Friday, December 19, 2008

Let the People Speak!

In March, there will be a New York debate series with Nabeel Qureshi, Sami Zaatari, Abdullah al-Andalusi, Yahya Hayder Seymour, and me. We were trying to come up with some final topics, so Sami and I decided to let the people cast their votes.

What topics would you be most interested in seeing us debate? (If we debate them, we'll post them here, so that everyone can watch.)


Unknown said...

I suggest David debating Sami on Muhammad's prophethood and Nabeel debate him on the divinity of Jesus. It would worthwhile to see how much better you gentlemen perform than last time.

David Wood said...

Aha! So we have a request for an annual rematch to see how we debate given (1) more debate experience, and (2) additional knowledge.

El-Cid said...

I'm assuming there will be three debates? My votes are:

1) Is the death of Jesus by crucifixion a historical reality? [Wood, Seymor]

2) Was Muhammad a true prophet? [???, Zataari]

3) Textual transmission of the Qur'an and New Testament [Qureshi, al-Andalusi]

gsan said...

1) is the quran perfectly preserved?
2) is the bible reliable?

gsan said...

Btw, where are the debates going to take place in NY? I am in NYC and I would love to attend no matter what the topics are.

David Wood said...


Locations will depend on who agrees to host, but they'll all be in the NYC area (i.e. in or around the city).

Joel said...

I'd really like to see a debate centered around the justice of Allah. How can God be merciful and yet at the same time uphold perfect justice and holiness? Christianity has an answer to this problem in Christ, but how does the Muslim solve this seeming conundrum?

Can Allah truly be infinitely just and allow transgression against his law to go unpunished? I think this would be a very useful debate topic, as it gets to the very heart of God's character and the salvation message.


Jay44 said...

Yes, I agree with lammaso, a rematch on the same topics would be interesting. It not only gives you a chance to revise or articulate your arguments more forcefully, it allows you guys to be better prepared for the rebuttals since you know already what the other has said by way of response to them.

Bryant said...

i would love to see a debate on:

1) Is the Trinity or the Hypostatic Union illogical

2) Does the Quran claim the Bible is corrupted.

3) Is Muhammad prophesied in the Bible.

4) Should Christians trust the writings of Paul

ubiquitouserendipity said...

i would like to see a debate on "is the koran a reliable source for Christian doctrine?" mr. david wood vs. yahya hayder seymour. or would that be too far reaching of a topic? maybe to simplify, "which version of Christianity should we believe, the new testament version, or mohammed's version?"

serendipitously yours

Unknown said...

I suggest, "The Prophet like unto Moses:Jesus or Muhammad(saw)?" (Wood vs Brother Yahya)

B said...

"2) Does the Quran claim the Bible is corrupted."

I challenge either David Wood or Dr. James White to take up this topic.

I am willing to debate David Wood on the Satanic Verses.

I still have to confirm whether I will do this in London in April or late May in Connecticut.

Anonymous said...

Is the Qur'an so magical that it has science in it?

I think someone needs to speak arabic to discuss this.

Fernando said...

Thankes professor Wood to allow other people to feell involved in thise things...

My suggestions woulde be:

1) a debate with my friend Sami Zaatari -- tho whom I sende my praiers -- on the accertions that Allah is misericoudious... the Qur'ane says so a lot, but whene reading it we allways find it looks like it is the opposite... misirecordious is inconditional... in the Qur'an that doesn't happen...

2) another debate with Abdullah al-Andalusi (is this same apologist the Doctor Wood debate on the Trinity? I found him very confindent... didn's graspe what the Trinity is, but very confident in is errores...) on if a nowadays muslim should follow the violents rules that are in the Qur'an...

3) a debate with mister Yahya Hayder Seymour... is it worthe? Well... knowing him better and better due to his posts in this blog (and not onlie...) -- bye the way... he's been very silencious... -- and beeing him the concrete impersonation on "taqqiya", I would sugest a debate on can we trust muslim tradition(schoolars that are allways in contradiction one another

I'll be prayien to the sucses of the debates...

Hogan Elijah Hagbard said...

I would like to see some of the modern critical theories utilized upon the Qur'an, and let the Muslim then concede due to their own adherence of critical scholarship that this approach to the Qur'an and its conclusion is reliable.

BlackBaron said...

