This film is pretty intense. While watching it, keep in mind that many Muslims are not like the ones in the film. Muhammad's message was very inconsistent, which allows modern Muslims to "pick and choose" which verses to follow. Some will follow Muhammad's more peaceful, earlier revelations, from the time when he was a persecuted prophet in Mecca. But his later revelations are still a part of Islam, as this frightening video demonstrates.
"Muhammad's message was very inconsistent"
And such statements show that you either failed to understand Qur'an or you are just following the opinion of others who themselves could not understand it.
There is little to understand about the Koran. It is a death sentence proclaimed against the infidels. How you feel reading a book where you are targeted by over half of it? A little worried when you see them slamming planes into buildings and then shouting "Allahu akbar". Get real, pal. Islam encourages violence. The goal is to militarily subdue the earth to the caliph, an Hitler-like figure who will liquidate all who resist his despotism. The last caliph used his power to murder 3 million Armenian, Syriac and Greek Christians in the Turkish Empire. Wake up and smell the stench.
I hope all Muslims will see "Fitna" and feel ashamed. Most of the words in the film came straight out of the Koran. The vicious deeds in the film were inspired by those verses. Have you no shame?
"It is a death sentence proclaimed against the infidels."
"Most of the words in the film came straight out of the Koran. The vicious deeds in the film were inspired by those verses."
I can assure you that no Koranic verse gives a license to kill infidels. These 'Islamists' committing such abhorrent crimes are misinterpreting the Koranic verses, you have referred to, by taking them out of context; disregarding the background in which they were revealed.
These verses refer to a Divine Law specific to the times when a Messenger is sent to a nation. They CANNOT be generalized.
According to this law, a nation in deed, is punished when it refuses to submit to God after Truth has been made clear to them by the Messenger but NOW there is NO way that a Muslim can kill another person just because he is a non-Muslim.
>> I can assure you that no Koranic verse gives a license to kill infidels
How about going on wars on the nations to establish religion based rule? (that too, the rule of a religion which violates and goes against the God, Scriptures, all the prophets etc and on the top of it, does not even allow freedom of conscience to turn to True God of OT/NT/Jesus)
I stand by what I said. I think you should separate two things: what Islam teaches and what Muslims do.
I hope you would agree that the fact that most Jews don't follow law of kosher meat should not be a hurdle in understanding what kosher itself it.
The wars waged by the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his companions are the Divine punishment on the rejecters, which is only in effect when Itmam-al-hujjah* has been done on the direct addressees of a messenger. After that no one can claim the Divine authority to wage wars based on religion. He may have any other political interests (just likes all other wars) but that. In Islam, the only war allowed now is the war against persecution.
>> does not even allow freedom of conscience to turn to True God of OT/NT/Jesus
If you are referring to the issue of apostasy, let me assure you that this again is specific to the era of the Prophet according to the same Divine law.
By way I liked ( >> ) way of quoting others :P
>> you should separate two things: what Islam teaches and what Muslims do.
I certainly make that distinction - just as I make the distinction between the teachings of Jesus and what some people who claim to be Christians do.
>> The wars waged by the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his companions are the Divine punishment on the rejecters, which is only in effect when Itmam-al-hujjah* has been done on the direct addressees of a messenger.
>> If you are referring to the issue of apostasy, let me assure you that this again is specific to the era of the Prophet according to the same Divine law.
So the Muhammad's companions and the rightly guided Caliphs have not understood the message of Muhammad? The Sharia law and apostasy law was applicable only when Muhammad was alive and not afterwards? So Sharia should be abandoned everywhere? From where do you get your islamic teaching? How do you make the distinction of which of Muhammads actions/teachings are applicable now? The OT for example was dealing with a specific group of people (ancient Israel) with a covenant with God. God's dealing outside of this (like Niniveh) was different. There was no attempt to impose theocracy outside of the covenant people. There were also instances where God said that He will execute judgement on some groups and executed the judgement. But we know the scope/applicability of these, based on complete reading and teachings of the prophets of OT/NT/Jesus. What basis do you have about the scope/applicability of life/actions/teachings of Muhammad/Caliphs in todays world?
>> In Islam, the only war allowed now is the war against persecution.
All terrorist groups (islamic or non-islamic) think that they are fighting persecution/oppresion. What did Jesus teach about religious persuction that the followers of Jesus will face? There is no correlation between the God of OT/NT/Jesus and what the religion of Muhammad preached. If you are looking for the One True God, look at the True God proclaimed in OT/NT/Jesus and the authentic prophetic tradition in the history of God's revelation. The one who opposes it cannot be of God.
Matt 10:16 “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves. But beware of men, for they will hand you over to the courts and scourge you in their synagogues; and you will even be brought before governors and kings for My sake, as a testimony to them and to the Gentiles. But when they hand you over, do not worry about how or what you are to say; for it will be given you in that hour what you are to say. For it is not you who speak, but it is the Spirit of your Father who speaks in you ... You will be hated by all because of My name, but it is the one who has endured to the end who will be saved."
Matt 5:44 “love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? If you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect."
What a load of nonsense, i can't believe what I am reading, this Dutch MP is playing his own agenda, he doesn't like one religion as he knows he cannot break it or manipulate it, he in steads tries to deface it...and Mr Billy ar_razi
Learn your history of the Ottoman empire, read about the story of British Spy Humphrey s whom poisoned the minds of the Saudi's to split from the Ottoman empire they were promised all, to NO avail, they turned onto the Ottoman empire who protected the whole nation from CHRISTIAN UNPROVOKED Attacks and lootings from day one of the Empire, how dare you say anything against go away and read, this goes for all of you, blindly following a person whom YOU ALL haven't yet to discover his REAL agenda!!!
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