Sunday, December 21, 2008

Nakdimon Responds to Bassam Zawadi's Response to James White's Response to Bassam Zawadi

Nabeel and I just finished listening to Nakdimon's (hilarious) response to Bassam. The audio is more than an hour long, but well worth listening to.

For James's original video, click here.


Anonymous said...

Matthew comments on Nakdimon's Response to Bassam Zawadi's Response to James White's Response to Bassam Zawadi:
Does it have to be so long?

Bryant said...

Nakdimon this is an excellent response. Especially the parts about the historical issues in the Quran.

What grad schools would be best for studying Islam?

Are there any seminaries that teach about Islam?

anakrinontes_tas_graphas said...

Great video response, Nakdimon.

Nakdimon said...


I thought I'd answer Bassam as thoroughly as I could without going into lengthy exegeses of passages. That would be boring.

Although it's much longer than I wanted it to be, I tried to keep it as short as possible without skipping the major points Bassam was raising.

But glory to Yahweh, the God of Abraham Isaac and Israel, Who gives truth in all areas to His creation.

Unknown said...

My internet connection has been really slow for the past few days because of which I am not able to listen to Nakdimon's audio rebuttal. Could someone please summarize what he said about the Quran?


Anonymous said...

Finally managed to watch the whole thing, very thoroughly done, good work!

El-Cid said...


That was very thorough, and well presented. Did I hear you say this was your first audio response? Very well done. I hope you will be making more audio responses in the future.

Fernando said...

My friend Ibn said...

My internet connection has been really slow for the past few days because of which I am not able to listen to Nakdimon's audio rebuttal. Could someone please summarize what he said about the Quran?

After Christmas time I'm sure it all will be OK withe youre internet speed... it's better to listen yourselfe to Nakdimon's interestings words than to be, perhaps, misled by an incomplete summarie...

May you have a good Christmas, my friende Ibn...

ben malik said...


That was one of the best rebuttals to these Muslims I have ever heard. You are a mighty lion in the hands of the Almighty Yeshua Ha Mashiach, Ha Adonai, Ben Elohim! Baruch Ha Shem!

Sophie said...

I've found Bassam to be one of the more effective Muslim apologists, but it's difficult to understand what his point is here.

If Jesus went to the cross unwillingly, then how does this benefit the Muslim argument? It's also difficult to understand how Bassam could think Jesus was unwilling to die on the cross. Jesus said 'I lay down my life of my own accord', didn't He, in the book of John? Bassam does't seem as if he is disputing the idea that Jesus knew He would be crucified, and clearly Jesus went to Jerusalem where He would be crucified, of His own accord, so how can he think Jesus was unwilling to be crucified? I don't get it.