I think it's been done, but I would like to see 1) "Does the Bible teach the divinity of Jesus?"

2) "Does Muhammad qualify as a prophet according to the Bible?"

3) "The way of salvation in Christianity compared to the way of salvation according to Islam "


Anonymous said...

I would like to see some of the modern critical theories utilized upon the Qur'an, and let the Muslim then concede due to their own adherence of critical scholarship that this approach to the Qur'an and its conclusion is reliable.

Wishful thinking. That will never happen.

Taylor said...

1. Personal Testimony: Why I am not a Muslim.

2. The stories in the Quran: Fiction or Historical?

3. The Textual History of the Quran: What Really Did Uthman Do?

4. Jihad: Does Islam teach Offensive Warfare?

5. The true nature of the Islamic Conquests

6. Women in Islam: Does Islam elevate or suppress women?

7. Which story of revelation is more trustworthy, Paul or Muhammad?

8. Biblical Jesus vs. Quranic Jesus: Will the real Jesus please stand up?

Taylor said...

9. What prophecies or miracles did Muhammad perform?

10. The sinfulness or sinlessness of Muhammad: Did Muhammad sin or was he sinless?

11. The intended suicide of Muhammad after the visitation of Gabriel: Historical or Fiction?

12. Muhammad's Marriage to Zaynab: Revelation by God or human convenience.

Taylor said...

13. Is slavery accepted or prohibited in Islam?

14. Apostasy in Islam: Allowed or Punished.

15. Muhammad's treatment of and commands for Jews. Oppressive or Benign

16. How are Dhimmis to be treated?

17. Is Islam currently at war with the West?

Anonymous said...

- Which hadiths are reliable?

Sunil said...

Did God really gave the Shariah? Are there other options like the secular democracy (which protects the rights of all people, safe guards the freedom of speech/religion for all citizens etc) which are better from the perspective of justice, human rights, freedom etc? Does the Shariah make sense in the light of what Jesus said about kingdom of God, the goal for people of God etc (of course the muslims will say that there is no account of what Jesus proclaimed, but Christians can show the reliability of what can be said historically on what Jesus taught on the subject). If God gave the Shariah (and doctrines of war, mix of religion/politics etc), then, then it should be the best of all available ways in which the nations are governed. Is there any evidence of that?
Muslims living in non-muslim majority nations like US/Europe/India etc who enjoy the freedom/rights and even demand these rights - do they accept these democratic rights and the constitutions? Or do they consider the Shariah which does not permit such rights/freedom as superior/better.

Anonymous said...

Wood Vs Zaatari

Does quran plagerize from forgeries?

Hogan Elijah Hagbard said...

It could be interesting to see a debate comparing the Kingdom of God in the New Testament and the religion of Islam.

Haecceitas said...

(1) Is the Quran the word of God?

(2) Is the Trinity and/or the Incarnation logically and philosophically coherent idea?

(3) Did Jesus rise from the Dead?

Nakdimon said...

HEY. I would like to see the following debates take place:

1) Which view is more glorious to God: The Islamic view of Paradise vs the Christian view of Heaven?

2) Is Muhammad prophesied in the Bible.

3) Does the Quran claim the Bible is corrupted.

4) The treatment of Women in Islam and Christianity.

5) Salvation, through Messiah or through Islam?

These should be interesting.

Btw, I am putting the final touches on my audio rebuttal to Bassam.


Sunil said...

1) Is there anything that can be seen as moral advancement in the teaching of Muhammad over the life/teachings of Jesus (as per NT)?
2) Did Muhammad violate the greatest moral teachings/commandments of Jesus?
3) Given what is said about Ishmael in the Bible (which predates Muhammad), what is the implication to Muhammad who is the (supposed) descendant of Ishmael?
4) What is the significance of Abraham's sacrifice (described as a momentous sacrifice by the Quran)?

Fernando said...

Another smalle suggestion:

is Muhammed trulie, to moderne muslims, the "perfect man"... are his actions normative to modern muslims?

a "yes" for an answere would be spookie...

Sunil said...

Is the right and freedom of speech/religion supported in the teachings of Jesus/Muhammad? If not supported by Muhammad, why do muslims whole-heardely make use of that right where it is given to them? If supported by Muhammad, are not muslims living in free societies and demand such rights, duty bound to agitate for such rights in muslim nations?

