dare to categorize the muslis on the video as immoral!
If your so-called legitimatizion to kill all these millions of Christian, father, mothers, sons and daughters became a reality would you still stand out as a mora muslim?
I find it funny that moral Muslim can call out for the mass murder of at least 20 million people, then I do not want to meet the immoral muslims.
As things stand, Muslims are taught to hate Jews, and they're publicly calling for the destruction of Israel.
Oh the irony, I'm not taught to hate Jews at all Mr. Wood, your religion on the other hand created the dictionary entry for "Anti-Semitism". In fact one of the only reasons you lot even support Israel is so that "The Messiah" can return and annihilate it along with all other non-Christians.
And by the way I do not believe that all Muslims are violent or share this view.
"They are forcing us to kill their children in order to protect ours"
Keith: “The religion of peace...”
No Keith, the religion of PIECE!
Kayyam, what Sami’s article is saying is total nonsense.
How can Jewish prophets be anti-Semites? How can the Jewish Messiah be an anti-Semite? How can the Jewish apostles of the Jewish Messiah be anti-Semites?
That is like a Muslim calling another Muslim and Islamophobe!
Ibn quoted: "They are forcing us to kill their children in order to protect ours"
And your point with this quote is….
Bassam: “ What you two are doing is presenting "evidence" that if X group of Muslims do a certain action, then it must be attributed to Islam, which is a fallacious argument. This is what we are pointing out.”
Well, you would have a point if 1) we didn’t find it in your Islamic literature and 2) if things such as calling for the destruction of the state of Israel and attacking Jews all over the world weren’t so fast in the worldwide Muslim community. But this is exactly what we see. And until we find Muslims who claim to be moderate and claim that their faith are hijacked by “radicals”, who don’t act “according to Islam”, actively take a stand against those radicals, then we will keep taking actions against Islam. Simply because your not responding to those radicals implies that you agree with their actions. I mean, what is the difference between Muslims attacking the peacefulness of your faith and Christians attacking the peacefulness of your faith?
There is no difference! But somehow you manage to take a stand against Christians, but you refrain from doing just that when it comes to the “radicals”.
Ibn quoted: "They are forcing us to kill their children in order to protect ours"... well? what do you meen whithe this Ibn?
"They are forcing us to kill their children in order to protect ours"
Those are the words of a pro-Israeli- interviewed as he was celebrating the destruction of Gaza with other participants . You can see his additional comments in the link I posted.
Thanks Ibn for you non-answer... once again: what do YOU meen whithe this Ibn?
Ibn: ”"They are forcing us to kill their children in order to protect ours"
Those are the words of a pro-Israeli- interviewed as he was celebrating the destruction of Gaza with other participants . You can see his additional comments in the link I posted.”
Ibn, isn’t he right? Israel has only two options to get Hamas: either Israel bomb the weapon deposits that Hamas is hiding among their own women and children, or they don’t do anything because there are women and children sitting on top of those deposits.
The latter has consequences for Israel’s own children, because to do nothing is to allow Hamas to bomb more Israelis. So Israel chooses to defend their children and bomb those deposits, in spite of there being women and children in the way. Since Hamas obviously doesn’t care about it’s own population, why do they cry when they get killed by Israeli fire?
And those people are NOT celebrating the bombing of the children! That is YOUR wishful thinking. But then again, Muslims will continue to spread lies about Jews in order to get the world to turn against them. That is a well known fact. You should ask yourself this question though: Why is it that, after Israel has notified the Gaza population where they will bomb next, women and children always end up being at that very place at that very time?
Ask yourself that question and the answer will become obvious!
Ibn, maybe you should listen to this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXCzGWWq27o
Nakdimon:You should ask yourself this question though: Why is it that, after Israel has notified the Gaza population where they will bomb next, women and children always end up being at that very place at that very time?
Because Israel blockaded all exits?
Nakdimon:Ibn, isn’t he right?
Yes, but for a different reason. The reason why he actually wants the children killed is the same reason why Pharaoh killed all Hebrew kids and let the women live-so that there isn't a future generation of Palestinians to stand up against Israeli terrorism. Moreover, with less Palestinians occupying Gaza, more room will be available for the construction of Jewish settlements.
This seems in perfect harmony with Numbers 33:55-56
Nakdimon:The latter has consequences for Israel’s own children, because to do nothing is to allow Hamas to bomb more Israelis. So Israel chooses to defend their children and bomb those deposits, in spite of there being women and children in the way.
Simple question. Please answer with either a yes or no. Does the Torah permit the killing of women and children during warfare?
Ibn: Because Israel blockaded all exits?
WHAT? What exit did Israel block? They were coming from one angle. It is your Hamas that didn’t allow people to exit the area, because that was the only way they knew to stop the IDF. They couldn’t come out fighting or protect their deposits in any other way. So they sacrifice their own people in the hope that Israel will not destroy their weapons.
Ibn: Yes, but for a different reason. The reason why he actually wants the children killed is the same reason why Pharaoh killed all Hebrew kids and let the women live-so that there isn't a future generation of Palestinians to stand up against Israeli terrorism. Moreover, with less Palestinians occupying Gaza, more room will be available for the construction of Jewish settlements.
This seems in perfect harmony with Numbers 33:55-56
This is just simply bogus. There are so many wrong parallels, it’s just sad that you even make this argument. That man never even referred to Pharaoh nor did he even say that he wanted to reduce that population. The man wasn’t even a Jew as far as I’m concerned. He said he was there because he witnessed 9/11 and saw the consequences of Islamic terrorism and since he considers Hamas an Islamic terrorist organization, he felt that Israel was doing the right thing to stand up and act against them.
And Israel isn’t interested in Gaza. Israel GAVE Gaza to the Arab Palestinians! But they are smuggling weapons into Gaza and NOT food, which makes one wonder about the motives to dig those tunnels: if there was a shortage of food wouldn’t those tunnels be dug for the purpose of smuggling food? But these are dug primarily for weapons. So Israel felt that Hamas doesn’t need a hug, but a good spanking! Unfortunately, Hamas has no interest in protecting it’s own citizens. It’s only reason for existing is to be a speck in Israel’s eye.
Ibn: Simple question. Please answer with either a yes or no. Does the Torah permit the killing of women and children during warfare?
Well, that depends. God had sanctioned the whipping out of entire populations for the sole purpose that they defiled the Land He had consecrated for himself. He told Israel to do that because if they wouldn’t, then they would be influenced by those people and they would commit the same atrocities that those people committed and they would then suffer the same fate as those people. But notice: Yahweh doesn’t compromise His holiness for NO ONE! Whereas Allah allows others to live among his chosen people as long they pay the Jiziyah. So where Yahweh doesn’t take bribes, with Allah “it’s all about the Benjamins, baby”. Another confirmation that Allah is NOT the Almighty Yahweh.
But all that has nothing to do with the battle in Gaza! You are taking a religious text and apply it to a secular state! Israel has made it very clear that their target is not women and children but the Hamas fools, who claim that they love death more than the Jews love life, but don’t come out fighting. That is like the coward school bully: when afar, he talks tough, but when faced with his enemy, he runs!
Only Hamas goes way beyond the cowardice of the school bully, since it pushes the fragile of society in the line of fire in order to escape it themselves.
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