Jay44 said...

That's a good one Sunil. That sounds like a good topic for debate.

Sunil said...

1) Should today’s Muslims living in secular democracies emulate Muhammad in seeking/obtaining political power for Muslims by forming private "Muslim armies" in their countries if they are strong enough to do so? Since Shariah is supposed to be from God and hence the best, there will be something in the secular democracy that is wrong/oppressive/unjust etc as per Shariah (hence easy to find a justification of oppression for a war against the state). If the secular state is good enough to not take up the opportunity to wage war to replace with Shariah, it is an admission that secular democracy is equal to or superior to what God Himself has given in the Shariah.

2) Should Muslims living in secular democracies join hands with Muslims world over (ummah) and use armed Jihad or war against the nations (of which they are citizens) and take over to establish Shariah should such a call/opportunity arise? Are they allowed to repudiate/reject the opportunity if the worldwide ummah is strong enough and gives the call? On what grounds can they reject the offer/opportunity? on what grounds can they accept?

Nakdimon said...

David I cant seem to upload my response to Bassam. It's finished. I will try again later.

Anonymous said...

- Why did God send the messiah?
Saviour or useless?

Anonymous said...

ANother good topic would be "The Irony of the Qur’an—Surah 4:157-158"

Fernando said...

Matthew said: ANother good topic would be "The Irony of the Qur’an—Surah 4:157-158" ... yep... looool... it seams like it was Muhammad who criated christianity... I havent laugh sow much in thise blog since the posts of mister Yahya... loool...

george said...

i would suggest debate topic on

1: who is allah?
2:paul and muhamamd
3:who is our model of humanity? muhamamd or jesus?

Sunil said...

Expanding on theme given by Matthew: "Why did God send the messiah"

Is Jesus the Messiah promised to the Jews and the Jewish hope for hundreds of years? If so, for all the centuries of repeatedly reaffirmed prophecies, waiting, God given hope etc to the Jews, did God allow the Messiah to just come and go without a single trace to reliably know anything about the Messiah? And the Messiah came and gone with in fact a false impact (not withstanding the irony that it is supposed to Allah himself who 'made it to look like he was crucified')?
Where as, a supposed Ishmaelite descendent who is not even the theme or a hope anywhere in known Jewish history (on the contrary we only see condemnation/rejection of Ishmael and explicit clarification that Ishmael is not part of the true covenant) is supposed to be the 'last, final and the most important' overriding all the God’s Scriptures, prophets, Messiah, Commandments and against everything that can be known from study of history and against all the moral life/teachings/commandments of Jesus (which even the non-Christians readily accept as of great moral virtue even based on basic common sense)?

Anonymous said...

Not a really compelling response.

Another topic:
- Is Willy Wonka's excellent candy really that excellent? Would God use excellent candy as to show that Wonka is inspired?

Nakdimon said...


Here is my audio rebuttal to Bassam Zawadi.

I couldn't get it on youtube but it worked on Google Video.

I have to warn people that I am not a speaker so it's not as good as I would like it to be, but there is enough substance to the answers to Bassam.

Peacful Muslim said...

Hello Mr. Wood
I suggest a debate on one or more from these topics:
1- Is the Bibles God's Words.
2- Was Muhammad a Terrorist.
3- Is Trinity not Logic? or is the Trinity Logic?.
4- The Prophet Hood Of Muhammad.
And Finally I wish that such debates lead to the truth way.
Peace Be Upon You All.

Anonymous said...

Nadikmon- I visited and your blog and I thought it was impressive. I tried to contact you via email. Could you please Email me
Chris Haynes

Dk said...

Sam Shamoun must be added as a debater in this debate series, as he is the best apologist on Islam and we all know it, no Muslim can tango with Shamoun (they only think they can).

Classic cases in point: Shabir vs Shamoun, also when Shamoun rang up Zawadi on Iron Sharpens Iron, that was truely laughable, Zawadi was completely unable to deal with Sam.

Thus a debate with Shamoun and Zawadi on "What did the earliest Muslims and their religious scripture the Quran believe about the Biblical Text?" is very worthy while.

Muslim by Choice said...

My votes are:

1)The Case for Islam vs. The Case for Christianity: Why We Chose to Leave and Believe? ( Yahya Hayder vs Nabeel Qureshi)

2)Jesus: Prophet or God ( Abdullah Al Andalusi vs David Wood )

3) What make sense, Christianity or Islam ( Sami Zaatari vs David Wood )

Muslim by Choice said...

Joel wrote

" I'd really like to see a debate centered around the justice of Allah. How can God be merciful and yet at the same time uphold perfect justice and holiness? Christianity has an answer to this problem in Christ,"

MBC: There is no justice in Christianity why would God punish an innocent man for the sins of the world, if the Christian God is just he would let his son live ..and forgives sins..

Jay44 said...

Dk wrote:

"also when Shamoun rang up Zawadi on Iron Sharpens Iron, that was truely laughable, Zawadi was completely unable to deal with Sam."

Does anyone know where I can listen to that? I want to hear that badly.

Anonymous said...


Just because you are ignorant of the attonement doesn't mean it doesn't make sense.

Instead of repeating shabir ally and not doing real research; you might want to do some meaningful study on the attonement proccess.

Nakdimon said...

MBC: There is no justice in Christianity why would God punish an innocent man for the sins of the world, if the Christian God is just he would let his son live ..and forgives sins..

MBC, forgives sins based on what? On with which foot he stepped out of his bed? On how many prayers you missed? What is the measuring rod?

Fernando said...

KeithTruth said to MBC:

Just because you are ignorant of the attonement doesn't mean it doesn't make sense

That's ane absoluttelie true...

Abdul Aziz Rahmi said...

some topics:

1) Is Paul a true prophet?

2) Is the Holy Spirit God?

3) Is the trinity a Biblical teaching?

4) Was Jesus Christ God or Prophet?

5) Trinity vs. Tawheed(monotheism).

Fernando said...

Abdul Aziz Rahmi said (with some quike answers...)

some topics:

1) Is Paul a true prophet?
he never claimed to be...

2) Is the Holy Spirit God? yep... not a God, different from the Father or the Son, but one of the three personal ways the one an only God has to consciously operatue is own nature...

3) Is the trinity a Biblical teaching? yep... eben if the worde "trinity" isn't in it... something like asking if "sharia" is a quranic doctrine...

4) Was Jesus Christ God or Prophet? No other prophet ever made claims like his ones... claims that can only be the consequence of being him really God

5) Trinity vs. Tawheed(monotheism). Why "vs"? The Trinity, according to the main orthodox chrsitian doctrine, is clearly Monotheistic...

Fernando said...

Just a clarification... Is Paul a true prophet? he never claimed to be...... a profet... I meant...

according to christian teachings the last true profet, and God, was Jesus Christ...

El-Cid said...


"..why would God punish an innocent man for the sins of the world.."

It's soaked in irony that you are so unable to see past your own beliefs, that you fail to notice the Christian position is not that God killed "an innocent man", rather it is that God Himself entered His own creation and led a sinless life with the PURPOSE of an atoning death. Big difference.

And as was mentioned above, just because you don't understand it, or like it, or it contradicts Islam....does not by defacto make it "illogical".

El-Cid said...

"5) Trinity vs. Tawheed(monotheism)."

:-) :-) :-)

Sorry, but I had a good little laugh over that topic (essentially framed as Trinity vs. Monotheism-we-will-assume-without-question-or-proof-Tawheed-is-the-only-monotheism) :-P

Sometimes I feel like Christian apologists must be whispering in room full of chainsaws.

El-Cid said...

How about:

Is Allah the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob?

The Injeel: Missing without a trace, or in the New Testament?

Islamic doctrine of Biblical corruption: Where does it come from?

Muslim by Choice said...

Fernando wrote:

" Just a clarification... Is Paul a true prophet? he never claimed to be...... a profet... I meant.. "

I think bro Abdul Aziz wanted to say Was Paul a TRUE APOSTLE? that would be a good topic .. :)

Muslim by Choice said...

El Cid wrote

" Sorry, but I had a good little laugh over that topic (essentially framed as Trinity vs. Monotheism-we-will-assume-without-question-or-proof-Tawheed-is-the-only-monotheism) :-P"

MBC: if thats the case then why dont we accept the Hindu Trinity to be monotheism too .. plz Trinity contradicts Monotheism Jews and Muslims agree on that ..

Bryant said...


The concept of Trinity in Hinduism is nothing in comparison to the Concept of the Eternal Godhead in the Bible.

You say that Jews and Muslims agree that this a contradiction in Monotheism? Well, Christians and Jews believe that Muhammed is a false prophet. Are you gonna leave Islam?

El-Cid said...


"if thats the case then why dont we accept the Hindu Trinity to be monotheism too .. plz Trinity contradicts Monotheism Jews and Muslims agree on that .."

Exactly as I already said. You are just begging the question. Assuming Tawheed is the only form of correct monotheism from the start is not a convincing argument.

Furthermore, the whole "the Jews agree with x, y and z" argument is absurd. Why don't you try reading the Zohar or the literature of Jewish Kabbalah and see how well THAT fits into Tawheed? Also, try talking to some Messianic Jews (perhaps you should ask Nakdimon about Tawheed). Or better yet, ask ANY Orthodox Rabbi if Allah is the deity he worships. I doubt you will be pleased with the answer.

Muslim by Choice said...

Bryant wrote:

" The concept of Trinity in Hinduism is nothing in comparison to the Concept of the Eternal Godhead in the Bible. "

Really!! lets see the hindu trinity consist of God the father, Rama, God the son Krishna, and Shiva

the Christian trinity consist of God the father, God the son (Jesus) and the holy spirit,

Do you see any differences, nope both are man made concepts, have pagan roots and not from God

Bryant wrote:

" You say that Jews and Muslims agree that this a contradiction in Monotheism? Well, Christians and Jews believe that Muhammed is a false prophet. Are you gonna leave Islam? "

No because they also believe Jesus was not God, my point was that Trinity is not mentioned in the Old Testament, therefore Christians have no right to invent things and then attribute them to God ..

El-Cid said...


You have revealed that you are either woefully ignorant of the Hindu sacred writings, or you are purposely misrepresenting them for convenience.

"my point was that Trinity is not mentioned in the Old Testament, therefore Christians have no right to invent things and then attribute them to God"

Well, once again you are begging the question, and just arguing in a circle. Christians don't have a right to "invent things" but GOD has a right to continue His revelation in the New Testament. Furthermore, since you framed the discussion as "Trinity vs. Tawheed" you have to go beyond demonstrating Trinity is false, you also have to PROVE Tawheed to be true. It is very weak to think you can validate Islam SOLELY by a negation of Christianity.

Also, shall we start a list of all the things that ARE mentioned in the Old Testament that refute Islam? I don't think you want to go down that road. It would be an epic list. You don't get to just take what you think agrees with Islam and cling to it, while at the same IGNORING what contradicts Islam, and simultaneously setting the Old Testament against the New Testament whenever it serves your purpose.

The oddest thing is that you are apealing to the Old Testament, while at the same time you DO NOT ACCEPT IT as the inspired word of God.

So once again, your appeals to Jewish theology to validate Islamic theology are a laughable vapid line of argumentation. It seems clear that you have no interest in commenting on my statement regarding all Jewish writings and theological positions that contradict Tawheed (i.e. Zohar/Kabbalah literature, Messianic Jews, and even Orthodox Jews).

Dk said...

"MBC: if thats the case then why dont we accept the Hindu Trinity to be monotheism too .. plz Trinity contradicts Monotheism Jews and Muslims agree on that .."

MBC you cannot assume your conclussion in the DEBATE title itself:

Trinity vs Tawheed (monotheism)

TAKE OUT the monotheism in brackets, and then argue for your position in the debate.

Bias Muslim debate titles are a no no.

Nora said...

I would absolutely LOVE to see a debate on justification/atonement/how man is righted with a just God. I had a BIG discussion on this w/ a Muslim co-worker of mine, and I was completely confused as to the Islam's position on this.

Mr.G said...

I would like to see a dabate on the Topkapi manuscripts...

Sunil said...

>> nope both are man made concepts, have pagan roots and not from God

If a false religion like Islam can have some concepts right (like the existence of God, revelation, prophets etc), why assume that other religions have everything wrong? Hinduism is a philosophically sophisticated religion and like almost all other religions, it has the concept of incarnation. They have come with the concept out of sheer philosophical thought/intuition/reasoning. Just as Islam is right in a few concepts, other religions too have got somethings right (like incarnation, need for sacrifices etc).